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The University commitment to the environment is set out in the Environment and Sustainability Policy​, signed by the Vice Chancellor and communicated to all staff and students.

As part of the Environmental Management System (EMS) ​the University has an organisation chart which defines the management functions, their inter-relationships and reporting structure.

The University's Board of Governors is responsible for all aspects of statutory compliance, and governs the University by setting character and mission, is the employer of staff and the legal owner of assets. The Board of Governors has overarching responsibility for the University's environmental performance and for the overarching sustainability strategy.

The University’s Combined Academic Board is the most senior executive decision-making body for matters relating to the management of the University. The Management Board is responsible for major decisions that impact on strategy and risk in the areas of: Finance; Estates and Facilities; Human Resources; Student Services; Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment; and Library and Information Services. The Management Board has student representation.

The Vice Chancellor and her team are responsible for implementing the policies and strategies approved by the Board of Governors and the Academic Board. The responsibility for management of the environment is demonstrated by:

  • The approval of the Environment and Sustainability Policy, which includes a commitment to the prevention of pollution.
  • Ensuring the University complies with the relevant statutory and regulatory requirements relating to both services and activities.

Individual responsibilities are further defined in the Environment Management Manual, ​Aspect definitions