My primary research interests revolve around emotions, and social support in different disciplines, and sport psychology in particular. My research on emotion concentrates on the intra- and inter-personal effects of emotions in social and performance contexts. I am particularly interested in how (the regulation of) emotion expressions shape personal relationships (e.g., coach-athlete, practitioner-athlete), influence group dynamics (e.g., the contagion of fear/happiness in teams) and facilitate human flourishing in high-pressure situations (e.g., the role of pride and shame in penalty shootouts). My research on social support is aimed at understanding whether/how verbal and nonverbal supportive acts (e.g., touch) help athletes dealing with minor and major stressors and exploring the implications for support network members such as coaches and practitioners.
Refereed Academic Journal Articles
Freeman, P., Coffee, P., Moll, T., Rees, T, and Sammy, N. (2014). The ARSQ: The Athletes' Received Support Questionnaire. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36, 189-202.
Moll, T. (2013). Enacted social support in sport: The effects of support type and support visibility. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom.
Moll, T., Jordet, G., Pepping, G.J. (2010). Emotional contagion in soccer penalty shootouts: Celebration of individual success is associated with ultimate team success. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28, 9, 983-992.
Currently under review
Furley, P., Moll, T. (submitted) “Put your hands up in the air”? The effects of pride and shame expressions on opponents and teammates.
Frontiers in Psychology. December, 2014.
Conference Presentations
Moll, T., & Furley, P. (2013). Displaying Pride after Individual Success: A boost for teammates? Paper presented at the 45th ASP (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie in Deutschland), Halle, Germany, April, 2013.
Moll, T., Rees, T., & Freeman, P. (2012). The effect of support type on a football aiming task: Does it matter how support is delivered? Oral presentation at the 2012 BASES Student Conference, London, UK, April, 2012.
Moll, T., Rees, T., Freeman, P. (2012). The effect of support type and support visibility on performance in a football aiming task: Evidence from two experimental studies. Poster presentation at the 17th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Bruges, Belgium, July, 2012.
Moll, T., Rees, T., Freeman, P. (2011). The effect of support type on a football aiming task: Does it matter how support is delivered? Poster presentation at the 13th FEPSAC European Sport Psychology Congress, Madeira, Portugal, July, 2011.
Pepping, G.J., Moll, T., Jordet, G., Van Korven, D., Basedow, F. (2011). Emotional contagion in association football. Oral Presentation at the 2011 FEPSAC Conference.
Moll, T., Pepping, G.J., Jordet, G. (2008). Self-conscious emotions in soccer penalty shootouts: Celebrate initial successes and harvest ultimate wins. Poster Presentation at the 13th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal, July, 2008.