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NHS Wales Bursary Scheme

Cardiff Met currently provides Healthcare programmes that have been commissioned by Health Education Improvement Wales (HEIW).

If you are planning to study one of our eligible Healthcare programmes you have two funding options available to you.

You may have the option of accessing funding via the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme or standard funding (via Student Finance Wales/ England/ Northern Ireland).

Applicants should be aware that the amount of funding available from the NHS Bursary Scheme and the Standard Funding Option will differ.

You will need to decide which is the best option for you. If you have any queries about the funding available to you, or are unsure which is best, you can contact the Money Advice Team for further guidance on

NWSSP Student Awards Services implements the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme, which provides funding for a range of Health education courses in Wales.

The funding available through this scheme includes:

  • Tuition fees only,
  • Bursary for living costs; including a £1000 non means tested grant plus a means tested bursary,

Details of how your award is calculated can be found here NHS BURSARIES (MEANS TESTED).

You can find further details on How do I apply for a bursary? - NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

You can also apply for a reduced rate maintenance loan from your funding authority (i.e., Student Finance Wales/ England/ Northern Ireland).

Please note that under the scheme:

  • If you have enrolled on an Undergraduate programme, you are eligible for a maximum of three years of tuition fees unless you have mitigating circumstances confirmed by the university.
  • If you have enrolled on a Postgraduate Diploma programme, you are eligible for a maximum of two years of tuition fees unless you have mitigating circumstances confirmed by the university.

Please note that you will need to re-apply annually for your NHS Bursary to be funded for each year of study.

Full Terms and Conditions are available here: ​

You can apply for support from your funding authority (i.e., Student Finance Wales/ England/ Northern Ireland) for your tuition fees and living costs. If eligible you can also apply for Dependents Grants.

Further information can be found via the following links:

If you decide to access the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme you will agree to work in Wales for:

  • 2 years following completion of your Undergraduate programme.
  • 18 months after completion of your Postgraduate Diploma programme.

Individuals who do not feel they can commit to this period of employment will not be eligible to receive the Bursary, however you will still be able to study in Wales and will be able to access Student Finance to study with Cardiff Met.

If you want to change your funding option from NHS Wales Bursary Scheme to Student Finance, you need to opt-out of the Scheme within 10 weeks of beginning your programme.

You must inform the School of Sport and Health Sciences and you will need to login to your NWSSP account and initiate the opt out process, once confirmed you will be issued with an opt-out code that you are required to send to your funding authority.

After 10 weeks students cannot normally change their funding route, exceptional cases will be considered through an appeals mechanism. Please contact the School of Sport and Health Sciences to discuss the appeals process and/or the Money Advice Team for further guidance about funding available to you on

Our intake numbers are decided by the NHS in Wales, which take into consideration professional requirements.

In order to gain a place on the course and therefore an allocated placement, the offer is also dependant on academic achievement and satisfying all entry requirements associated with the programmes. Due to the way placements are allocated, all offer conditions for undergraduate courses must be met by Friday 13th August.

Placement numbers are limited for NHS programmes. Whilst we make every effort to limit the number of offers to minimise the risk of disappointment of not gaining a place, occasionally the number of students achieving the conditions for entry exceeds the number of placements available. Should this situation arise, Cardiff Met will operate a points system based on academic achievement and/or interview scores as well as a Firm reply. Unfortunately, for those applicants who choose Cardiff Met as their Insurance choice, we cannot guarantee a place.

In exceptional circumstances, the Programme Director may also offer a guaranteed place for the following year.

Due to the different application system for Postgraduate Dietetics, the number of offers made will reflect the allocation of placements available.

If you are considering a professional career in health care and would like to know more about the financial support you will get during your training, then please contact:

Student Awards Services
4th Floor, Companies House
Crown Way
CF14 3UB

Bursary Enquiries - Tel: 02920 905380

Childcare Enquiries - Tel: 02920 905381



The NHS support package from Cardiff Met is designed to prepare students enrolled on NHS supported courses for study, and to support them throughout their studies.

Award Package

The award is centered around study support. There will be study skills exercises, tutoring, mentorship and peer support on offer, among other benefits. If eligible, you will also be given access to a loaned computer for the duration of the programme.


We will automatically assess you for the support package if you meet all the following criteria:

You must be classed as a Home student for fee paying purposes

You must be a new Cardiff Metropolitan University student, applying through UCAS and entering a full-time NHS supported undergraduate course at Year One, starting in 2024.

Your permanent address must be in one of the 10% most deprived areas of Wales as defined by the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 (WIMD).

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions.

If awarded the NHS Support package, you will be notified via email in advance of the course start date. If you have any queries, please email

The Welsh Health Minister has a responsibility for NHS Wales workforce planning and for the training and development of healthcare professionals in Wales. As part of that responsibility, the University will be required to provide information on your progress during your studies. For those students who are not supported by the NHS Wales Bursary scheme, this information is anonymised as part of a statistical report which includes details relating to your progression in your studies and the outcomes that you achieve.