Research Programmes | Cardiff Metropolitan University Skip to content

Research Programmes

​​​​​​​​​​Cardiff Met offers numerous routes for postgraduate research study and, in most cases, both full time and part time study options are available.

Following a traditional route, you could study for the award of either an MPhil or PhD. The MPhil offers you the chance to critically evaluate a body of knowledge or make an original contribution to your chosen field. The PhD offers you the chance to undertake a systematic programme of work towards the development of new knowledge, and the synthesis of this knowledge within the existing literature base.

Alternatively, you may decide to follow a Professional Doctorate (part time only) which combines a taught component with the production of a final project that focuses on the enhancement of practice. The suite of Professional Doctorates awards offered at Cardiff Met is wide ranging and encompasses research interests from across the institution. A full list of Professional Doctorate programmes is included in the Postgraduate prospectus.

For those with existing connections to Cardiff Met, and who have amassed a significant research portfolio, then a PhD by Publication may be a more suitable route. More guidance on the requirements are provided within the Application section.


Please visit the CSAD Research page for up-to-date information on proposal requirements, applicant advice and deadlines.


Before applying for doctoral study at CSESP, please make sure you have taken the three steps below.

(Please note, the below guidance does not apply to applications for the National EdD. Please contact Professor Michelle Jones for information on how to apply to the National EdD:

1) Identify a Research Group and supervisor you would like to work with.

Consider how your interests and expertise align with the research groups and researchers in the School. Your supervisors will be your main source of guidance for the duration of your doctoral project. It is important their expertise aligns with your study.

Approach the relevant research group or supervisor via email informally to gauge their interest in supervising you. Details of our Research Groups and their staff members can be found here.

Our Staff contacts can be found here.

And here.

Contact the research lead or convenor of the Research Group that most clearly aligns with your area of research in the first instance. If you are unsure which Research Group to approach please contact for guidance.

When you make your informal approach please do so with

  • a two page CV
  • a draft research proposal
  • a brief statement explaining your suitability and motivations for doctoral study

Research Proposal Guidance

The research proposal should be around 1000-1500 words. Your proposal should include:

  • a working title;
  • a clear explanation of the research area and context with reference to key literature;
  • your proposed aims and objectives/research questions;
  • and an outline of the methodological framework and methods to be adopted.
  • Please also include a rationale for your choice of topic, including an indication of how the research would make an original contribution to knowledge.
  • Do cite all references using an approved referencing style.

The proposal will be judged on its relevance to the School’s research profile and supervisory expertise as well as on its quality and potential as a research study.

Further guidance for Creative Writing applicants can be found here

Professional Doctorate (EdD) applicants should indicate how their research relates to their own professional context and how it might impact upon policy/practice.

If a Research Group is happy to support your application, it can then be submitted with a finalised research proposal containing the endorsement of the Research Group, and the proposed Director of Studies (lead supervisor) and secondary Supervisor(s). The details of the endorsement must be clearly stated at the bottom of the submitted Research Proposal. For example:

This research proposal has been endorsed by The Childhood and Youth Research Group and is supported by Prof Jane Jones (proposed Director of Studies) and Dr Stephen Morris (proposed supervisor).

2) Evidence you are qualified for doctoral study.

The normal qualifications accepted for entry onto doctoral study are an upper second-class honours (2:1) undergraduate degree or better from a recognised higher education institution; or a postgraduate degree; or a qualification deemed by the University to be equivalent to this level. In in some subject areas, it is usual for you to have a postgraduate degree prior to application.

3) Establish your level of English is suitable.

Students whose first language is not English will need to provide evidence of fluency to at least an IELTS 6.5 standard (minimum 6.5 in the reading and writing components) or equivalent. However, we strongly recommend you study to attain IELTS 7.0. as the reading and writing on a Research Degree will be intense.

Application Deadlines

There will are two enrolment points per year with clear deadlines for applications as follows:

  • 30 April for all awards leading to PhD/Prof Doc to commence in October.
  • 31 December for all awards leading to PhD/Prof Doc to commence in May.


Please provide an outline research proposal (maximum of 1500 words). Your proposal should include a working title, some background information on the subject, the main aims of your research question, the principal methods to be adopted (including any specialised equipment requirements where known) and any ethical issues associated with your research. Please cite references in the background and list all cited references. We will use this information to ensure that the proposal fits with the School's research profile and that the necessary equipment and supervisory expertise is available.


Your proposal should be described in a maximum of 2,000 words, using the following sub-headings: 'Research Question' and 'How your proposal relates to published work in this area'. You should also submit a 'Reference Section', which is not included in the word count. Further information on requirements can be found here.


Please submit an outline of your intended research area. You should indicate the rationale for the project, the main research question or hypotheses and the research design that you would follow. You should also include the related methodological approaches that you would take and refer to the key literature in this area. This should be around 1500 words and will form the basis for discussion with potential supervisors.


