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Health & Wellbeing (Top-up) - BSc (Hons) Degree

About the Course

​The BSc (Hons) Health and Wellbeing Top-Up degree provides an excellent opportunity to extend your previous knowledge and experience to complete a degree that can lead to graduate employment or further study.

This programme is designed for those who have either gained appropriate recognised qualifications in massage, aromatherapy and reflexology or who have relevant study or industry experience in health and wellbeing related areas. You will also need to have studied research methods at Levels 4 and 5.

A key feature of the programme is the work-based learning module that allows you to focus on developing the skills and experience required for graduate employment. You will complete a minimum of two different placements over the course of the year, using your professional skills and knowledge to support clients with a wide variety of physical and mental health concerns, their families and/or carers. The opportunity to work alongside or observe other healthcare professionals is another valuable element to this module.

Current work placements include palliative care and mental health support settings within the NHS and third sector organisations. Students have an on-site placement supervisor as well as support from a named member of the teaching team.

Alongside attending placement students work as a team to operate all aspects of the University’s Complementary Healthcare Clinic which is fee-paying and open to the public.

In addition to these work-based learning opportunities, you will deepen your underpinning knowledge within the Health Behaviour Change module, and via one of two optional modules: Applied Health and Wellbeing across the Lifespan or Advanced Practice (Complementary Therapy option only).

A major component of the top-up year is completion of a research project. This is often an extension of an area of interest already identified at Level 4 or 5 and should be discussed with the programme team at interview. There are opportunities to investigate the possible influence of an intervention via a small-scale case study project, to conduct surveys or complete a review of the literature on a given topic.

This top-up opportunity will undoubtedly enhance employment opportunities and prepare you for further study at master’s level should that be your next chosen step.

Level 6


  • Final Project
  • Work-based Learning
  • Health Behaviour Change

Optional – Choose one from:

  • Advanced Practice (Complementary Healthcare qualified only)
  • Applied Health and Wellbeing across the Lifespan

A mix of theory and practice is delivered via a range of teaching methods across the programme including lectures, tutorials, workshops, practical classes (Advanced Practice option only), group tasks and presentations. Our Virtual Learning Environment is also an integral aspect of the learning package that supports the needs of our students.

Students are supported as they complete their project with guided independent study whilst work-based learning experiences enhance and extend their professional practice.

Teaching and learning strategies have been carefully designed to interlink across the range of modules and themes to fully develop essential academic skills whilst embedding research and employability skills into the practical and professional elements of the course.

At this level of study students are expected to demonstrate independent learning skills. Attendance at class, clinic and placement is an average of approximately 15 hours per week, dependant on Option choices.

The assessment strategies for each module vary to ensure that the most appropriate method is implemented for each module.

Assessment for this year comprises a range of essays, practical exams, case studies, reflective reports, and both individual and group presentations.

The research project is presented in the style of a paper for a journal.

An important element of this top-up year is the development of professional skills and broadening of experience provided by the Work-based Learning module.

The placement element offers the opportunity to work in a range of environments, several of them in clinical settings, whilst the University clinic allows students to experience all aspects of running a multi-disciplinary clinic.

These experiences mean that our graduates can compete very favourably in the job market. Former students have been offered employment as a result of their placement or to set up their own clinics offering employment to other graduates, whilst others have established themselves as sole trader therapists.

There is also the opportunity to continue your studies to master’s level and beyond via, for example, the Master’s in Research Methods (MRes) programme at Cardiff Met.

All applicants should have five GCSEs including English Language (or Welsh First Language) and Mathematics or Mathematics – Numeracy at grade C or above / grade 4 or above, plus:

  • Foundation Degree or HND in Complementary Therapies (which must include modules at Level 4 and 5 in the subjects of massage, reflexology and aromatherapy) or in a health and wellbeing related field.
  • An IELTS (or equivalent) score of 6.5 is required where English is not the first language.

Candidates who do not possess normal minimum entry qualification may be interviewed and considered individually on the basis of their prior learning or working background.

Other requirements: Successful DBS and Occupational Health check.

Further information on Overseas qualifications can be found here.

Further information on how to apply can be found here.

For general enquiries please contact the Admissions Team on 029 2041 6044 or email

For course specific enquiries, please contact Tim Bartlett:​

  • UCAS Code


  • Location

    Llandaff Campus

  • School

    Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences

  • Duration

    1 year full time.

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