‘Contextualised Admissions’ is a term used by the University to describe a situation where additional information, e.g., where an applicant lives and school attended, enables the University to consider the circumstances that have affected educational achievement. The aim of using this information is to help build a more rounded view of an applicant’s achievement and potential.
The University operates a contextualised offer scheme considering a number of contextual indicators and will make a reduced offer when applicants meet these indicators.
There is no need to apply for a contextualised offer as information provided as part of your UCAS application will be considered, but it is important that this is completed fully.
Examples of contextualised offers are detailed on course pages on Cardiff Met’s website and please refer to the Contextualised Admissions Policy on the website.
Extenuating circumstances is a term used by the University to describe a medical or personal nature significantly affecting an applicant during a relevant period of time and or during an assessment/examination period. Cardiff Met considers extenuating and personal circumstances as part of its contextualised Admissions policy and applicants can complete the contextualised Admissions form linked off the website.
In completing the Form, Applicants should include: information and evidence of the nature of the extenuating circumstances; specify which elements of study were impacted; and reasons why it was not possible to report these to the relevant examination board.
Please include information and evidence of the nature of the extenuating circumstances, which elements of study were impacted and why it was not possible to report these to the relevant examination board.
Applicants are also able to make the University aware of circumstances by putting this on the personal statement or the referee including this information on the reference. Any supplementary should be submitted to Admissions including the applicant’s full name and UCAS or Student number.
Information will be considered as part of either the decision making or confirmation process and the University reserves the right to request further information if felt necessary. If deemed necessary and with the applicants permission relevant third parties will be contacted such as the academic intuition, examination body and doctor.
Offers of a place will be made on the basis of academic merit and potential and while circumstances will be considered as part of a holistic assessment they will not necessarily lead to an offer of a place or interview.
It is expected that circumstances affecting assessment/examinations would have been considered with the relevant examination board before results are awarded and we are unable to take account of extenuating circumstances where these have already been reported.