Jane Barnett



School Resources and Operations Manager

Email: jbarnett@cardiffmet.ac.uk

I lead the Education and Social Policy, Sport and Health Admin Team. This team supports the School of Sport and Health Sciences. I am a member of the School Management and Planning Team and Directorate. I work with the Dean and her team and liaise with the central professional service units on matters relating to budgets and finance, procurement, people services, staff development, estates and health and safety.​

Qualifications and Awards

MBA (Bournemouth University, 1999)
PGCert - Leadership for Collaboration (Dist, UWIC, 2009)

PhD Efficient and Effective Management in Higher Education: An Insider Action Research Perspective (Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2014​)

Research, Interests and Publications

Peer Review Journal Articles

  • Odd, D., Reeve, N.F., Barnett, J., Cutter, J., Daniel, R., Gale, C., Siasakos, D. (2024). PRECIOUS study (PREterm Caesarean/vaginal birth and IVH/OUtcomeS): does mode of birth reduce the risk of death or brain injury in very preterm babies? A cohort and emulated target trial protocol. BMJ Open 2024;14:e089722. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2024-089722
  • Battle, C., O’Neill, M., Barnett, J., Hutchings, H., Uzzell, B., Toghill, H., & O’Neill, C. (2024). Patient and clinician perceptions of blunt chest trauma management and recovery: a qualitative study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2024.2353246
  • Battle, C., O'Neill, C., Newey, L., Barnett, J., O'Neill, M., Hutchings, H., (2021). A survey of current practice in UK emergency department management of patients with blunt chest wall trauma not requiring admission to hospital. Injury, Volume 52, Issue 9, Pages 2565-2570. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.injury.2021.06.013
    Barnett, J., Cropley, B., Hanton, S. and Fleming, S., (2013). Taking the plunge: Reflections on the decision to register for a doctorate. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 13, pp.123-131. ​https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2013.08.001