Professional Doctorate
The Professional Doctorate is a structured, but flexible, Level 8 programme for individuals aiming to study and make a difference to their own workplace and/or practice. Given the nature of the programme, it is available as a part-time option only.
The award is suited to individuals in the workplace who have ambitions to positively influence the workplace and/or their own professional practice.
You’ll progress through 4 modules supported by a Supervisory team and engage in reflective practice to evaluate the practical change you’ve proposed through your project.
The available pathways are as follows:
- Applied Health – Professional Doctorate (DAH) new
- Business Administration – Professional Doctorate (DBA)
- Design Management – Professional Doctorate (DDM) new
- Education – Professional Doctorate (EdH)
- Education (Wales) - Professional Doctorate (EdH) new
- Engineering – Professional Doctorate (DEng)
- Professional Practice – Professional Doctorate (DProf)
- Professional Practice: Health Sciences – Professional Doctorate (DProf)
- Professional Practice: Sport – Professional Doctorate (DProf)
- Sustainable Built Environment – Professional Doctorate (DSBE)
Duration and mode: part time, 4.5-6 years
For more information, and to find out if we have the expertise available to support your intended area of research, please complete this form: