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Terms and Conditions

​The information provided below outlines the terms and conditions between the University and Applicants to our programmes of study. A binding contract is formed between the University and the Applicant when the Applicant accepts the offer of a place at university, so it is important that you read this information as it forms the basis of the relationship between you and Cardiff Met.

We also recommend that applicants make themselves aware of the information within the Student Handbook, and the course content found on the Course Pages and in their Programme Specification.

We do not expect you to know all the information in detail, but to be aware that it exists and its relevance to you. You may also have other contractual arrangements with other organisations such as with an accommodation provider or the student loan company, so we would recommend that you also understand their conditions.

Our aim is to make this information accessible and easy to understand so if you have any queries or questions concerning any aspect, please contact Lisa Bowen, Head of Admissions on 029 2041 6014 or email at

To download a PDF version of the Terms and Conditions, please click here. To view this document in Welsh, please click here.

Your place with the University will be subject to you fulfilling the application process and enrolling at the start of your programme. Your place will be subject to the terms and conditions stated in your offer letter, the information contained in the relevant University prospectus and/or website, and the policies and procedures of the University (available on the website), which are referred to in the Student Handbook and the student charter, which will be sent to you before the start of the programme.

Access to these documents and information is provided during the admission and enrolment processes.

You can also access the Admissions Policy by clicking here.

Please make sure that you familiarise yourself with these documents and their relevant requirements, as failure to comply with regulations could result in the University terminating your offer and or registration.

​​All new programmes at the University must undergo validation, the purpose of which is to ensure that the proposed programme is aligned to the University's Mission and its content reflects appropriate levels of academic standard and quality.

If the programme you have applied for is Subject to Validation, and you are offered a place, you will be informed of the validation date with your offer. If changes are made to the programme, this will be communicated with you and the programme information will be updated on our website.

If you are not happy with the changes made and wish to withdraw your choice, the University will assist you with finding an alternative programme.

Any offer of a place at Cardiff Metropolitan University will be subject to you meeting conditions which will be made known to you. These conditions may include requirements to obtain or provide evidence of particular qualifications, and satisfy all legal and other requirements to study on your chosen programme. These requirements could include health checks, criminal record checks and the provision of immigration details.

The offer may be conditional or unconditional and will be set out in your offer letter. You will also be provided with a programme specification/s for the courses on which you have been offered a place. Offers will be made through UCAS for full time undergraduate applicants, UTT for full time PGCE teacher training applicants, and via Self Service and/or by letter for part-time, postgraduate and research applicants.​

Applicants will be expected to reply to any offers given. For undergraduate applicants the option will be firm (first choice), insurance (second choice) or decline. For PGCE teacher training applicants, the option will be firm or decline and for all other applicants applying through Cardiff Met's Self Service system, the options are accept or decline.

In replying Firm to the offer given, the University will take this as acknowledgement of the acceptance of our Terms and Conditions so please ensure that these are read and understood.

By replying Firm, you are also agreeing that the University may hold and use the information provided for the purposes of admissions, admittance and your student record. Please refer to the section on Personal Information and Data Protection which provides further information in relation to the use of personal information provided.

Applicants do have a 14 day period after a reply to change their mind, which means you can decide to decline your offer after you have originally accepted firm. Cardiff Metropolitan has a Cancellation Form which can be completed by clicking here If you have any queries concerning the Terms and Conditions please also contact Admissions at

Undergraduate applicants who make Cardiff Metropolitan University their Insurance choice, and who then either change or are uprated to Firm, will have a 14 day period to change their mind from the date of the change. An example scenario of this would be if the Firm choice makes the application unsuccessful on receipt of examination results when the Insurance choice is still active.

If you have been issued with an offer which is conditional on achievement of qualifications or other requirements, you will need to fulfil those conditions to receive an unconditional offer. If you do not meet the terms of your offer we may offer you an alternative programme which you can accept or decline. If you choose to accept the change of confirmation decision, you will have 14 days once you have replied firm to change your mind, and be released into Clearing to be considered elsewhere or withdrawn.

