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Ingrid Murphy

Principal Lecturer
Cardiff School of Art & Design - MA FHEA NTF


Ingrid Murphy is Academic Lead for Transdisciplinarity at Cardiff School of Art & Design, Ingrid is working with the integration of research and enterprise across the school's learning and teaching curricula and oversees the cross school interdisciplinary modules. From 2008 -2013 Ingrid led CSAD's ceramic department, from 2011 to 2016 she led the Artist, Designer: Maker course. This innovative cross-disciplinary course focuses on fusing traditional craft skills with new and emerging processes in digital design and fabrication.

In 2013 Ingrid was awarded the University's student led Fellowship for Innovative Teaching and in 2015 she was awarded a National teaching fellowship for her contribution to higher education. Since 2015 Ingrid has led CSAD's applied research group in digital fabrication and associated processes: FabCre8.

A practicing ceramic artist, Ingrid exhibits internationally, and was a recipient of the Arts Council of Wales Creative Wales award for individual practice and was also shortlisted for the Ceramics Biennial Award in 2015, the Indian Ceramic Triennial in 2018, and Art Macau 2021. In 2018 -19 ACW funded Ingrid's touring solo show of 23 interactive ceramic works entitled 'Seen and Unseen'

Her practice focuses on augmenting ceramic artefacts with a range of interactive technologies, exploiting the material characteristics of ceramics to create innovative interactions and experiences.

In 2018 Ingrid was selected for the British Councils Living Research project to investigate Maker culture in in China, in 2019 she received further funding to return to China to investigate the role of maker culture in interdisciplinary education.

Ingrid has a studio in France where she practices and also runs and develops co-learning projects with students.

Research Publications

Impact and the Research Environment: An Art and Design Case Study

Savage, D., Loudon, G. & Murphy, I., 1 Sept 2021, In: Journal of Research Management and Administration. 1, 1, p. 16 35 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

The Making of a Maker Space - A Case Study

Murphy, I., Jul 2019, Leading the Way – Excellence and Innovation in University Teaching. Bilham, T., Hamshire, C., Hartog, M. & Doolan, M. (eds.). IOE Press (UCL)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

Meta-making and Me

Murphy, I., 23 Feb 2017, The Ceramics Reader. Petrie, K. & Livingstone, A. (eds.). Bloomsbury

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Murphy, I. (Artist) & Pigott, J. (Artist), 2017

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

Beyond Facture

Murphy, I., Nov 2016, In: The Journal of Australian Ceramics.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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