About PGCE Science
All science-based sessions at university will be delivered in our well-equipped laboratories that have been modelled specifically to replicate school provision. Taught content will include topics such as the nature of science; how students learn; meeting the needs of individual learners including challenging the more able and talented; effective teaching strategies for science and teaching and managing practical work safely. As you would expect, there is a strong emphasis on practical work, as we believe young minds engage best with science through ‘doing it’.
Developments within the Curriculum for Wales place Biology, Chemistry and Physics within the wider Science & Technology Area of Learning and Experience. To support this structure, you will also gain experience of working alongside those undertaking Design & Technology and ICT courses.
Reputation & Teaching Excellence
The PGCE Science courses are managed and taught by highly skilled staff all of whom have considerable experience of teaching at secondary school level and within Higher Education. Additionally, we are supported by a highly qualified technician who has significant expertise, gained both in industrial and education environments.
Employability & Careers
The PGCE aim to prepare student teachers to be highly skilled, confident, critically reflective, and innovative practitioners who are committed to life-long professional learning and the education of young people. At university, your specialist sessions will prepare you to teach your subject up to and including A level, whilst additional science-based sessions will develop your confidence in teaching wider aspects of the science curriculum. At school, you can expect to teach all aspects of science to lower year groups, with the possibility of some wider science teaching up to GCSE and sixth form experience of your specialism in at least one of your two placement schools.
Science is also recognised as a priority subject by the Welsh Government, and so all successful graduates will receive a £15,000 bursary while you train in Wales for Science and meet eligibility criteria.