We reserve the right to withdraw the offer, or to defer your application to the next year of entry, if you have not fulfilled the conditions of your offer before the 31st of August prior to the start of the academic year. Due to limited numbers, offer conditions for NHS funded programmes need to be met 5 weeks before the start of the academic year, and applicants are informed of the exact date in their offer letters.

Please note that applicants for postgraduate programmes, including research, apart from those which are NHS funded, which have different start dates will be exempt from this deadline. For these programmes, applicants must meet their conditions two weeks before the start of the programme.

Once an offer of a place has been given, the University will not make changes unless external factors demand this for example if an industry requirement is introduced. In the unlikely event of an offer needing to be changed, applicants are contacted to explain the situation and agree changes.

Applicants who are offered a place in Clearing have their results so all offers processed are Unconditional Firm. Once a clearing decision is processed applicants will have 14 days to change their mind and either be released into Clearing or be withdrawn.

For applicants who are accepted late onto a programme i.e. September onwards, the contractual 14 day cancellation period may not apply at application. However, the University does have a policy whereby once enrolled at the University, students will have 14 days in which to change their mind and cancel their place, with no financial penalties incurred.

At Application Stage:

The University makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided to applicants on programmes offered is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. However, programmes of study are continually revised and there may well be some changes between the time of publication and the time the student starts the programme. The running of University programmes is also subject to numbers, in that a certain number of students need to undertake a programme for it to be viable and to ensure the student experience is not compromised. If applicable minimum numbers will be stipulated on the on-line course information pages.

If we consider such action to be reasonably necessary, we reserve the right to make variations to entry requirements at the start of every admissions cycle, to vary the contents or methods of delivery of programmes, to discontinue programmes and to merge or combine programmes.

Applicants are informed as soon as possible where changes or a decision to discontinue a programme are made, so that opportunity is given for applicants to consider an alternative programme at this University or elsewhere. When a decision to discontinue a programme is made after applicants have been offered a place, the Admissions unit will make every effort to offer alternatives and will provide assistance with finding a suitable alternative programme.

From Offer Stage and Beyond:

The University makes all reasonable efforts to deliver the programmes of study and research opportunities and other services and facilities in the way described on this website. It will provide students with the tuition and learning support and other services and facilities it describes with reasonable care and skill.

However, the University shall be entitled if it reasonably considers it to be necessary (including in order to manage its resources and pursue its policy of continuous improvement appropriately):

  • to alter the timetable, location, number of classes and method of delivery of programmes of study, provided such alterations are reasonable.
  • due to the vocational and industry oriented nature of our programmes we need to make changes to the content and syllabus of programme of study (including placements option modules) so that our programmes meet the needs of the workplace, Also due to this optional modules may be withdrawn and others introduced to maintain vocational currency (e.g. keeping it real).
  • to suspend or discontinue programmes of study (for example, because a key member of staff is unwell or leaves the University). For more information on suspended or discontinued programmes​​, please refer to the Academic Handbook.
  • to make changes to its statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures which the University reasonably considers necessary (for example, in the light of changes in the law or the requirements of the University's regulators). Such changes if significant will normally come into force at the beginning of the following academic year, and if fundamental to the programme will normally come into force with effect from the next cohort of students.
  • not to provide programmes of study or to combine them with others if the University reasonably considers this to be necessary (for example, because too few students apply to join the programme for it to be viable).

In the unlikely event that the University discontinues or does not provide a programme of study or changes it significantly before it begins:

  • the University will tell relevant individuals at the earliest possible opportunity.
  • an individual will be entitled to withdraw his or her application by telling the University in writing within a reasonable time of being informed of the change.
  • the University will make an appropriate refund of tuition fees and deposits paid.

The University will make available to students such learning support and other services and facilities as it considers appropriate, but may vary what it provides from time to time (for example, the University may consider it desirable to change the way it provides library or IT support).

Upon acceptance by an applicant of an offer of a place at the University, the relationship between the applicant and the University becomes contractual and the applicant accepts the University's terms and conditions. In entering into that contract, neither the student nor the University intends that any of the terms of the contract will be enforceable by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person not a party to it.

University Policy on Programme Discontinuation

The University reviews its academic portfolio on a regular basis through established planning processes to ensure currency and attractiveness of its offer for students and stakeholders. Where this results in proposals for withdrawal of a programme, the Programme Discontinuation Procedure must be invoked to allow sufficient consideration of the impact of the discontinuation on students. The University is committed to the continuation of teaching of any programme which it has agreed to discontinue, to ensure that all registered students are able to complete their programme. Should it occur that the University is unable to teach out all remaining students on a programme, we would normally offer to teach a suitable alternative programme or facilitate transfer or direct-entry to another provider and assist students in having their learning recognised by the new provider through appropriate credit transfer. Instances in which we are unable to teach-out students are likely to be rare but may include: we cease operating through no choice of our own; students face long term disruption that continuously and materially affects teaching over many months (e.g. fire in a key building leaving it unusable); we work with a partner to deliver the programme (e.g. a Degree Apprenticeship with a particular company) and they are unable to continue. Any teach out of provision following a decision to discontinue will be monitored through the University’s established quality assurance procedures and academic governance structures.

Programme Suspension

Any proposals for the suspension of a programme must be submitted through the Programme Suspension Procedure to allow sufficient consideration of the impact of the suspension on students. Any decision will consider the impact of the proposed suspension on applicants and current students and the process for notifying students and applicants. Where the suspension of the programme is approved, the University will use all reasonable endeavours to safeguard the delivery of the programme for continuing students (known as “teach out”). Where a decision to suspend recruitment to a programme is taken and offers have already been made, the University will notify all applicants promptly and offer support to transfer to another programme at the University or release applicants to another higher education provider.

Cardiff Metropolitan undertakes a Periodic Review Process, the purpose of which is to critically appraise a programme's state of health. It enables changes to be proposed so that the programme remains current and valid, as well maintaining quality enhancement and ensuring that academic standards are achieved. The periodic review also enables planned developments to be met. Any relevant changes resulting from periodic review will be communicated to students so that they are aware of any implications affecting their study. Further information in relation to the Periodic Review is provided within the Academic Handbook.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all the information you provide to us is true and accurate. This accuracy of information includes accuracy of personal details as errors made in students' names during the admissions and enrolment processes will result in incorrect degree transcripts.

Applicants who do not follow the relevant application procedures for the University, UCAS and UTT, or who make false or fraudulent applications including non disclosure of information will have their places withdrawn. Please refer to Cardiff Metropolitan University's policy on dealing with applications that include false or fraudulent information; this policy can be found by clicking here .

The University has a duty of care to ensure that students are not exposed to inappropriate risk. Therefore, in order to take up a place and continue with studies, some programmes (for example complementary healthcare, healthcare science, human nutrition and dietetics, podiatry and speech and language therapy), require the applicant to complete an occupational health questionnaire and provide proof of immunisation against certain diseases before enrolment, as well as to undergo health screening checks once on campus.

Additionally, for some programmes, student participation in a mandatory vaccination programme is also required. All Occupational Health checks and screening appointments are carried out to enable the University to make an assessment of health so that reasonable assistance can be made to accommodate the individual to the post.

Your offer conditions and or letter will inform you when such health requirements apply.

Full details on Cardiff Met's Occupational Health Assessment programme can be found at:

Cardiff Met has a duty of care to its students and needs to be informed of any unspent convictions which have resulted in probation and or restrictions being imposed. Applicants will therefore be asked for any information concerning this after they have been offered a place.

Applicants for courses where students are brought into contact with children and or vulnerable adults will be asked to disclose all relevant convictions, even if spent and undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and other checks prior to and post enrolment.

Please refer to for further information.

