Professor John R Littlewood | Cardiff Metropolitan University Skip to content
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Professor John R Littlewood

Professor of Sustainable and Resilient Buildings
Cardiff School of Art & Design - BSc (Hons) PhD, FHEA, C Build E, FCABE, FRSA, MIET, Affiliate CIAT & Affiliate IFE.


I am Professor of Sustainable and Resilient Buildings, the Lead for CSAD's Sustainable and Resilient Bult Environment research group, part of the University's Human Centred Design Global Academy. I am CSAD's Professional Doctorate Coordinator for the Art & Design Practice, DEng and DSBE pathways. I am acting Deputy Chair for CSAD's Research Degree Committee, and a member of CSAD's Research Ethics Committee, and Research and Innovation Committee. Plus, I am a member of the university's Research Degree Group (RDG) and the RDG Assessment and Unfair Practice Review Committee.

I am a multi-disciplinary Engineering practioner undertaking change management, research, and innovation projects in Architecture, the Built Environment and Engineering. I am a Chartered Building Engineer and I hold a Ph.D. in Building Performance Assessment of Nearly-Zero Operational Energy Dwellings, undertaken in collaboration with Gwalia Housing Association (Pobl) and co-funded by the Ecology Building Society. Indeed, I strove to work with industry, stakeholders, and society as soon I commenced my PhD, to solve technical problems (often before industry and partners are aware of them) and as such have been in-part funded by industry/government agencies since 1997.

I foundered and I have led the first research group dedicated to Architecture, the Built Environment and Engineering at Cardiff Met since 2009, named the Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment Research group, with membership from four of the five schools.

My change management, innovation, and research expertise has been externally focused since the mid 1990's, leading 50 external successful grant applications, to deliver impact for a range of government agencies, housing organisations, consultants, building contractors and material manufacturers in north America, the middle east, and the UK. In particular I have developed multiple interventions to assess qualitatively and quantitively and to optimise the performance of new or existing dwellings during design, manufacture, adaptation and retrofit, construction, commissioning and also operation to maximise user comfort, indoor air quality and quality of life and reduce embodied and operational carbon emissions.

I have advised organisations in the design, testing, manufacture and installation of innovative and natural materials to deliver sustainable and resilient buildings.

For CSAD, I lead on three Professional Doctorate pathways in Art & Design Practice: Research CSAD DProf (, Engineering: Research CSAD DEng (, and Sustainable Built Environment: Research CSAD DSBE (

Since 2010 I have undertaken numerous roles for KES International, including for the Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB) International conference, founding the G01 General Track in Sustainable and Resilient Buildings. I have been the SEB General Chair in 2014, and from 2017 to date. In 2020 I was awarded the Outstanding Contribution to KES Award for “acting as KES Champion for Sustainable Building, providing support for Sustainability in Energy and Buildings Conference Series for a decade including chairing the conference several times, giving a keynote talk, chairing Tracks and Invited Sessions. Plus, acting Co-Editor of the KES Springer Book Series on, and one of the founding co-editors of the Springer book series 'Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology'".

I am happy and keen to collaborate locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally and across cultures.

I am Professor of Sustainable and Resilient Buildings, the Lead for CSAD's Sustainable and Resilient Bult Environment research group, part of the University's Human Centred Design Global Academy. I am CSAD's Professional Doctorate Coordinator for the Art & Design Practice, DEng and DSBE pathways. I am acting Deputy Chair for CSAD's Research Degree Committee, and a member of CSAD's Research Ethics Committee, and Research and Innovation Committee. Plus, I am a member of the university's Research Degree Group (RDG) and the RDG Assessment and Unfair Practice Review Committee.

I am a multi-disciplinary Engineering practioner undertaking change management, research, and innovation projects in Architecture, the Built Environment and Engineering. I am a Chartered Building Engineer and I hold a Ph.D. in Building Performance Assessment of Nearly-Zero Operational Energy Dwellings, undertaken in collaboration with Gwalia Housing Association (Pobl) and co-funded by the Ecology Building Society. Indeed, I strove to work with industry, stakeholders, and society as soon I commenced my PhD, to solve technical problems (often before industry and partners are aware of them) and as such have been in-part funded by industry/government agencies since 1997.

I foundered and I have led the first research group dedicated to Architecture, the Built Environment and Engineering at Cardiff Met since 2009, named the Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment Research group, with membership from four of the five schools.

