Mohammad Haseeb Zafar is a is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Technologies at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff. Prior to this he was a Professor in the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He served as Head of the Postgraduate Committee and led on all matters connected with the promotion of postgraduate studies and research in the department. He obtained research grants on IoT and 5G Networks from the Deanship of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education.
He was also a Professor in the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan. He served as Secretary Board of Advanced Studies and Research and led on all matters connected with the promotion of postgraduate studies and research in the University. He was a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Intelligent Dynamic Communication in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. Previously, from September 2011 to August 2012 he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Strathclyde where he was involved in a 1.3M£ project awarded by Technology Strategy Board (TSB) on Animal Electronic Recording, Transmission and Synthesis (ALERTS) using WSN.
He earned his PhD degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) from the University of Strathclyde in 2009. From April 2006 to November 2009, he was the recipient of research fund award by University of Engineering and Technology and a prestigious research scholarship by the University of Strathclyde. He earned his Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from George Washington University, Washington DC, USA in 2003. From September 2001 to January 2003, he was part time permanent employee at ECE Labs. Prior to joining George Washington University, he was an Executive Engineer at SIEMENS Pakistan where he was actively involved in technical planning, engineering & configuration of various products & systems. He earned his Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering with Honours and distinction from UET Peshawar in 1996.