Please provide a brief outline of your research topic/subject. The proposal should be up to 1000 words and should describe the research topic/question on which you are likely to focus and an outline of the debate/subject area in which your research will be located (making the significance of your research interest clear). You should also include a Reference Section (not included in the word count) and your professional and/or personal reasons for wanting to undertake this research.

If you would like to discuss your options before making an application, please complete this form and we will contact you shortly.

Eligibility Requirements

A candidate shall be eligible to enrol on the degree of PhD by Published Works if they satisfy one of the following criteria:

  1. The candidate is a member of staff at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
  2. The candidate is a graduate of Cardiff Metropolitan University or of the University of Wales Institute Cardiff.
  3. The candidate is not a member of staff or graduate of Cardiff Metropolitan University, but can evidence that at least 50% of the submitted works are co-authored with a current member of staff from Cardiff Metropolitan University.

In the case of co-authored manuscripts, the candidate must evidence that they have a majority contribution to the submitted works with the expressive approval of all co-authors. Submissions should include, in appendices, a statement signed by each collaborator indicating the nature and amount of the work done by the candidate, with reference to the contribution to the conceptualisation, design, conduct of the research, analysis, and writing up of the publication.

The submitted works must have undergone academic peer-review and satisfy the Level 8 criteria:

  1. the combined works are judged to make an original contribution to knowledge;
  2. there is evidence of systematic study;
  3. there is an ability to relate results of such study to the general body of knowledge in the subject;
  4. that the standard and scope of work is reasonable to expect of a capable and diligent Doctoral Researcher.

A person shall not be eligible to proceed to the degree of PhD by Published Works under these regulations if they have been previously approved for a PhD or other related doctoral degree of the University.

A candidate who has been examined for a doctoral degree but who has not been approved for such a degree, may not become a candidate for the degree of PhD by Published Works under these regulations.

Application, Admission And Enrolment

The minimum entrance requirement for research degrees offered by the University is an upper second class honours undergraduate degree relevant to the proposed programme of study and research (or International Equivalent). The award must have been made by a recognised university or higher education institution, or by the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA). Applicants are required to provide evidence of their qualifications as part of the application process.

All applicants must declare that their submission is not substantially the same as any that they have previously made or are currently making, whether in published or unpublished form, for a degree, diploma, or similar qualification at any university or similar institution.

All applications must be submitted by the submission deadline (see Section 5.9) indicated on the University research degrees website.

Applications should include all of the published works that will comprise the thesis and a supporting proposal (maximum of 1,500 words) that clearly outlines how the body of published works:

  • provides an original contribution to the literature;
  • reflects a systematic approach;
  • relates to the general body of knowledge in the chosen subject;
  • demonstrates the standard and scope of the work is reasonable to expect from a capable and diligent Doctoral researcher.

Applicants are also required to submit a full academic curriculum vitae with their initial application. The curriculum vitae will help ensure that the PhD by Published Works Review Committee are aware of the research activity and publishing track record of the applicant, either individually or in collaborative research groups. The curriculum vitae will also be used when considering non-academic circumstances that may have restricted or delayed the development of an applicant’s professional career in terms of volume rather than the quality of the outputs and activities presented within the submission (see Section 2.8).

All applications will be reviewed for their suitability by a PhD by Published Works Review Committee, typically comprised of, but not limited to, Graduate Study Lead, Associate Deans of Research and Deputy Director of Research. All applicants should declare that, until the outcome of the current application to the University is known, the work or works submitted will not be submitted for any such qualification at another university or similar institution.

Successful applicants will be able to enrol on the PhD by Published Works degree for the closest September enrolment date, under the premise that all fees have been paid.

Once in receipt of an offer letter from the University, applicants are required to confirm acceptance of the offer and to subsequently enrol via the University’s online enrolment system.

Applicants will be advised of the fee applicable to their programme of study during the application process. The applicable fee must be paid upon enrolment or candidate’s will be subject to the University’s Debtor Policy.

Key deadlines for the PhD by Published Works application process are detailed below:

​​Stage ​Deadline
Application Submission End of April
Reviewed by PhD by Published Works Review Committee End of May
Outcome confirmed and offer made by Admissions End of June
Enrolment End of September
Induction October

In addition to the above entrance requirements, applicants must be capable of satisfying the University with regard to their proficiency in the English or Welsh language (whichever they have chosen to pursue the award in) at a level necessary to complete the programme of work and to prepare and defend a thesis in that language. The published works selected for the submission must be presented in the English or Welsh language (whichever the applicant has chosen to pursue the award in).

In order to establish proficiency in the English language, overseas applicants whose first language is not English will normally be required to provide evidence of a minimum IELTS score (or equivalent) of 6.5 at application with a minimum of 6.5 in the reading and written components, or of a Masters Level qualification, gained through the medium of English from a recognised institution. Candidates will be required to provide such evidence as part of the admissions process.​

You can search and apply for your chosen course in our online Self Service System. If searching for an MPhil/PhD this will be preceded by Research in the search bar. Please contact Admissions if you would like to complete an application form through the medium of Welsh.

