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Global Academies

Here at Cardiff Met, we're committed to making a positive impact on the world around us. Our Global Academies bring together research expertise to address some of the biggest challenges that society needs to overcome. They are collaborative and interdisciplinary combining our strengths in research, innovation and teaching to address issues affecting us locally, nationally and internationally. We aim to help improve the world around us collaboratively and compassionately.

Offering a range of postgraduate learning and research opportunities, our Global Academies are international in their outlook. They are solution based approaches to improving the world around us for future generations.

Our three Global Academies are: 

This Academy brings together our expertise in wellbeing, public health, biomedical sciences, leadership and management, sport, physical activity, coaching and technology. It takes a holistic view of human performance, aiming to improve individuals for the benefit of society, from staying healthy to achieving world-leading success in any field. Our Health and Human Performance Global Academy addresses UN Sustainability Goals related to good health and wellbeing, decent work and economic growth and sustainable cities and communities.

This Academy combines our expertise in technical, operational and commercial food production and biomedical sciences, along with nutrition, perceptual science and psychology. Making an impact through new product development, consumer health, inward investment and export initiatives, our Food Science, Safety and Security Global Academy addresses global challenges related to decent work and economic growth, industrial innovation and infrastructure, responsible consumption and production, and zero hunger.

This Academy is aligned to our aim to improve the world around us, fuelling the creation of innovative solutions to global challenges. Organisations, products, processes and services that place the individual at their centre provide effective solutions. Our Human Centred Design Global Academy links expertise in design with technology, art, architecture and policy to address a diverse range of global challenges including decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure and the impact of public body decisions on future generations.

To find out more about how you can work with our Global Academies, please contact Professor Richard Neil (Head of Research) at

Research Centres and Groups (Research Explorer)