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Mental Health and Wellbeing

We offer free, confidential mental health and wellbeing support.

Our ethos is to work alongside you to help you gain awareness and insight into your mental health and wellbeing, learning skills and strategies to manage the ups and downs of life as a student.

We are not an emergency or crisis service.

What support is available?

  • self-help
  • online mental health and wellbeing support
  • wellbeing workshops
  • low intensity CBT
  • counselling
  • wellbeing advice – support with your course
  • Mental Health Practitioner
  • NHS partnership – Mental Health University Liaison Service

How will this help me?

  • advice on transition of treatment/care to the NHS in Cardiff
  • advice registering with a GP
  • support with obtaining a diagnosis
  • University based support to help you manage your mental health
  • reasonable adjustments – extra time, recorded lectures, support for placement etc
  • access to a Wellbeing Advisor who will help co-ordinate your support

Current Students

If you would like to access support for your mental health, or discuss how support works generally, complete our Wellbeing Triage form and we will arrange a meeting with a member of the team for you: Disability, Wellbeing and Counselling support form​

New Students

If you would like to access support for your mental health or you would like to discuss how support works generally, including how it could help you or how you could obtain a diagnosis, complete our Prospective Student Triage form and we will arrange a meeting with a member of the team for you: Prospective Student Triage form


If you would like more information, please contact:
