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CSAD Doctor of Professional Practice (DProf)

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​Why do a Cardiff School of Art and Design DProf?

If an individual wishes to pursue a change in their practice or the organisation in which they work or collaborate with, or if they wish to conduct an organisational research and development project, or if they are already engaging in a research project which could include innovative changes to Art & Design practice, then undertaking a Professional Doctorate is one route to achieve these goals and ambitions - under guidance and supervision. All candidates within CSAD & PDR are guided and supervised by two academic staff from an Art & Design background, or form other expertise within the University.

The D.Prof is designed to offer progression from Masters qualifications, including PGDip, MPhil, MA, MRes, and MSc from Cardiff Metropolitan University, other UK and non-UK academic institutions. Typically, applicants will have a Masters qualification from disciplines applicable to Art & Design practice. Within CSAD, candidates could progress from the MA Ceramics, MA Fine Art, MA Art & Design or MSc Product Design.  

Examples of projects are wide reaching, but could include: 

  • Creating artwork for people with a particular health issue to interact with and evaluating any perceived improvements or changes in their health;

  • Refining the design, materials or mechanisms of a product to improve the usability, or improve the efficiency or reduce its production or sales cost;

  • Trialling alternative materials to in the combustion within a kiln to fire ceramics, in order to reduce the emissions and seek a more sustainable fuel source, and reflecting on the change to the finished object.

A Professional Doctorate should be informed by existing knowledge and/or theory, and lead to an original and significant contribution to a change in professional practice or organisational practice; within disciplines associated with Art & Design practice.

Candidates who have completed the Professional Doctorate pathways, report a wider regional, national and international recognition for themselves and the organisations they work with. In addition, candidates comment on their skills and experience being enhanced and also their career advancement opportunities with their current and other employers. In some cases, candidates have been offered a promotion. Furthermore, candidates report the ability to 'think outside the box' and to conduct their work with a more critical, organised and self-reflective approach.

Programme Structure



Contact Information 

Dr John Littlewood
CSAD Professiona Doctorate Coordinator: Pathway Lead for DEng, DProf, DSBE
Cardiff School of Art and Design
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Western Avenue
E: jlittlewood@cardiffmet.ac.uk
T: 02920 416646

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