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Enquiries Concerning Convictions

For programmes requiring a DBS Check, please refer to the information below for enquiries regarding Cardiff Metropolitan University's policies relating to criminal convictions:

  • A conviction indicated on a DBS enhanced disclosure does not necessarily mean a ‘bar’ to study, training or teaching.
  • Only after a conditional offer, based on academic grounds, has been made will decisions based on any information on the DBS enhanced disclosure be taken.
  • Cardiff Metropolitan University has a specific policy and procedure to make a decision on suitability with a conviction. This is a confidential process which is separate from application and interview for a place on the programme. If successful at interview all offers of places are conditional upon Health, DBS and for ITET applicants, Fitness to Teach (FtT) checks.
  • A designated Safeguarding panel​ will consider each case after receipt of the DBS enhanced disclosure i.e. consideration cannot begin until such time as Cardiff Metropolitan University receives its copy of the Enhanced Disclosure. Applicants may then be called for an additional interview to discuss aspects of suitability. The panel will take into account all available information when making judgements.
  • Once a decision is made by the Safeguarding Panel the applicant will be informed by letter sent from the Admissions Unit. If applicants are not happy with the outcome of the process reference will need to be made to Cardiff Metropolitan’s complaints procedure which can be accessed at
  • No guidance can be given to applicants concerning the decision made by the DBS panel i.e. it cannot be prejudged, pre-empted or second guessed.
  • Although the panel may decide that the applicant is suitable to undertake the programme, applicants need to be aware that partners who offer work placements may apply their own criteria which may not concur with Cardiff Met's judgement regarding the placement.
  • Although applicants with a criminal conviction may be given a place on their chosen programme, on completion of the programme they will subsequently need to register with either the Education Workforce in Wales or General Teaching Councils in other parts of the UK or Health and Care Professions Council. The relevant Council will make its own decision regarding suitability for registration. Likewise employers will also consider any disclosure on an applicant's DBS enhanced disclosure in line with their own policies when appointing staff.

For guidance and without prejudice applicants for teaching might wish to look at the Education Workforce Council website which gives general guidance for registration.

For information on the Health Profession Council, please refer to