Oeppen Hill, J. (2020) ‘Logos, Ethos, Pathos and the marketing of higher education’. Journal of Marketing in Higher Education. Vol 30.
Oeppen, J and Jamal, A. (2014) Collaborating for success: managerial perspectives on co-‑branding strategies in the fashion industry, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 30, No. 9-10, pp. 925 - 948.
Conference Presentations
Oeppen-Hill, J and Dee, I (2018) ‘Transitioning into Fashion. Tales of a cross-school module designed to simulate industry practice’. Cardiff Metropolitan University annual Learning and Teaching Conference.
Oeppen Hill, J (2018) ‘Selling the Dream? The Use of Rhetoric in the Communication of Fashion Marketing Degree Programmes’. Advances in Management and Informatics Conference. Cardiff
Oeppen Hill, J (2017) ‘Marketing rhetoric as perpetuating (un)realistic expectations of the student customer’. 1st International Conference on Marketing (as) Rhetoric. Bournemouth.
Oeppen, J (2015) ‘Celebrity Product Branding - A Multiple Perspective Case Study’ Academy of Marketing Doctoral Colloquium, Limerick.
Oeppen, J (2015) ‘Beyond Endorsement - A Case Study of Celebrity Brand Creation’. Academy of Marketing Conference, Limerick.
Oeppen, J (2014) ‘Celebrity Product Branding - A Multiple Perspective Case Study’ IMC 2014 ‑ International Marketing Conference, Edinburgh.
Oeppen, J and Jamal, A. (2013) ‘Collaborating for Success Managerial Perspectives on Co‑Branding Strategies in the Fashion Industry’. Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff. (Paper Awarded Best in Track for Brand Identity and Corporate Reputation)