My change management, innovation, and research expertise has been externally focused since the mid 1990's, leading 50 external successful grant applications, to deliver impact for a range of government agencies, housing organisations, consultants, building contractors and material manufacturers in north America, the middle east, and the UK. In particular I have developed multiple interventions to assess qualitatively and quantitively and to optimise the performance of new or existing dwellings during design, manufacture, adaptation and retrofit, construction, commissioning and also operation to maximise user comfort, indoor air quality and quality of life and reduce embodied and operational carbon emissions.

I have advised organisations in the design, testing, manufacture and installation of innovative and natural materials to deliver sustainable and resilient buildings.

For CSAD, I lead on three Professional Doctorate pathways in Art & Design Practice: Research CSAD DProf (, Engineering: Research CSAD DEng (, and Sustainable Built Environment: Research CSAD DSBE (

Since 2010 I have undertaken numerous roles for KES International, including for the Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB) International conference, founding the G01 General Track in Sustainable and Resilient Buildings. I have been the SEB General Chair in 2014, and from 2017 to date. In 2020 I was awarded the Outstanding Contribution to KES Award for “acting as KES Champion for Sustainable Building, providing support for Sustainability in Energy and Buildings Conference Series for a decade including chairing the conference several times, giving a keynote talk, chairing Tracks and Invited Sessions. Plus, acting Co-Editor of the KES Springer Book Series on, and one of the founding co-editors of the Springer book series 'Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology'".

I am happy and keen to collaborate locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally and across cultures.

Research Publications

Indoor Air Quality in Naturally Ventilated Primary Schools: A Systematic Review of the Assessment & Impacts of CO2 Levels

Honan, D., Gallagher, J., Garvey, J. & Littlewood, J., 17 Dec 2024, In: Buildings. 14, 12, 4003.

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

Exploring the ‘learner journey’ of students undertaking a professional doctorate in Wales

Hodgkin, K., Davis, S., McInch, A. & Littlewood, J., 20 Aug 2024, In: Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 29, 3, p. 408-427 20 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

A Novel Case Study Methodology for Affordable Housing In-Depth Post-occupancy Evaluation in Wales, UK

Duncan, T., Hayles, C. & Littlewood, J., 7 Mar 2024, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023. Littlewood, J. R., Jain, L. & Howlett, R. J. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 745-757 13 p. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; vol. 378).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

Developing Building Code Compliance in the Eastern Caribbean with Local Traditional Techniques to Enable Climate Change Resilience

Owen-Powell, E., Littlewood, J. R. & Sanna, F., 7 Mar 2024, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023. Littlewood, J. R., Jain, L. & Howlett, R. J. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 805-814 10 p. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; vol. 378).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

Performance of Offsite-Manufactured Bio-insulated Timber-Frame Construction Systems for Nearly-Zero-Carbon Dwellings in Wales, UK

Littlewood, J. R., Hawkins, R. J. M., Evans, N. I. & Hale, C., 7 Mar 2024, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023. Littlewood, J. R., Jain, L. & Howlett, R. J. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 733-744 12 p. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; vol. 378).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

Qualitative Tools in Residential Building Energy Standards Evaluation in UAE

Hagi, R. A., Littlewood, J. R. & Sanna, F., 7 Mar 2024, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023. Littlewood, J. R., Jain, L. & Howlett, R. J. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 639-649 11 p. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; vol. 378).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

Stakeholder Perspectives on Sustainability in Social Housing: Insights from Wales, UK

West, A., Littlewood, J. R. & Beverley, K., 7 Mar 2024, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023. Littlewood, J. R., Jain, L. & Howlett, R. J. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 567-576 10 p. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; vol. 378).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Littlewood, J. R., Howlett, R. J., Fiorito, F., Fatiguso, F., Capozzoli, A. & Jain, L., 6 Mar 2024, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023. R. Littlewood, J., Jain, L. & J. Howlett, R. (eds.). Vol. 378. p. v-ix (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingForeword/postscript

Developing Tools to Enable the UK Construction Industry to Adopt the Active Building Concept for Net Zero Carbon Buildings

Clarke, J., Littlewood, J. R. & Karani, G., 19 Jan 2023, In: Buildings. 13, 2, p. 304 1 p., 304.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

A Community Housing Association’s Strategy for the Benchmarking, Reduction and Sequestration of Carbon Towards a Resilient and Globally Responsible Wales (UK)

Stevens-Wood, K., Littlewood, J. R. & Sanna, F., 7 Jan 2023, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2022. Littlewood, J., Howlett, R. J., Howlett, R. J., Jain, L. C. & Jain, L. C. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 240-248 9 p. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; vol. 336 SIST).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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