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Global Outreach Projects

Social responsibility -both locally and globally- underpins the work of Cardiff Met.

The University supports and promotes the development of higher education systems around the world through projects that work with individuals, institutions and governments in areas including internationalisation, leadership development and quality system.

These so far have been achieved through the participation in British Council projects as well as Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building Projects. We are looking to enhance these through the creation of outreach opportunities through Global Games and our Global Grants Scheme.

Our Projects

The B-International It aims to provide staff at universities in Pakistan with a framework by which to implement international strategies that support the wider aims of the universities and to provide staff with knowledge and practical tools to implement international activities that support the strategic aim of both the university and the wider Higher Education sector.

The project will therefore examine traditional components of internationalisation such as mobility, TNE and international research, but will also include more contemporary concepts such as developing international campuses that explore the wide tapestry of international cultures.

Read more about the b-international project

Enabling an environment of Quality for International HE Partnerships between the UK and Vietnam' (EQUIP) is a project supported by a UK-Viet Nam Partnerships for Quality and Internationalisation grant from the British Council.

The UK-Viet Nam Partnerships for Quality and Internationalisation grants support capacity building, knowledge exchange and collaboration activities between UK and Viet Nam higher education sector at system and institution level in the areas of Leadership and Governance; Benchmarking HE qualifications and Quality Assurance; and Teaching, Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer.

UK-Viet Nam Partnerships for Quality and Internationalisation is part of a wider British Council programme called Going Global Partnerships, which builds stronger, more inclusive, internationally connected higher education and TVET systems.

British Council Vietnam-Fostering a Culture of Quality at NEU

Enabling an environment of Quality for International HE Partnerships between the UK and Vietnam' (EQUIP) is a project supported by a UK-Viet Nam Partnerships for Quality and Internationalisation grant from the British Council.

The UK-Viet Nam Partnerships for Quality and Internationalisation grants support capacity building, knowledge exchange and collaboration activities between UK and Viet Nam higher education sector at system and institution level in the areas of Leadership and Governance; Benchmarking HE qualifications and Quality Assurance; and Teaching, Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer.

UK-Viet Nam Partnerships for Quality and Internationalisation is part of a wider British Council programme called Going Global Partnerships, which builds stronger, more inclusive, internationally connected higher education and TVET systems.

Global Engagement’s Global Grants is a new initiative launched in March 2022.

The Global Grants are open to all staff and students across the University and aim to support activities, initiatives and events themed around integration, cultural diversity and inclusion, our University of Sanctuary status and the Global Engagement element of the University’s 2030 Strategy. The grants enable staff and students to organise their own activities to support these endeavours. The grants support activities and initiatives taking place on campus or in the local community. Grants available are from £100 to £1000. Examples of eligible activities are:

  • Supporting the development of new networks and clubs that integrate different cultures and communities at Cardiff Met and within the local community
  • Cultural exchange activities between home and international students
  • Hosting cultural diversity and inclusion related events

During the 12 month duration of the project starting from January 2025, Cardiff Met and colleagues at National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and QAA will be working towards developing a comprehensive and adaptable framework for establishing and assessing transnational education (TNE) partnerships between higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK and in Nigeria.

The project is designed to address the complexities and challenges inherent in such international collaborations, with a focus on creating practical solutions that can be applied across various contexts. The initial case study will focus on a scoping activity between Cardiff Metropolitan University and NOUN, serving as a foundation for a broader framework that could be applied to other countries and institutions.