About the Course
The MRes (A&D), Master of Research in Art & Design is ideal for students who want to prepare for doctoral level research in Art & Design (PhD or Professional Doctorate) or to develop a range of advanced creative research skills to enhance their art or design practice or career, nationally and internationally.
The programme is suitable for students with little or no background experience of research from any field, as well as those with previous experience of professional and/or academic research in Art & Design or a related field.
Our seminar-based teaching is combined with online delivery and assessment. This means that the programme can be studied flexibly on campus and/or from a remote location. Students may elect to spend all or some of their time studying on campus or from a remote location and can swap between modes with ease.
Cardiff School of Art & Design has creative research at its heart. It is home to a range of centres and groups engaged in world-leading creative and interdisciplinary research, drawing upon the Arts, Sciences, Humanities and Philosophies.
You may wish to locate your research project within one of these groups or to develop an independent enquiry.
Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research collaborations are encouraged. We support our students to work with other research disciplines, commercial and community sectors in society around the world, as well as research centres across the wider University.
We will work with you to put together a workable and attractive research proposal for further research and study. We will also help you to connect with other researchers around the world.
The MRes (A&D) is project led. Students identify a research topic and question/s and build upon that, whilst learning a range of research methods and by testing their ideas in a supportive but rigorous community of artist and designer researchers.
The course begins with no preconception whatsoever with regards to where student projects might start or how they might develop and has an open mind regarding the possibilities of creative research practices in Art & Design.
The programme will familiarise and connect you with our world leading research expertise in Cardiff School of Art & Design. Our research ranges across the empirical and the scientific to the poetic and speculative, drawing upon the Arts, Sciences, Humanities and Philosophies.
We encourage projects that seek to work in a multidisciplinary, co-disciplinary or transdisciplinary way with other research disciplines as well as commercial and community sectors in society anywhere in the world and of course the other research centres across the wider University.
The programme length is three semesters full time and five semesters part time. Each of the credited modules runs for one semester:
- Semester One (Autumn) – Research Territories
- Semester Two (Spring) – Research Skills
- Semester Three (Summer) – Research Output or for (full-time students only) an option is offered
- Semester Three (Autumn) – Research Output
Full-time students may or may not choose to include a break during the summer. Students may use this period as they see fit for family time or a vacation, personal research, work experience or to return to employment.
A full-time student starting the programme in October may complete either the following September (by continuing the programme through July and August, 12 months duration) or the following December (when a break is taken over the summer period, 18-month duration).
UK/EU students must notify the programme and school of their intentions prior to commencing the ‘Research Output’ module in semester three.
Students from outside of the UK/EU must notify the Programme, School and International Office prior to initial visa application.
First Semester ART7111
Students begin by undertaking a module that is designed to orientate them around a research idea and territory, to develop their ability to focus and to develop their self-confidence with art and design research in its many forms.
The module is closely taught and supervised around a series of seminars that are conducted in a spirit of open intellectual generosity and rigorous interrogation of ideas. By the end of the module students will have a clear sense of their research, its feasibility and their place in its developing ‘territory’.
Second Semester
Students then undertake a specialised Research Skills module in the second semester, embedding them more thoroughly and rigorously within a research route.
The research skills training the MRes (A&D) programme offers is designed with students from varied backgrounds in mind. Besides being suitable for students who already have some experience of research in Art & Design, perhaps at undergraduate level, the programme has been designed to welcome a wider, global, community. By the end of the module students will have gained the research expertise to underpin their ideas with a clear method of research as well as the skills to interrogate ideas and data.
Third Semester
Students conclude the programme by undertaking a final module which enables them to develop a brief research thesis (in the form of a text supporting a body of practice and/or a text) as well a draft proposal for a generic initial, research degree scoping proposal at Cardiff Met or any other university.
At the end of this module students will have a clear sense of their potential future as a research degree student.
Semester One and Two
A single zero-credited module runs alongside the other modules, providing a series of research and Ideas seminars.
The content of this module is determined by the research activity of CSAD staff. Staff and PhD/DProf students elect to run a series of seminars, based on their research in art and design, and which will invite further enquiry from students, underpinned by specific theoretical and historical material.
Each speaker is invited to share their research work for 45 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of formal Q&A and then informal discussions.
The programme is designed to be an enriching and rigorous student-centred learning experience, orientated around personalised tutorial support and guidance.
The course is collaborative, intellectually generous and supportive and designed to provide students with an opportunity to engage in thoughtful and sustained reflection, scholarship and focus as well as an opportunity for speculative exploration and inquisitive enquiry.
The programme will accommodate all types of directed and speculative art and design research. It is designed to enable future doctoral expertise orientated around the development of a research expertise in Art, Design and Architecture.
