Dr Gina Morgan


​ ​ ​ ​ ​Georgina Morgan ​Position:​Programme Director BA Secondary Education (Welsh / Music)
Pathway Leader (BA Astudiaethau Addysg a'r Gymraeg)
​School:​ Cardiff School of Education and Social Policy
​E- mail: gmorgan@cardiffmet.ac.uk
​ Telephone:​029 2041 7251
​Room No:​C014



Research Groups:
• Ethics committee: Cardiff Met School of Education (current)
• MEP working group: Ymchwilio ar effeithiolrwydd y cwrs MYA ar sampl o ysgolion cyfredol yng Nghymru: cynradd ac uwchradd (current)

• HEA (Fellow)

Research Interests:
Initial research field for PhD study: Medieval Welsh and French literature: Astudiaeth Lenyddol o'r Cymeriadau Benywaidd yn y Tair Rhamant Gymraeg a'r Tair Rhamant Ffrangeg

Current field of interest:
• Developments in the field of second language teaching in Welsh (Secondary)
• Welsh medium provision and development in the secondary sector
• Teaching and Learning in AS / A level Welsh (second language)
• The impact of the MEP programme and MEP students in raising standards in Welsh schools


Other Publications:
CD: Cerddi Poeth (contributor)

Learning Coaches: (contributor 2010/11 – UWIC Press)

Welsh Medium DVD: Arfer Da yn y sector Addysg Uwchradd: Cyfrwng Cymraeg (Y Coleg, 2010-11),

Annual report on AS Welsh CA2 WJEC as Assistant Chief examiner (WJEC / CBAC)


Dynamo project (WAG), producing resources to support the Dymano project in secondary schools (2006)

UWIC team member tasked with producing a WM DVD for Estyn training purposes (Estyn): Arfer Da yn y sector Uwchradd cyfrwng Cymraeg (2010)

Project leader: DVD on Arfer Dda yn y Sector Uwchradd – a training resource for staff and trainees in the WM sector. The project involved co-ordination with colleagues from other WM HE programmes in Swansea & Bangor, in addition to the Cardiff Met team (2011)

Member of MEP working group tasked with researching impact and effectiveness of the MEP in a selection of schools. This group reports to the MEP co-ordinator and produces internal reports on MEP progress which was used to assess impact and feedback to the WAG (2014-15).


Before joining the School of Education, I taught Welsh as a second language for fifteen years in secondary schools in Powys and Rhondda Cynon Taf. I have gained experiences in two Welsh departments and Head of Department in Powys and RCT, and was the Head of MFL in Bryn Celynnog, Pontypridd. Before teaching, I completed my PhD in medieval Welsh Literature.

Welsh and Secondary Education are my two main subject fields, with a love of literature included in this profile. I am employed as a Senior Lecturer in the Cardiff Metropolitan School of Education, and am currently the Programme Director for the BA (Hons) Secondary Education course. I am also co-ordinator for the Welsh BA pathway and a PGCE Welsh tutor. I support Welsh medium students on the PGCE programme as part of the Atodiad Cymhelliant (Cynllun Gwella) and hold weekly Gloywi Iaith sessions. I am Pathway Leader for the Welsh element of the Educational Studies & Welsh degree / Astudiaethau Addysg a'r Gymraeg. I am the University GTP (Graduate Teacher Programme) co-ordinator, GTP assessor and tutor, supporting graduates who train in the Welsh Medium secondary sector.

On a wider level I visit senior mentors and mentors as part of a Quality Assurance role. I am involved in working groups such as the Cardiff Met Secondary Research committee and also the SEWCET management group, linked to staff development and research projects.  I am part of the Routes in to Teaching project, and actively research student experience and their reflections on their learning.  

I have represented Cardiff Metropolitan University in the exciting development of Y Coleg. I was invited to be a member of the Academic board, and have followed the developments of this area of WM HE provision with interest. I represent the School of Education on the internal Y Coleg board.  

I am currently an external examiner for Welsh AS and A level, and the Assistant Chief Examiner for AS CA2. I am actively involved in curricular overview and development, and assume responsibility for the CA2 module. I represent the HE sector in discussions re curriculum overview at A level Welsh, and revise the AS syllabus as required as part of my WJEC commitments. I work also as a Subject Specialist on the Cymwysterau Cymru panel, advising on developments in the field of GCSE Welsh Second Language.

I am an MEP tutor, and support a variety of Primary and Secondary students in their Induction year and also their Masters studies. I am an MA tutor for Cardiff Metropolitan University, and have supported research students successfully at Ed.D level. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Further Information

• PGCE Tutor (Cymraeg)
• MEP Tutor
• MA Tutor
• EdD Supervisor