International students choosing to study in the UK will need immigration clearance. Please refer to the international pages for further information at

The allocation of places in Hall is co-ordinated by the Accommodation Service. Although priority is given to first year students, high demand results in private accommodation being used to house many first year students. Allocation is based on distance and the date of the on-line application. For further information and for details on the accommodation contract please refer to the following

The University provides an extensive variety of student support to provide assistance with health, welfare, lifestyle and future career advice, which includes support and advice for disabled students.

The university welcomes disabled students, and applicants are strongly encouraged to disclose a disability or other support needs on their application, so that the University can seek to support any needs throughout the time of study.

It is important that applicants/students discuss their needs with the Disability Service and provide information as requested so that appropriate adjustments can be made. For more information please refer to:

Students at Cardiff Metropolitan are required to enrol on line once their place as been confirmed (made ​unconditional firm) and it is important that the terms and conditions of enrolment, which can be accessed here are read and understood. This includes a requirement to formally agree to the terms and conditions, policies and procedures of the University. It is imperative that you familiarise yourself with these documents before your enrolment.

All students are required to agree the method/basis for payment of their fees. We will require students who are being sponsored by an employer or funded by a loan taken out with the Student Loan Company to provide satisfactory evidence of these arrangements, and the ability to support themselves during the period of study. If evidence is not available at the time of enrolment, such evidence must be provided by students within a 2 week period of enrolment; failure to do so may result in students having to pay the fees themselves. Further information concerning fees can be accessed by clicking here.

We require satisfactory evidence of your qualifications, including English Language and Maths GCSE (where applicable). You will not be allowed to enrol unless you provide proof of your qualifications via an original transcript/certificate or a clear legible copy authenticated by the issuing organisation. Please refer to our policy on the verification of qualifications by clicking here .

Full time undergraduate applicants for whom level 3 qualification results are received from UCAS will not need to provide certificates. We will still require verification of GCSEs/equivalent.

Where admission to a programme is dependent upon an enhanced DBS disclosure, any registration shall be regarded as provisional until an acceptable disclosure has been received and clearance given. A registration may be revoked in the case of an unacceptable disclosure.

The personal information that you provide in your application to Cardiff Metropolitan will be used for the processing of your application and will form part of your student record. It may also be used to

  • Inform Student Services if you have indicated a disability so that an assessment can be made in relation to if any reasonable adjustments are needed. Information in relation to if you are in or have been in care, or are a carer is also provided to Student Services so that support can be provided.
  • Provide facilities such as IT and Library Services.
  • Provide Placement providers, if part of the course, with information in order to facilitate your studies.
  • Administering studies including assessment information and determining award.
  • Provide information to the Education Workforce Council for those undertaking teacher training courses.
  • Administrating finance such as payment of fees and providing information to the Student Loans company.
  • Undertake the administration of the Universities and Bursaries Schemes.
  • Provide statistics to government agencies including the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), Higher Education Funding Council Wales and Education Workforce Council to comply with statutory obligations.
  • Provide information to comply with the Points Based Immigration System.
  • Compliance with other legal obligations may also mean that information may be supplied to outside organisations including the Police, Home Office, Local Authorities and the Department of Work and Pensions.
  • If you are employed or sponsored during your studies information will be provided in relation to your status as a student, concerning attendance and performance.
  • Enable the University to compile statistics for research concerning application trends, monitoring performance and monitoring equal opportunities.
  • Communicate information about the application process, course, University and Alumni.
  • Processing complaints, appeals and student discipline cases.
  • Provide franchised partners with information in order to manage the admissions process for that Institution.

Certain personal data is provided to the University throughout your application process and further information is then obtained during the enrolment process. Personal data is gathered and processed throughout your time at the University whilst undertaking your studies and will be handled in accordance with the legislative requirements. The personal information of unsuccessful applicants may also be retained if necessary and disposed of in line with the Universities policy on the retention of records.

Information on an applicant's health may be required prior to starting certain courses in order to meet professional requirements. Information on a student's health may also be required when fieldwork and placements are undertaken for health and safety and insurance purposes. Applicants are also required to disclose and undertake a criminal records check for certain courses to meet both legal and professional requirements.

