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Policy Hub

Welcome to the Cardiff Metropolitan Policy Hub where you will find all University policy documents sorted by theme:

Policies provide a statement of principles which indicate how the University will act in a particular area of its operation. They provide direction and guidance, establish key principles and responsibilities, and set out fundamental requirements.

More detailed procedures and guidance which define how a policy is implemented in practice are generally available by contacting the relevant department.


Governance and Legal

Health, Safety and Estates

Human Resources

Information Technology


Teaching, Learning and Students

Academic regulations and associated policies and procedures are available as part of the Academic Handbook. The Handbook includes some of the following important policy documents:


This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 as detailed in the University Website Accessibility Statement.

Some of the policy documents available on this site may not meet accessibility standards. As we review and update these documents, they will meet accessibility standards.

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