Study>New Students>Student Services

Student Services

Throughout your time at Cardiff Met, Student Services are here for you

We offer a range of high quality and specialist support, available on campus and online through appointments, workshops, drop-ins, webinars, and online resources. Our aim is to help you overcome any barriers you may face while studying with us and help you to achieve your full potential.

You can access support from:

  • The Careers Service
  • Widening Success
  • Placements
  • Disability, Mental Health and Dyslexia
  • Learning Support
  • Money Advice
  • i-zone
  • Chaplaincy

If you have a query, or want to find out more about Student Services and access non-academic support, your first port of call should be the i-zone. You can find the i-zone next to main reception on Llandaff Campus and next to the Library on Cyncoed Campus.

Email the i-zone team

Along with our three multi faith prayer rooms available across our campuses, the Chaplaincy team can provide you with advice and support on faith-related issues.

The Chaplaincy provides a number of services including:

  • Bereavement Support
  • Prayer Spaces
  • Faith on Campus
  • Hate Crime Victim Support
  • Asylum Seekers and Refugees
  • Pastoral Care

Email the Chaplaincy Service

Visit our Student Advice and Support MetHub site to:

  • Request support from our Money Advice team
  • Request support for any disability, mental health or dyslexia issues
  • Apply for emergency financial support
  • Sign up for wellbeing, study skills and money advice workshops and webinars
  • Access our mental health, learning support and money advice resources

Your Career Plans Questionnaire

We want to understand how to help you work towards your career goals while you study with us. The Your Career Plans questionnaire will help us do that, and you will receive some tips for getting started based on your answers.

Complete the Your Career Plans questionnaire