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Interior Design - BA (Hons) Degree

About the Course

Change the way we live our lives for the better, through effective interior design.

Design has a profound impact on society, and effective interior design has the potential to change the way we live our lives for the better.

At Cardiff Met, your studies will focus upon objects and their relationships with space, as well as the ways in which they create user experience.

By studying our BA Interior Design degree, you will learn the importance of sustainability and environmentally responsible design; tradition and heritage of place; aesthetics and materiality; as well as the impact design has on human experience and well-being.

Our undergraduate Interior Design course will equip you with a critical and contemporary understanding of interior space. These skills will allow you to remodel the past, create the present and inform the future.

You will undertake collaborative projects spanning a range of contexts, countries and cultures. You will explore and employ a range of technologies, critically engage with live briefs and real-world concerns as you develop your own design identity.

This will enable you to compose, visualise and simulate unique and individual environments, preparing you for your future.

Your core subjects of creative thinking, drawing, model making, studio design techniques and CAD technologies will give you a solid basis in design fundamentals. From here you’ll explore different techniques, ideas and approaches in a variety of areas, including:

  • Remodelling; preserving; restoring; renovating existing sites
  • Create user-centred environments (live; work; rest; play)
  • Analyse Client Culture (design language; mood; atmosphere)
  • Formulate design strategies
  • Creating appropriate places for experience
  • Produce Tectonic Detail information
  • Sketching and scaled detail design drawing
  • Model-making and 3D visualising (CAD; Virtual Reality; Perceptual Experience Lab)
  • Developing relationships with clients, constructors and other specialists
  • Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

You’ll learn about the creative, scientific and functional considerations you need to take into account when you’re dealing with space. And you’ll become familiar with technical, legal and regulatory constraints facing interior designers.

There are many options open to you – from studying abroad to research opportunities and industry experience – so you can get to know different client types and explore the countless career paths you can take as an interior design graduate.

Year One

Subject: Studio 1.1 – 40 credits

Subject: Studio 1.2 – 20 credits

Spend your first term honing your skills and studying design strategy. You’ll learn how to visualise and present your ideas through sketching, technical drawing, model making, CAD visualisation and verbal presentation. And you’ll start to explore the ethical and social issues – including environmental, ecological and sustainability principles – that this industry deals with. You’ll learn about the synthesis of ‘object’, ‘space’ and ‘experience’.

Research Basics – 20 credits*

This module aims to develop students’ core academic research skills including locating sources, evaluating credibility, and analysing information. It will provide the foundations from which students will cultivate their confidence to engage in theoretical discourse and idea-driven dialogues which will be required throughout their undergraduate studies.

Interdisciplinary Understanding – 40 credits

This module aims to introduce you to the principles of Interdisciplinary working: collaborative working, critical thinking and reflection. Projects within the module will challenge you to work with another discipline to explore a societal and cultural theme or challenge.

Year Two

Subject: Studio 2 – 40 credits

Discover what it means to be an interior designer in the 21st century. You’ll get insight into the working life of a designer and start working both independently and as part of a design team. You’ll create a Place for Experience, considering site-specific restrictions and possibilities – putting your skills and knowledge of client and user identities directly into practice.

21st Century Challenges – 40 credits

The 21st Century Challenges module builds upon the introduction to Interdisciplinary problem-solving developed at level 4 to continue to refine, and begin to apply, your skillsets through real-world projects and live briefs. Projects will tackle 21st Century Challenges to develop your leadership, collaboration, future literacy/critical thinking skillsets.

Real-World Contexts – 20 credits

The Real-World Contexts module challenges you to apply the situated awareness and future-thinking skills to deploy your own practice in the creation or promotion of value for a variety of external stakeholders and communities.

Research Proposal – 20 credits*

The Research Proposal offers you an opportunity to strengthen your research skills, consolidate your research experience and orientate your level 6 contribution around an enquiry of your choosing that is inspired by your learning across all modules at level 4 and 5. This research proposal will be used to continue your personal and professional development at level 6 where you will identify a route for your own enquiry.

Sandwich Option

The course can also be structured as a sandwich degree. Between years 2 and 3 you can work for a year in an architectural practice or similar design-oriented construction practice. This provides you with an opportunity to further develop the skills gained in Years One and Two and gain valuable experience in a real-world environment. Your CV and therefore your employability will be greatly enhanced.

Year Three

Subject: Major Project – 60 credits

Effectively hone a project brief for a design project and communicate all aspects of the design solution to a non-expert audience in a professional manner using an appropriate range of communication techniques and media. Demonstrate an ability to synthesise and detail innovative design solutions using a wide range of creative, design-related and transferable skills, requiring autonomous study, research, analysis, and original thought.

Positioning in Practice – 20 credits

The module aims to support your readiness in developing your unique professional career. It will embed attributes reflective of the requirements of real-world practice aligned to your specialist discipline.

You will have the opportunity to reflect upon how your experiences over the last 3 years have allowed you to position yourself as a professional in preparation for graduate level work, continued study, research, and entrepreneurial ventures.

Contribution – 40 credits*

Your practice is underpinned by your knowledge. Demonstrate your research and analysis skills in your final research submission, where you explore ideas in both written and practical forms.

*modules available through the medium of Welsh

All programmes within CSAD are delivered through a studio-based approach to learning. 

