Welsh Language Standards
With effect from 1 April 2018, the Welsh Language Standards replace the University’s Welsh Language Scheme.
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 established a legal framework to impose duties on public organisations to comply with one or more Standards of conduct on the Welsh language, which was made an official language of Wales. This means Welsh must be treated no less favourably than the English.
The Standards explain how the University is expected to use the Welsh language across a wide range of activities in Wales. They aim to:
- make it clear to the University what its duties are in relation to the Welsh language
- make it clearer to Welsh speaking students, staff and the public what services they can expect to receive in Welsh from the University
- make Welsh language services more consistent and improve their quality
The University had to meet the majority of the Standards by the 1st of April 2018, but had until the 1st of October 2018 to meet some additional Standards and the 1st of October 2019 to meet the Standards relating to bilingual websites and intranets.
It is important to note that these Standards only refer to the University’s activities in Wales.
The University is committed to taking a proactive approach to meeting the Standards and offering high quality services in Welsh to students, staff and the public. Achieving this commitment will have many benefits for the University, such as:
- enhanced services for Welsh speaking students that will improve recruitment and retention
- enhanced relationships with Welsh speaking communities and stakeholders
- alignment with Welsh Government policies and strategies
- rationalisation and standardisation of documentation that will lead to improved services for all students, staff and the public
- support the objectives of the University’s strategic plan to increase the number of students studying through the medium of Welsh
Below is an action plan created by the Welsh Language Unit as guidance for Schools/Units on how to meet for the Standards.
Objective | Action(s) |
Bilingual electronic signatures. | Ensure that all staff have a bilingual version of their electronic signatures. |
All external correspondence initiated by the University to be produced bilingually (if the language choice of the recipient is not known). | Ensure that all external correspondence initiated by the University will be produced bilingually and include the following statement: Mae Met Caerdydd yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg a byddwn yn sicrhau ein bod yn cyfathrebu â chi yn eich dewis iaith boed yn Gymraeg, yn Saesneg neu’n ddwyieithog dim ond i chi roi gwybod i ni pa un sydd well gennych. Ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn creu unrhyw oedi. Cardiff Met welcomes correspondence in English and Welsh and we will ensure that we communicate with you in the language of your choice, whether that’s English, Welsh or bilingual as long as you let us know which you prefer. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to any delay. |
Bilingual forms for students and public use. | Ensure that any forms for student or public use (including electronic versions and hard copies) are produced bilingually. |
All staff to receive training on how to answer the telephone bilingually. | Ensure that Units/Schools contact the Welsh Language Unit to arrange training. |
All publicity or advertising materials to be produced bilingually. | Ensure that all publicity or advertising materials (including brochures, leaflets, any marketing, exhibition and advertising campaigns, posters, and press releases) are produced bilingually. |
Any materials displayed in public should be produced bilingually. | Ensure that all materials that the University displays in public (including pull-ups, posters, merchandise, signs and notices) are produced bilingually. |
Any documents for public use or for student use are produced bilingually. | Ensure that any documents for public use or for student use (including circulars, certificates, licences, procedures, rules and regulations) are produced bilingually. |
Online services. | Ensure that all new web pages produced or amended in English have corresponding Welsh pages. |
Social media. | Ensure that the Welsh is treated no less favourably than the English in relation to all corporate and departmental accounts. |
Bilingual signage. | Ensure that all new or renewed signs/notices (including temporary ones) are displayed in Welsh. |
Raising awareness of the Welsh language standards. | Ensure that staff in all Schools/Units are aware of the requirements of the Welsh language Standards. |
Maintaining Welsh documentation. | Ensure that all Welsh language versions of any documentation are treated no less favourably that the English versions by:
Monitor usage of documentation/service. | Ensure that a record is kept of all those that request documentation or services in Welsh. |
Compliance Notice
Below is a copy of Cardiff Met’s final compliance notice and supplementary user guide which lists the Standards that the University must comply with, and the imposition date for compliance:
Annual Report
The University must also produce an annual report in relation to each financial year, detailing the ways in which the University has complied with the Standards to which it is subject: