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A Taste of Learning Course in Primary and Secondary

Have you thought about pursuing a career in teaching?

A one-week course will give a special taste of a career in teaching at a Welsh High School or a Welsh Primary School.

The course will offer valuable informal experiences (non-assessment) where you will have the opportunity to experience the school environment and to explore a career in this exciting and important profession after graduation.

Course Dates

  • Course 1: November/December 2024 – days to be arranged around your schedule
  • Course 2: June 2-6, 2025

The course will include two days at the University and three days out at either a primary or secondary school. The first session at the University on the Cyncoed campus on Monday will include training in many aspects including Child Protection, Professional Teaching Requirements and an introduction to the Welsh Curriculum 2022.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, you will be out at school, having various experiences including shadowing and supporting teachers within your field of interest. The last day back at the University will be an opportunity for you to discuss your recent experiences at your schools and share ideas.

We will offer a practical workshop offering guidance on applying for a place on the PGCE course here at Cardiff Metropolitan University, explaining interview expectations and offering one to one support. A great opportunity to prepare your UCAS form and take advantage of the experience of PGCE tutors who are part of the interview system.

This is a special opportunity for you to gain practical experience of teaching in a sector that is looking for future teachers. This will be a useful experience when thinking about a career in the world of education, and experience will therefore strengthen any application for a place in the Welsh-medium PGCE course at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

You will be expected to be a Welsh speaker, and the Tasting course and the school experiences will be through Welsh. If you are unsure of your level of Welsh, it will be possible to discuss this with the course tutors before confirming your interest.

The aim of this course is to offer the opportunity to speakers from different backgrounds to see and experience the benefits of following a teacher’s career path through the Welsh language. So – don’t let uncertain Welsh skills stop you – the staff at the University and the schools will be very ready to help you and raise your confidence!


DBS will need to be arranged before joining the course and attending the school. You will be responsible for arranging this, and Admissions will be able to help with the DBA system.

Fill in your information in the form below:

Application Form – Taste of Learning

Send this form to:

If you have any queries about the Primary experience, please contact Gina Morgan (

If you have any queries about the Secondary experience, please contact Rhian Crooks-Williams (

Key Course Information

Place of Study: Cyncoed Campus

School: Cardiff School of Education & Social Policy

Course Length: 1 week