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Fiona Heath-Diffey

Senior Lecturer PGCE Secondary Education PE Programme Leader
Cardiff School of Education & Social Policy


Fiona Diffey trained as a secondary PE teacher at Cardiff Metropolitan in 2003-4. Over the last 7 years Fiona has spent her time working in both the secondary sector as a PE teacher as well as the primary sector as a PE specialist. In 2011 Fiona joined the staff of the PGCE Secondary program at Cardiff Metropolitan University, where she currently works as a the Program Leader for the PGC PE course. As well as working full time on the secondary PGCE PE, Fiona also delivers on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses that focus on teacher training and the pedagogy of teaching. Having become very interesting in the field of Physical Literacy as a teacher, Fiona's research has focused into the area of Motivational Climate and the role Initial Teacher Training and Education (ITTE) can play in the preparation of primary and secondary ITTE students to deliver high quality PE that fosters the concepts of Physical Literacy.

Research Publications

Realising curriculum possibilities in Wales: teachers’ initial experiences of re-imagining secondary physical education

Aldous, D., Evans, V., Lloyd, R., Heath-Diffey, F. & Chambers, F., 24 Sept 2022, In: Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education. 13, 3, p. 253-269 17 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

The Effects of a Collaborative Mastery Intervention Programme on Physical Literacy in Primary PE

Morgan, K., Bryant, A. & Heath-Diffey, F., 2013, In: ICSSPE Bulletin - Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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