Studio-based learning provides an authentic learning environment which fosters cohort level community building, peer learning whilst being authentic to the demands of the individual disciplines. All studio spaces are bespoke to the needs of the disciplines within which students will receive a variety of learning opportunities including: 

Group Seminars, Group Critiques (crits) & Presentations, One to One Tutorials, Technical Workshops, Peer learning, Independent Guided Learning. 

Students take a significant lead in their studies, develop their own research focus and expertise base and actively engage with the process of assessment and the manner in which their individual expertise is expressed and tested.

Students will be supported as they work autonomously such that they are able to generate significant and unique learning through rigorous, self-directed and collaborative practice.

Throughout the duration of your studies, you will be evaluated on three main criteria, which underpin all of the disciplines being taught at CSAD: 


The practical, technical and conceptual skills you acquire during your course.


Your understanding and knowledge of broader intellectual context within which your discipline and work is located. This includes historical, environmental and ethical issues and will often be explored in your 'Theory and Context' modules.


Your understanding of intellectual and creative ideas from within and beyond your discipline; plus your ability to acquire new concepts and form new ideas. Ideas will be explored in your written work, as well as being evident in your practical progress. Each of these criteria is given equal weighting during the assessment process. That is to say that they are seen as equally important and critical to your development; an emphasis which is designed, for example, to enable a more well-rounded skill set from a student who may be skilled technically, but weak in generating ideas, or a student with much creative flair who may struggle to hone a broad concept into a strong, individual design. 

We provide a number of ways for you to track your progress en route to submitting your work for marking. Understanding that the emphases will revolve around the core areas of skills, context and ideas, you will also become familiar with the structured assessment form used by your tutors and learn to relate to your work back to the intended learning outcomes of each brief. 

The main types of formative assessment are; academic (feedback from your tutors); peer (from your course-mates or project partners); and self-assessment (which is your own critique, in light of other forms of feedback). You won't just be receiving feedback at the end of a brief, however – your tutors will often assess your progress as your work develops, providing formative feedback at crucial moments where it is hoped to encourage you to take risks, maintain your motivation or shape-up your ideas ahead of deadline.

Whilst your learning is designed to develop you into a rounded and capable interior designer/artist and intellectual, your curriculum is similarly structured with your potential in mind. As such, the emphasis that will have been placed upon your work ethic, both creatively and academically, is matched with significant focus on real world experience; from building contacts and undertaking placements to live briefs and, should you choose so, support in forming your own business.

You will have the opportunity to engage with clients and in your final year and have the option of devising a detailed business plan should that be appropriate, rather than submit a dissertation.

Graduates from the programme are well placed to join interior design companies, work as independent designers. Some take further training, for example a PGCE. Some elect to take their studies further by studying at CSAD for a master’s level qualification and there are opportunities to take this further still, through a Professional Doctorate in Design or a PhD.

Typical Offers

Tariff points: 96-120

Contextual offer: See our contextual offers page.

GCSE: Preferably five GCSEs at Grade C / 4 or above to include English Language / Welsh First Language, Mathematics / Mathematics – Numeracy.

English Language Requirement: Academic IELTS 6.0 overall with at least 5.5 in all elements, or equivalent.

A level: Minimum three A levels. No specific subjects required. Welsh Advanced Skills Baccalaureate considered as a third subject.

BTEC National / Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma: MMM-DDM

T Level: No specific subjects required.

Access to Higher Education Diploma: No specific subjects required.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma: 24 points. No specific subjects required.

Irish Leaving Certificate: No specific subjects required. Higher level subjects only considered with a minimum grade H4.

Scottish Advanced Highers: No specific subjects required.

Other requirements: Successful interview and portfolio review. Applicants will be required to submit a digital portfolio.

Combinations of the above qualifications are accepted if they meet our minimum requirements. If your qualifications aren’t listed, please contact Admissions or refer to the UCAS Course Search.

Further information on Overseas qualifications can be found here.​

If you are a mature applicant, have relevant experience or RPL that you would like us to consider, please contact Admissions.

How to Apply

Further information on how to apply can be found here​.

For up to date information on tuition fees and the financial support that may be available whilst at university, please refer to

Undergraduate costs of study in CSAD 


CSAD provides a variety of basic materials. These enable students to develop their competence in a range of skills and demonstrate their technical ability. Materials needed in unusual quantities, or those that are specialised, expensive or unusual are at the student’s expense. Advice will be given about how ‘unusual’ is defined, which materials are deemed to be ‘expensive’, and examples given of what is viewed to be ‘unusual’. CSAD students often elect to spend on materials they prefer to work with, including sketchbooks and pens, as well as specialist equipment of their own choosing. 

In the main, no charges are made for the use of equipment, with the exception of some specialist high end equipment such as the Mimaki and 3D printers. Access to Cardiff FabLab is subject to student membership; it offers reduced fees for student use. 

For further information about additional course costs, including fees, equipment requirements and other charges for each undergraduate programme, please visit

Field trips and visits 

Field trips that are part of core learning will be paid for by the School. Additional visits are occasionally arranged which are optional and where the students may be asked to share the costs. The costs of study abroad, including exchanges, placements and projects are the responsibility of the individual student.

For general enquiries please contact the Admissions Team on 029 2041 6044 or email

For course-specific enquiries, please contact Dr Fausto Sanna,

  • UCAS Code


  • Location

    Llandaff Campus

  • School

    Cardiff School of Art & Design

  • Duration

    3 years full time.
    4 years full time if undertaking year-long sandwich placement.