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Governing Body

Key Doucments & Minutes

This page contains the key documents that regulate the University. This also includes the terms of reference governing the Board of Governors’ Committees and their annual reports, as well as minutes of the Board of Governors’ meetings.

Scheme of Delegation

The Scheme of Delegation records where authority rests within Cardiff Metropolitan University for decisions made in the name of, or on behalf of, the University. It forms part of the governance documentation that explains how the University operates and the powers of its various decision-making groups.

Board of Governors

Governing Documents

The Articles of Government  and the Instrument of Government are the legal documents which govern the way Cardiff Met must conduct itself and carry out its operation. These documents set out key responsibilities of the Board of Governors, Vice-Chancellor, and Academic Board, and the basis of which these responsibilities can be delegated, as well as procedural rules.

The Statement of Primary Responsibilities sets out the primary responsibilities of the Board of Governors at Cardiff Met.

The Standing Orders relate to how business is conducted by the Board of Governors and its Committees, such as election and appointment processes, how meetings are conducted, and how emergency matters take place.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is a guide for members of the Board of Governors and its Committees. The Code indicates the standard of conduct expected of them and is to enable Governors to understand and carry out their legal duties.

Statement of Relationship

The Board of Governors and the Executive worked together to develop the Statement of Relationship to clarify the roles of each body, as well as setting out expectations. This Statement will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure effective working relationships and understanding between the key leaders and decision-makers at the University.

Governance Effectiveness Review

In 2020/2021 the Board of Governors commissioned the Halpin Partnership to carry out a governance effectiveness review, as recommended in the Committee of University Chairs Higher Education Code of Governance. Reviewing Board effectiveness on a regular basis is a standard of good practice in governance. The report was approved by the Board of Governors in February 2021. Implementation of the recommendations has been overseen by the Governance and Nominations Committee throughout 2021/22.

Minutes of the Board of Governors


Terms of Reference set out the Committee's purpose and the limit of its authority in line with the University's Scheme of Delegation.

The Annual Reports of the Committees provide information on the business and decisions made of these Committees during the previous academic year.

Audit Committee

Governance & Nominations Committee

Remuneration Committee

Resources Committee

Strategic Planning & Performance Committee