Through Self Service you are able to submit an application directly to the university, and it allows you to attach compulsory and other supporting documents such as qualifications (we advise that you upload qualifications, if completed, with your application). You must upload a Research Proposal and Supporting Document​ before submitting all research applications.

* Please note, if applying for the Doctorate in Sport Coaching only a personal statement and CV is required at application stage.

You are able to save your application and return to submit at a later date, however please note that accounts where an application has not been submitted within a 6 month period will be deactivated. Once submitted, you are able to log in and check the status of your application.

If Recognising Prior Learning (RPL​) is applicable to your application, please visit our information page before submitting as this process will need to be initiated in plenty of time before the start of the programme.

We encourage online Self Service applications as it is a quicker and more efficient way of applying for a programme. If however you are experiencing difficulties please contact Admissions on 029 2041 6010 or email:


Debtors to the University who make a new application will be considered and providing requirements for entry are met, will be offered a place. However, this offer will be dependant on either the debt being cleared before the start of the programme, or an agreement established with Finance concerning payment.

Applicants can contact Finance concerning outstanding debt by either:
Email:; or Tel: 029 2041 6083

Further information on the University's Debtor Policy and Procedure.

Bad Academic Standing

Applicants who have left the University in bad academic standing i.e. without successfully completing the year of study upon which they were last enrolled are expected to inform the Admissions Unit when considering reapplying, before an application is submitted. Applicants will be considered once the information on the bad academic standing has been received and verified. The final decision on acceptance will be made by the two Programme Directors concerned with your past and proposed study.

If you are considering applying for an MPhil/PhD, Professional Doctorate or PhD by Published Works, we have two research intakes each academic year. You should apply for your preferred start date and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

However please be aware that not all courses are available for all dates, if needed, you should consult the relevant Graduate Studies Co-Ordinator for details. Please apply for your preferred start date and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Please also note that there may be an option of a January intake, but please do not apply for this unless you are informed to do so.

Start dates for 2024/25

  • 30th September 2024: Enrolment and Meet & Greet session
    15th and 16th October 2024: Central Induction sessions, followed by a communities/check-in day on 19th November 2024
    17th October 2024: Professional Doctorate-specific sessions
  • 31st January 2025: Enrolment and Meet & Greet session
    18th and 19th February 2025: Central Induction sessions, followed by a communities/check-in day on 18th March 2025
    20th February 2025: Professional Doctorate-specific sessions
  • 30th April 2025: Enrolment and Meet & Greet session
    20th and 21st May 2025: Central Induction sessions, followed by a communities/check-in day on 17th June 2025
    22nd May 2025: Professional Doctorate-specific sessions

Start dates for 2025/26

  • 30th September 2025: Enrolment and Meet & Greet session
    14th and 15th October 2025: Central Induction sessions, followed by a communities/check-in day on 18th November 2025
    16th October 2025: Professional Doctorate-specific sessions
  • 30th January 2026: Enrolment and Meet & Greet session
    10th and 11th February 2026: Central Induction sessions, followed by a communities/check-in day on 17th March 2026
    12th February 2026: Professional Doctorate-specific sessions
  • 30th April 2026: Enrolment and Meet & Greet session
    19th and 20th May 2026: Central Induction sessions, followed by a communities/check-in day on 16th June 2026
    21st May 2026: Professional Doctorate-specific sessions

School of Art & Design only offers one entry point, September.

School of Sport & Health Sciences offers two intakes per year, September and April.

Professional Doctorates offer two intakes per year, September and April.

Visit Academic Registry for up-to-date information with regards to term dates and enrolment.

Please note that you must have applied to and received an offer from us before you can enrol.

Student loans are now being introduced for postgraduate study, however there are restrictions. Please see further information on the Postgraduate, Part Time and Research Fees & Finance page. Here you can also find the latest fee tables and finance advice.

The University makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided to applicants on programmes offered is as accurate and up-to-date as possible, however University programmes of study are continually revised and there may well be some changes between the time of publication and the time a student starts the programme. The running of University programmes are also subject to numbers in that a certain number of students need to undertake the programme for it to be viable.

Where changes and a decision to discontinue a programme is made, applicants are informed of this as soon as possible so that opportunity is given to consider an alternative programme at the institution or elsewhere. If a decision to discontinue a programme is made after applicants have been offered a place the Admissions unit will make every effort to offer alternatives and provide assistance with finding an alternative choice.

If offered a place on a programme of which the viability is uncertain, applicants with unconditional offers will not be able to enrol until such time as viability for the offered period of study is confirmed. Applicants affected will receive communication updates and confirmation of when they are able to self enrol.

Please visit our Terms and Conditions page for full information.