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Sally Bethell

Senior Lecturer PGCE Secondary Education
Cardiff School of Education & Social Policy


Sally is a senior lecturer in the School of Education and Social Policy. Formerly the Programme Director for PGCE Secondary, she now teaches on the PGCE PE course and the Issues in PE and pedagogy undergraduate course. She also contribute to the PE provision for Primary PGCE and the MA in Physical Education and Sport. As an undergraduate Sally studied at The University of North Wales, Bangor, Joint BA (Hons) in Physical Education and Sociology. She completed a PGCE in Physical Education at Exeter University. Her teaching career started in Oxfordshire as a main scale PE teacher, before moving to North Yorkshire for 12 years continuing as PE teacher as well as a head of department, head of careers and became an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST).

In 2000, Sally relocated to south Wales teaching PE in a Gloucester school. At the same time, she started working for Sport Wales as a National Trainer involved in the Dragon Sport project. From her consultancy work with Sport Wales, she became a National Trainer, involved in tutor training and quality improvement. With the advent of the Physical Education and School Sport (PESS) Government initiative, she became a National trainer for the Health, Fitness and Well-being project working on developing resources and delivering training courses. Her involvement in these projects has supported the teaching of the health and well-being aspect of the current PGCE programme and reflects the emphasis on this aspect in the new curriculum for Wales.

From 2011-14 PGCE PE successfully attracted substantial funding to develop high quality PE CPD opportunities for trainee teachers in primary and secondary. Sally is involved as an External Examiner for the BA (Hons) with QTS at Brighton University. She has also undertaken Estyn peer-inspector training.

Research Publications

Mentoring PE Student Teachers in Wales: lessons from a systematic review of literature

Bethell, S., Bryant, A., Cooper, S. M., Edwards, L. & Hodgkin, K., 1 Sept 2020, In: Wales Journal of Education.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Problem-based and experiential learning: Engaging students in an undergraduate physical education module

Bethell, S. & Morgan, K., Apr 2011, In: Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education. 10, 1, p. 128-134 7 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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