
Research Case Studies

​The Next Generation Disinfection Robot


Global Academies’ Santander Fellow, Dr Esyin Chew’s research explores the use of robotics to combat highly contagious diseases in global healthcare, hospitality, and education environments. Robots have been used to reduce the number of harmful pathogens in global settings, such as the Heathrow and Doha airport. And whilst, robotic UV disinfection has proven highly effective in killing up to 99% of harmful pathogens (Heathrow, 2022; Doha Airport, 2021), many hospitals, schools, and hospitality venues cannot access this technology due to high costs, and ongoing health concerns around prolonged exposure to UV-C light to humans.

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International Design Ecosystems: How Cardiff Met's research has increased SME Competitiveness 

Cardiff Met’s International Centre for Design and Research (PDR) is recognised for its research into how design can improve people’s everyday lives and how for example governments and policy makers can change the way they develop policy for the benefit of all.  

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​Well-Designed Democracy: Using Design to Re-think Democratic Institutions and Governance

Our Global Academies Santander Fellow, Piotr Swiatek is researching using design to re-think democratic institutions and governance. 

Learn more about this exciting research here..

​​​​​​CV19 Heroes Project: Tracking the Wellbeing of Frontline Key Workers in the UK and Ireland during and in the Aftermath of COVID 19


As Cardiff Met’s Global Academies continue to grow, we are bringing new staff in to support the University’s strong research ambitions. Recently, the Health & Human Performance Global Academy led by Prof Diane Crone recruited Dr Rachel Sumner as a Senior Research Fellow.

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Improving Health Through Physical Activity: Engaging "Hard to Reach" young females in the South Wales Valleys

​Ellyse Hopkins is completing her KESS 2 funded PhD in collaboration with Valleys Gymnastics Academy. The focus of her research is engaging young women from disadvantaged backgrounds into physical activity.

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​Engaging Injured military veterans into physical exercise, focusing on both the physiological and psychological elements.  

​Dr Robert Walker successfully defended his PhD on 19th April 2021. Rob’s research was focused on engaging injured military veterans into physical exercise, his PhD was completed in collaboration with Help for Heroes.

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UK study of Public Experiences during COVID-19 Pandemic


In March 2020, as the coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic was escalating in the UK, psychology researchers from Cardiff Met's School of Sport and Health Sciences and Cardiff University's Centre for Trials Research very quickly designed an online survey to find out about the experiences of people living in the UK during the outbreak. This was one of the first projects of its kind in the UK. The survey explored the realities of what was happening for the UK public at the beginning of the lockdown—aiming to understand what members of the public were thinking, feeling, and doing during the early days of the crisis and how they were responding to communications from governmental and health services.

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Head injury prevention and management in cricket and rugby

Since 2013, Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Dr Isabel Moore and Dr Craig Ranson from the English Institute of Sport (EIS) have collaborated on research into injury problems in cricket and rugby union, nationally and internationally. Funded by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), International Cricket Council (ICC), Welsh Rugby Union (WRU), World Rugby and Guinness PRO14 Rugby Union League, their research has facilitated changes in protective equipment and revolutionised injury risk management in team sports.

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​Foot Screening for patients with diabetes in Mauritius 

Mauritius has one of the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world, with 29 percent of all deaths linked to Diabetes Mellitus (2017 World Health Rankings). This results in nearly 500 foot amputations per year.

Dr Jane Lewis established Mauritius’s first systematic Diabetic Foot Ulcer Screening programme in 2014. The programme helps the early detection of diabetic foot disease before ulceration, a critical factor because diabetic ulcers are the first point of a sequence of events that frequently lead to major amputations and/or early death. Between 2016-2018, 176,341 Mauritians were screened through the program Lewis initiated, marking a critical step in dealing with a pressing national health issue.

You can read more about Dr Jane Lewis’ research here

​​​​​​Cardiff Met and PDR recognised with award of Queen's Anniversary Prize​

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Cardiff Metropolitan University is delighted to have been recognised in The Queen's Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education at a ceremony at St James' Palace in London. The prize is awarded every two years by the Queen in recognition of an academic or vocational institution, and falls within the UK’s national honours system. This honour was awarded to the University as a result of the great work carried out by design technologists at PDR.


Playing Sur​​​​face and Fatigue in Football

​In this study, researchers from the Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences have been investigating the effect of playing surface in football. Specifically, is the development of fatigue different between grass and artificial surfaces?​

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​Disruptive Innovation: Developing Medical Product ​for Rural Zambia

​​​This project is a collaboration between Cardiff School of Art & Design and Cardiff Medical School’s Zambia Collaboration, which supports Zambia’s Chongwe region community in achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. These goals include reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and achieving universal primary education.

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