I am delighted to be the Programme Director for the Foundation in Engineering and Computer Science, which I enjoy immensely, as it gives me the opportunity to interact with and help students starting out on their IT/Engineering career and seeing them progress into the degree of their choice. I have been the PD for the Foundation since its inception in the School.
I have worked in education since 1981, teaching at both Further Education and Higher Education, with periods of time working for central government and private industry, so I have a wealth of experiences to draw upon when teaching students.
In the School of Technology, I mainly teach programming and Software Engineering, which means I often see students in their first years and it is always pleasing to attend graduation and seeing the students completing their studies and for many they keep in contact after they leave the university.
I am also involved in research in the School, mainly working within the Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre, but not limited to this, but also Software Engineering, AI and Education. I am a member of the UK Computational Intelligence Society and regularly attend their annual conference.
On a professional front, I am a member of the British Computer Society (BCS) and I am the treasurer for the Dorset Branch. BCS is the professional body for IT professionals in the UK, offering a wealth of professional development routes, including training, advice, and networking with other professionals. The BCS was established in 1957 and has played an important role in educating and nurturing IT professionals, computer scientists, computer engineers, upholding the profession, and accrediting chartered IT professional status.
I am the School's Welsh Language Co-ordinator, representing the School at University Welsh events and co-ordinating the development of modules through the medium of Welsh.
Dr Paul Jenkins
Programme Director for Foundation in Engineering and Computer Science at Cardiff School of Technologies