Before you apply
Your decision to go to university isn't just a question of choosing the right course; it's about finding a location where you can see yourself living, studying and socialising for the next few years of your life! Make sure you get lots of advice from parents, teachers and friends but keep in mind what interests you and what your goals are.
Below are a few ideas to get you started, and what to expect if you make an application to Cardiff Met:
We highly recommend that you research your course choice well before applying, because if you’re on the right course, you’ll love student life. Whether you want a single or joint honours degree, or a course that offers you the opportunity to undertake a work placement, make sure you visit university websites, request prospectuses and visit to search the range of courses that are available to you.
You can choose from a wide range of career-orientated pathways at Cardiff Met, preparing you for a first class career after graduation. Many of our courses are fully accredited by industry bodies and offer year long work placements which can give you the edge when it comes to starting your chosen career.
Visit to find out more about the range of career focused courses we offer.
Open Days provide the perfect opportunity to experience first hand the location, teaching environment and typical content of your course; can help you to get a feel for a new place and help you decide whether or not you can see yourself living and studying there for the duration of your studies.
Cardiff Met hosts a full programme of unique and exciting Open Days throughout the year.
As we've mentioned before, university is about living too, which is why it's worth knowing that our campuses are set in the heart of Cardiff - a young, historic yet vibrant city full of style and character, with a range of world class sporting, shopping and nightlife facilities.
Every year, UCAS organises a range of Higher Education Conventions around the UK. Almost all UK universities will attend these conventions so it's an ideal opportunity for you to discover a range of courses that are available around the UK.
As well as finding out more about the study options available, the conventions are an ideal opportunity to participate in talks and presentations about topics such as your personal statement, student life, tuition fees and financing your way through university.
Your school or college may already be organising a trip to one of these conventions, however you can also attend them with friends or family.
To find out more visit the UCAS website at
Click here for more information about what happens next.
If you wish to apply for a full time undergraduate course please do so via UCAS at You can apply for most of our courses through UCAS right through to the end of June. Please make sure you contact Admissions to check if there is a specific deadline for your chosen course. If you have applied elsewhere and change your mind, or didn't receive the offers you wanted, Cardiff Met also accepts applications through UCAS Extra.
The Institution code for Cardiff Metropolitan University is: C20 (CMET)
UCAS Customer Services - 0371 468 0 468
Take some time over the personal statement section of your UCAS application. You will want to make a few drafts and also ask other people to read it for you for their opinion. This statement is very important as it forms a big part of the assessment of your application. Tips and tools for completing the personal statement are also available on
The Complete University Guide also offer great tips on applying and the deadlines that may apply to you.
Entry requirements for courses are published on the Cardiff Metropolitan University website as well as UCAS and the University’s prospectus.
Cardiff Met accepts a broad range of qualifications as we recognise that applicants have a wealth of different experiences and may have followed different educational routes. Applications are considered on an individual basis and when making offers we consider a range of factors in addition to, or in some cases instead of, formal examination results.
For undergraduate applicants the University understands that predicted grades are an estimate. We will consider applicants with predicted grades that fall below the published entry criteria taking all the information on the application into consideration.
Previous study, work experience and training can also count as credit towards your programme of study, this is known as Recognising Prior Learning (RPL) and please refer to the section on Prior Learning. We encourage students of all ages and from all backgrounds to study with us and know that significant achievement can be obtained through work or private study.
Cardiff Met is committed to ensuring that everyone who has the determination, skills, and desire to access Higher Education should be able to do so. We use information provided on your application and additional data collected as part of the admissions process. This allows us to recognise an applicant’s achievement and potential to succeed in the context of background and experience. Information is considered as part of the decision-making process, or as part of the confirmation process when qualifications are achieved.
Offers made are based on the UCAS tariff for the majority of courses and entry requirements can contain a range of offers to accommodate both contextualised admissions and differences in achievement, experiences and skills achieved. Motivation and potential is also considered for some courses through interview or assessment of a portfolio or written materials.
Differences can occur between entry qualifications, qualifications advertised for entry and what is accepted for entry to Cardiff Met. This is due to a number of factors including contextualised indicators, overall national standard of achievement within qualifications and relevance to course, target numbers for courses and demand, extenuating circumstances, employment undertaken as well as work experience and volunteer work, professional (industry related) qualifications achieved, sporting achievements, demonstration of skills/achievements, e.g., portfolio and accreditation of prior learning.
Further information on entry requirements is within Cardiff Met’s Admissions Policy and contextualised information can be obtained from Cardiff Met’s Contextualised Admissions Policy.
The UCAS Historical Entry Grades tool is unable to differentiate between applicants accepted onto year 0 of a four bachelor degree and those accepted onto year 1 of a three-year bachelor degree where historically there had been a shared UCAS course code. Cardiff Met programmes have therefore been excluded from the UCAS Historical Entry Grades tool for this academic cycle and now with separate UCAS course codes for our three-year and four-year degree programmes, we are committed to making improvements for future application cycles.
Once your application form has been received at UCAS it will be sent to Cardiff Metropolitan University for consideration.
