Stella Diamantidi | Cardiff Metropolitan University Skip to content
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Stella Diamantidi

Associate Dean Student Engagement
Cardiff School of Management


Stella Diamantidi is Associate Dean Student Engagement at Cardiff Metropolitan University since 2019. Her responsibilities include leading on learning, teaching and student engagement initiatives as well as ensuring meaningful student engagement in quality assurance and enhancement. Prior to this role she was Head of Business Department with line management responsibilities for large academic teams enabling them to deliver high quality student-centred provision. She has designed and delivered business and law degrees (QLDs) assessing the achievements of students as well as teaching and learning. She has expertise in external examining, and she is a qualified trainer for the External Examiner Development programme by Advance HE. She chairs a number of Examining Boards, she is a Senior HEA Fellow and a QAA Reviewer on Quality & Standards for England. She has extensive experience of academic leadership and strategy in higher education, in further education, private provider colleges as well as post-92 Universities.