By entering into the contract with us, you are giving us the right to hold and process your personal data including some sensitive personal data in accordance with Article 6.1 (b) of the General Data Protection Regulations. We will process your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection principles at all times as highlighted within the GDPR and our internal Data Protection Policies and Procedures. For information on both our Data Protection and Openness Policies please refer to or contact

Although we consider all the information provided within the terms and conditions to be important, we would like to draw your attention to the really important information under:

  • Admissions which covers your application and admission to the University
  • Specific course entry requirements found on the course pages
  • Criminal convictions
  • Health requirements
  • Cancellation rights
  • Changes to offers
  • New programmes subject to validation
  • Changes to programmes which highlights what changes may occur and the reasons why Cardiff Met need to make these
  • Fees, fee changes, additional costs, consequences of non payment (Debtors Policy) and the amount to be paid if you decide to leave
  • Complaints
  • Data Protection covering how we process your information
  • Student regulations which can be found in the Academic Handbook
  • You need to be aware of student regulations whilst studying at Cardiff Met and that these may be amended from time to time in order to remain applicable

Cardiff Met works in collaboration with a number of Partner Institutions which offer courses validated by Cardiff Met. These Institutions will also have terms and conditions which need to be read and understood, along with the terms and conditions of Cardiff Met. Please refer to Cardiff Met's Partnership Pages for more information on our partners.

After replying to offers, applicants have 14 days in which they can change their mind and cancel their place with the University. Written notice of this 14 day period is provided to all applicants. After this period, if applicants wish to cancel their place they will need to complete and return the Cancellation Form.

Once enrolled at the University, students also have 14 days in which to change their mind and cancel their place. If applicants choose to withdraw or cancel their place after the 14 day period, the University will allow this with no financial penalties incurred. However, it is expected that applicants have a valid reason for withdrawal and have researched the consequences of this decision.

Please refer to the Fees section below for financial penalties incurred for withdrawals after enrolment.

Fees are charged each year for all undergraduate and postgraduate full time and part time programmes including Research. Full information pertaining to costs can be found on our Finance pages. Changes can occur to the cost of study which take into account inflation and market forces, further information can be found in Cardiff Met's Fee Plan. Please also refer to Cardiff Met's Fee Statement ​for further information and to answer any questions you may have concerning the change to fees.

All students are required to agree methods of payment in relation to their tuition and accommodation fees by the start of their programme. Students may also incur additional costs associated with their programme, for further information, please refer to the Additional Costs information. Full information on fees and regulations can be accessed both on our Fees and Finance website page as well as the Student Handbook.

You should pay particular attention to the fact that if you decide to withdraw after the first two weeks of starting your programme, your liability for fees will be dependant upon the period of study, as set out below:

  • Withdrawal during first term (Autumn) % of fee payable = 40%
  • Withdrawal during second term (Spring) % of fee payable = 70%
  • Withdrawal during third term (Summer) % of fee payable = 100%

If you are paying your own fees or any contribution towards your fees, arrangements are in place to pay be instalments by Direct Debit.

If your fees are to be paid or contributed by a sponsor or other agency, proof of this must be provided at enrolment by uploading confirmation of your funding letter.

If you are intending to receive support from the Student Loans Company, an application should have been completed preferably by May, or as soon as possible after this date. Please be aware that should your choice of programme or year of entry change after submitting your student loan application, you should update the Student Loans Company of the change at your earliest convenience.

Should you experience difficulties in meeting your financial obligations or require advice on dealing with debt, contact should be made with our Student Finance and Welfare Advisory Service to see if any financial assistance can be received. The University also has a Policy on Debtors.

A complaints procedure is in place for those applicants who are not happy with the service that they have been provided with. In the first instance, you are welcome to contact the relevant department where your complaint originates. Should you not get the outcome you expect, the University has a formal complaints procedure. For more information on the formal complaints procedures, please click here.