The EU-METALIC II project aims at fulfilling the overall and specific programme objectives. In accordance with the overall Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Strand 1 objectives, the EU-Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Algerian, Libya in International Cooperation (EU-METALIC II) aims to promote European higher education, to help improve and enhance the career prospects of students and to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries, in accordance with EU external policy objectives in order to contribute to the sustainable development of third countries in the field of higher education.
Cardiff Metropolitan University was granted the EU-METALIC II project on 15th July 2012 through the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Strand 1 programme. This action aims at fostering structured cooperation between European and third-country higher education institutions through the promotion of mobility at all level of studies for students. The EU-METALIC II project offers scholarships for undergraduate, master, doctoral candidates, researchers, academic and administrative staff through funding from the European Commission.
The project aims at enhancing the academic cooperation between European, Moroccan, Egyptian, Tunisian, Algerian and Libyan universities by bringing together students, staff as well as young and senior researchers involved in the same disciplines or forming multidisciplinary teams to cover research domains identified by the third country universities as "priorities". The organisation of the mobility activities supported by the project will be a step toward the creation of more co-diplomas and co-thesis with stronger exchanges between PhD students from both EU and third-country sides.
Another very important objective of this project concerns the sharing of best practices between the participants' staff, in the field of "university governance" and in the implementation of the Bologna process. This project has planned some mobility activities for training the academic and administrative staff towards better "University governance". The project will be therefore organized and managed to have structuring effects within Higher Education institutions and to build sustainable synergies. This action will have long term impact upon the harmonization of Higher Education systems across the regions involved thus decreasing the gap existing between these institutions and contributing to the recognition of the degrees delivered in the third-country HE institutions at international level.
The EU-METALIC II project has set objectives which are in line with EMA2-Strand1 objectives which contribute to the mutual enrichment of third-countries and the EU, not only in academic matters, but also in political, educational, cultural and economic matters. These objectives are:
- To better adapt the Moroccan, Egyptian, Tunisian, Algerian and Libyan institutions to contribute to national development needs and to respond to globalisation challenges.
- To better integrate the Third-Country universities within the Euro-Mediterranean area.
- To contribute to the mutual enrichment of societies by developing the qualifications of the three target groups at all levels.
- To raise the academic level and international visibility of the third-countries partners' Higher Education through joint degrees, co-tutorship of thesis, new programmes and exchange of academic staff. This will develop and strengthen the HE learning and teaching capacity of the Third-Country institutions.
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Partner University Zone
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