Procedures for Non-DBS Programmes | Cardiff Metropolitan University Skip to content

Procedures for non-DBS programmes

Applicants for courses that do not require a criminal records check will be asked for information, after replying Firm to an offer, on restrictions and/or probation that have been put in place following a conviction.

Applicants will be referred to the Applicant Criminal Conviction(s) Declaration - Proforma, which should be returned to the Head of Admissions within 14 working days of receipt. For more information, please click here.

Cardiff Met needs to be informed of any restrictions which would prevent applicants and students from undertaking or progressing with their studies. Restrictions may include:

  • Restriction/s imposed which limit access to the internet or restrict computer usage
  • Electronic TAG device
  • Curfews
  • Injunctions
  • Restraining or Protective Orders

Community Orders - including Supervision, Unpaid Work (Community Payback), Programme (course to help you stop offending), Drug Rehabilitation, Alcohol Treatment, Curfew, Residence, Activity, Exclusion, Prohibited Activity, Mental Health Treatment, Attendance Centre (for under 25s).

Applicants can also obtain advice on whether or not a restriction is relevant, and should be declared, by contacting the charity Unlock -
Information can also be obtained from the crime reduction charity National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NACRO) -

Please refer to Cardiff Metropolitan University's policy for Non DBS programmes below on dealing with enquiries concerning convictions for further information:

  • A restriction or probation requirements do not necessarily mean a 'bar' to study.
  • After an offer is made, and you have replied Firm, you will be asked to provide information on restrictions and or probation requirements which may affect your offer progressing. You will be asked to disclose the information by completing a proforma and returning this within 14 days of receipt.
  • When all relevant information has been collected, it will be reviewed by the Head of Admissions who will undertake a risk assessment, and take advice from Student Services and Registry. If deemed necessary, a meeting will be arranged with you to obtain additional information.
  • When undertaking a risk assessment, the seriousness of the restrictions and or probation will be considered, along with any other relevant information offered by you about the circumstances which led to the result of the restrictions and probation, and whether these would debar you from employment opportunities associated with the course.
  • If it is decided that the restrictions imposed and or probation requirements will result in Cardiff Met not being able to confirm your place the outcome and information around why this decision was made will be notified.
  • Notification of the outcome will be communicated to you within 14 days after all information is received. Should the process take longer than 14 days, you will be notified of the extra time required.
  • Although the panel may decide that the applicant is suitable to undertake the course, applicants need to be aware that partners who offer work placements may apply their own criteria which may not concur with Cardiff Met's judgement.

If applicants are not happy with the outcome of the process, reference will need to be made to Cardiff Metropolitan's complaints procedure which can be accessed at

If you are convicted of a criminal offence, or are subject to investigation by the Police for committing such an offence, during your studies, you are asked to disclose this Registry Services as soon as possible. This is required as the University has a duty of care to all students, staff and visitors, and Student Services would want to ensure that you had the appropriate welfare support. If you are studying a course for which a DBS check was undertaken, you will have been informed of relevant procedures for disclosing an offence.

Should the University subsequently become aware of factual circumstances of a criminal conviction that was not brought to our attention as outlined above, the Student Disciplinary Procedure may be engaged.