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Academic Handbook

The Cardiff Metropolitan University Academic Handbook is divided into two sections:

Volume One, comprising the University’s academic regulations and procedures, is administered by Registry Services.

Volume Two, which contains the University’s quality procedures and guidance, is administered by the Quality Enhancement Directorate.

Cardiff Met’s academic regulations, policies and procedures have been developed to promote a consistency of approach to academic delivery and assessment, and fairness of treatment to the University’s students. As part of the Enrolment process, students accept the University Terms and Conditions which includes the regulations and procedures within the Academic Handbook.

The documents within the Academic Handbook are maintained in line with sector best practice frameworks and are regularly reviewed and updated where necessary. Any changes to Volume One of the Academic Handbook would only usually be made during the academic year for purposes of clarification. A contemporary list of in-year changes is published below.

Academic Handbook - AH1 Updates for September 2024

Volume 1 Updates during 2024-25

Should you have any queries relating to the Academic Handbook, please contact Registry Services via

Please note:

The format and structure of the Academic Handbook is under review and some documents have already been removed in order to streamline the contents and avoid duplication. We have so far refrained from re-numbering sections in order to preserve URL links which may have been saved locally, which is why the numbering of some documents appears discontinuous.

The Welsh translation of some parts of the handbook is ongoing, however we are happy to discuss any aspect of it in Welsh; please feel free to email for access to any specific document you require in Welsh or for any other clarification.

Please see here for a Academic Handbook - AH Vol 1 Contents 2024-2025.