Your application will be considered by either admissions staff or programme tutors dependant on the programme that you have applied for and we will endeavour to process your application as soon as possible after receipt.
Decisions are based on set criteria and all information provided on the application is considered when deciding to offer a place. Certain programmes require an interview before an offer of a place can be given and applicants are informed of the details of this beforehand.
For full details of our Admissions Policy please click here.
Candidates who do not possess normal minimum entry qualifications may be interviewed and considered individually by members of the course team on the basis of their prior learning or working background. For applicants who are only undertaking 2 A levels or equivalent, this will be considered along with the rest of the academic profile and we may issue a graded offer in lieu of an offer using the UCAS Tariff. For further information on the University's RPL procedures and whether this may be applicable, please click here.
The interview is used to discover whether you are suited to the course and also whether the course is suited to you. If you prepare yourself well beforehand you should have nothing to worry about. The following points may help you.
- Read through the information on our website, prospectus and/or course leaflet to make sure you are familiar with the details of the course you want to follow, you may be asked why the course appeals to you.
- Interviews for Art and Design courses will require students to show examples of their work. Prepare this work in advance to make sure you have an impressive range of material to show the interviewer. This work should be put together over a reasonable period, say eighteen months.
- The end of the interview is your chance to demonstrate your interest in the course by asking questions. Try to prepare these in advance - you could ask for more information about the course itself, for example, the teaching methods used; the accommodation available or employment potential.
If you are offered a place, the following decisions may apply:
Conditional Offer: where you have been accepted on condition that you obtain certain grades or points in examinations.
Unconditional Offer: where you have already satisfied the entry requirements for the course.
Change of Course Offer where we cannot offer you a place on your initial choice but have offered you a place on a course that we think will be more suitable.
You will also be told in an email from UCAS how to accept or decline the offer before your deadline.
The University operates a contextualised offer scheme considering a number of contextual indicators and will make a reduced offer when applicants meet these indicators.
There is no need to apply for a contextualised offer as information provided as part of your UCAS application will be considered, but it is important that this is completed fully.
Examples of contextualised offers are detailed on course pages on Cardiff Met’s website and please refer to the Contextualised Admissions Policy on the website.
Extenuating circumstances is a term used by the University to describe a medical or personal nature significantly affecting an applicant during a relevant period of time and or during an assessment/examination period. Cardiff Met considers extenuating and personal circumstances as part of its Contextualised Admissions policy and applicants can send information to
Applicants should include: information and evidence of the nature of the extenuating circumstances; specify which elements of study were impacted; and reasons why it was not possible to report these to the relevant examination board.
Applicants can also use their personal statement to make the University aware of extenuating circumstances. Applicants references can also detail information that is deemed appropriate for consideration. Any supplementary documents should be submitted to Admissions including the applicant’s full name and UCAS or Student number.
Information will be considered as part of either the decision making or confirmation process and the University reserves the right to request further information if felt necessary. If deemed necessary and with the applicants permission relevant third parties will be contacted such as the academic intuition, examination body and doctor.
Offers of a place will be made on the basis of academic merit and potential and while circumstances will be considered as part of a holistic assessment they will not necessarily lead to an offer of a place or interview.
It is expected that circumstances affecting assessment/examinations would have been considered with the relevant examination board before results are awarded and we are unable to take account of extenuating circumstances where these have already been reported.
Debtors to the University who make a new application will be considered and providing requirements for entry are met, will be offered a place. However, this offer will be dependant on either the debt being cleared before the start of the programme, or an agreement established with Finance concerning payment.
Applicants can contact Finance concerning outstanding debt by either:
Email:; or
Tel: 029 2041 6083
Further information on the University's Debtor Policy and Procedure, click here.
Bad Academic Standing
Applicants who have left the University in bad academic standing i.e. without successfully completing the year of study upon which they were last enrolled, are expected to inform the Admissions Unit when considering reapplying, before an application is submitted. Applicants will be considered once the information on the bad academic standing has been received and verified. The final decision on acceptance will be made by the two Programme Directors concerned with your past and proposed study.
The University does not discriminate on the basis of age and admits a small number of students annually who are aged under 18 at the commencement of their programme of study. The University is, however, an adult environment and treats all its students as mature and independent individuals, and students aged under 18 are treated in the same way.
The full arrangements for under 18s are outlined in the Admission of Students Aged Under 18 Policy. This document aims to be explicit about the respective individual responsibilities of the University, the student, and parents/guardians. All students aged under 18 are required to have a named guardian within the UK and parents are required to formally sign a Consent Form before an unconditional offer is made. This form will be sent directly during the admissions process.
The information provided on your application is normally sufficient to determine your fee status, i.e. whether you will pay home or overseas fees as a student at Cardiff Met. If your fee status is unclear you will be sent a Fee Status Assessment Form which will need to be completed and returned to the address indicated on the form as soon as possible. If the form is not returned, you will be defaulted to overseas status for tuition fee purposes and charged the higher rate of fees. For further information on this process please click here.
It is Cardiff Metropolitan University’s policy to check all qualifications prior to enrolment. Please click here to view our policy on verification of qualifications and matriculation.