In keeping with the School’s approach to research, the programme will not specifically distinguish between ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ as modes of research but will take a holistic, broad and inclusive – yet ultimately rigorous – approach to research skills development oriented around – the best way to answer the identified research question.
Students taking the programme can align with specific research and experimental practice pathways, led by academic staff with established practice careers and/or advanced scholarship and research.
The programme is taught entirely through ‘roundtable’ seminars with individualised supervisory meetings. These seminars enable students to develop a research plan and an individualised programme of learning with individualised supervision towards a creative and rigorous research outcome.
This seminar-based teaching combined with online delivery and assessment means that the programme can be studied flexibly both on campus and/or from a remote location.
Students may elect to spend all their time studying on campus or from a remote location and can change modes of study with ease.
All credited modules are assessed via a ‘portfolio’ comprising coursework, including text and presentation, viva-voce and practice if appropriate and as detailed in the module description, handbook and briefing documentation.
The portfolio assessment is critical to master’s level assessment in Art & Design and is a long-established and widely used methodology in that field. The portfolio assessment is familiar to undergraduate students and has been used for some years in the other programmes in the School of Art & Design and has proved very successful. The portfolio assessment is designed with the transdisciplinary and inter-disciplinary nature of Art and Design practice and research in mind. Art and Design research commonly combines textual material with creative practice in varying amounts, accordingly the portfolio assessment consists of a combination of:
- Academic text
- Speculative text
- Directed text (i.e., Research Proposal)
- Practice
- Viva Voce
- Presentation
- Exhibition
These items are not assessed as individual items but taken as a body of work in a single ‘portfolio’ assessment to arrive at a single summative mark. It is the responsibility of the student to reflect upon what it is necessary for them to present in their portfolio to meet the learning outcomes and to ensure in their viva voce that they can convey critical insight and depth of knowledge in the connectivity and coherence between the various forms of text-practice-presentation-exhibition.
This programme provides an excellent foundation for a career in creative research, as an arts professional who undertakes any form of research driven practice in their field, or for anyone planning to go on to complete a PhD or DProf. The programme is ideal for students who want to prepare for doctoral level research in Art & Design or to develop a range of creative research skills to enhance their practice or career, nationally and internationally.
The MRes (A&D) concludes with the development of a Personal Research Development Plan. This is intended to provide evidence of students’ mastery of research in Art & Design as well as provide a document that can be useful when applying for future Doctoral study at any university.
A good undergraduate honours degree (2.1 or above) is normally required for entry. However, applicants with relevant professional experience or qualifications are welcomed and will be considered individually and students who have a weaker overall undergraduate degree but who have demonstrated excellence in the theoretical aspects of Art & Design will also be considered.
International Applicants:
Students whose first language is not English will need to provide evidence of fluency to at least an IELTS 6.5 (6.5 listening and 6.0 in each other element) standard or equivalent. For full details about how to apply and English Language qualifications, please visit the International pages on the website.
Selection Procedure:
Once a student application has been received, they may be invited in person or via Microsoft Teams (or similar) for a short meeting with the Programme Director or nominee to discuss the programme in more detail and consider how the programme will suit their background and future needs.
How to Apply:
Applications for this course should be made direct to the University via our self-service facility. For further information please visit our How to Apply pages.
Before making an application, EU/International students are asked to contact Dr Fiaz Hussain (fhussain@cardiffmet.ac.uk) to discuss the necessary procedures in relation to studying with us.
If you are interested in using credit from another institution or have obtained qualifications and/or experience to study for a course at Cardiff Met, you can find further information on this as well as information on how to apply on the RPL page.
Tuition Fees and Financial Support:
For up-to-date information on tuition fees and the financial support that may be available, please refer to www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/fees.
Part-time Fees:
Charges are per Single Module unless specified: Undergraduate = 10 Credits; Postgraduate = 20 Credits. Generally we find most students will complete 60 credits per year for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate study; to obtain a true costing please clarify this by contacting the Programme Director directly.
For general enquiries please contact the Admissions Team on 029 2041 6044 or email askadmissions@cardiffmet.ac.uk.
If you are a UK/EU student, please contact Dr Stephen Thompson (sthompson@cardiffmet.ac.uk).
If you are an International student, please contact Dr Fiaz Hussain (fhussain@cardiffmet.ac.uk).
Llandaff Campus
Cardiff School of Art & Design
12 or 18 months full time. 24 months part time.
We endeavour to deliver courses as described and will not normally make changes to courses, such as course title, content, delivery, and teaching provision. However, it may be necessary for the University to make changes in the course provision before or after enrolment. It reserves the right to make variations to content or delivery methods, including discontinuation or merging courses if such action is considered necessary. For the full information, please read our Terms and Conditions.