Sara Macpherson | Cardiff Metropolitan University Skip to content
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Sara Macpherson

Senior Lecturer in Sport Management and Development
Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences


Sara Macpherson is a Lecturer in Sport Management and Sport Development in the Cardiff School of Sport. Sara has worked in the sports industry for 10 years, 5 years specialising in Sport Management. Sara has comprehensive experience of the sporting landscape having worked in the public, voluntary and not-for-profit sectors.

Sara worked for the Active Young People Department at Bridgend Council for 3 years leading on numerous sports development initiatives including 5x60, Dragon Sport, Community Focused Schools and Active 4 Life programmes.

Sara is a fluent Welsh speaker and spent 18 months working for the Urdd Gobaith Cymru as a Welsh language Sport Development Officer leading on developing Welsh language accreditation opportunities for young people. More recently, Sara has spent the past 5 years working as the Sport Development Manager at Cardiff Met leading on numerous projects including the development of the Junior Sports Academy programmes and establishing a comprehensive Work Based Learning partnership with the Cardiff School of Sport.