Frequently Asked Questions | Cardiff Metropolitan University Skip to content


What is the HEAR?

The HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) is an electronic document which captures academic results, alongside both prizes and verified extra-curricular activities that fulfil our Graduate Attributes.

You can read more about the HEAR at

You can access your HEAR by going to

What is GradIntelligence/GradIntel?

GradIntelligence are Cardiff Met’s technology partner for the HEAR, they work with over 40 Universities.

Students can raise any queries by sending an email to

Activities and academic results will only be updated once a year, so updates may not be seen immediately.

How do I view my HEAR?

We will create a Gradintelligence account on your behalf and send an email to your Cardiff Met email address with a unique link for you. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your account.

When is the HEAR updated?

If you are studying an Undergraduate degree it will be updated every Academic Year, whereas Postgraduate and Foundation students will have their HEAR updated at the conclusion of their studies.

What do I do if I have forgotten my password?

If you have forgotten your password you can reset it here. If you cannot remember the username and email address you chose when registering your account, please email

Who will receive a HEAR?

Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Foundation Degree students, studying at one of our Cardiff campuses.

Will I still get a Degree Certificate at the end of my studies?

Students who have successfully been awarded, will automatically receive a hard copy certificate between four to twelve weeks from the date of the exam board.

Will I still get a paper copy of my Transcript?

The HEAR replaces the transcript for all campus based Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Foundation Degrees. However, a paper copy can be purchased by visiting our e-store.

How much does it cost?

The HEAR is provided completely free of charge.

Will my HEAR ever expire?

No, your HEAR will be available indefinitely.

Will GradIntelligence get my personal data?

Cardiff Met will share your data with GradIntelligence only for the purpose of producing the HEAR and making it available electronically. GradIntelligence offers registered students other services which may be of interest i.e. the option to submit applications for advertised employment opportunities.

These services are entirely optional, and no data will be passed to employers without your permission. After activation of your account you will be free to specify the way in which you would like to be notified of opportunities.

How do I use my HEAR to help me secure employment?

You will be able to give potential employers access to your HEAR from the GradIntel system for a specified length of time.

Will my HEAR only show the modules that count towards my final Degree?

The HEAR will show all modules taken during your studies.

If I stay at Cardiff Metropolitan for a Master's Degree or other qualification, will my HEAR be updated?

A HEAR relates to one programme of study, if you opt to continue with your studies i.e. a masters, you will be given a second HEAR.

If I study a Master's Degree or other qualification elsewhere will I have 1 or 2 Gradintel accounts?

If the new institution issues HEARs, you will need to register for a new account.

Who do I contact to correct missing or inaccurate data on my HEAR?

Students can raise any queries by sending an email to

Activities and academic results will only be updated once a year, so updates may not be seen immediately.

Section 6.1

What is in Section 6.1 of the HEAR

The HEAR shows not only a student's academic record but also a verified record of extra-curricular Activity and Prizes contained in the Section 6.1 of the HEAR.

Can I choose the information that is shown in the 6.1 Section of the HEAR?

Yes, the Gradintelligence system allows you to choose which of your Section 6.1 Activities to show or hide. If there is an Activity that you do not want to share with potential employers or postgraduate study providers then there is a simple process for you to hide it.

Why don't I have anything listed in Section 6.1?

You did not participate in any of verified Cardiff Metropolitan Activities or have any Prizes. You can continue to participate in Activities to the final term study at Cardiff Metropolitan, and have that recognised on your HEAR.

If you are currently taking part in any Activity that you think should be listed, please either speak to the person running the Activity or contact us at Activities are verified biannually and it is the responsibility of the Activity Owner to provide up-to-date lists of students associated with that Activity.

I took part in a Verified Activity last academic year, but my HEAR has been updated and it isn't there, who do I contact to fix this?

You should contact who will then liaise with the Activity Owner. They are the person responsible for maintaining and submitting an accurate record of those taking part in the Activity, to confirm your participation for that academic year.