About>Sustainability>Sustainable Estate, Construction and Refurbishment

Sustainable Estate, Construction and Refurbishment


The University has determined that climate change is a relevant issue for their context and EMS and aims to enhance organisational awareness and response to climate change impacts within the Environment and Estates department, we are assisting the University to achieve these aims by:

  • Identifying, managing, and improving environmental aspects of estate operations

  • Conducting climate risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities and build resilience against climate change impacts on the built environment.

  • Continue to develop and review the university biodiversity action plan to conserve and enhance natural habitats, protected areas, and ecological value across the estate.

  • We are aiming to set targets and strategies aligned with our commitments to reducing carbon emissions, improving resource efficiency, and enhancing the natural environment.

  • Engage with stakeholders, local communities, and groups through the Sustainability department.

  • We prioritise sustainable design, construction practices, and reusing materials that minimise environmental impacts for new developments, refurbishments, and maintenance on the estate.

  • We continue to Implement energy efficiency measures, looking at renewable energy sources, and sustainable waste management practices to reduce the environmental footprint of our estate operations.

  • We are planning to develop sustainability performance indicators to drive continuous improvement to assist with our net zero commitments.

  • Within the Estate Management. Specific implications include:

  • The University has a planned maintenance programme for the inspection​ and clearing of all main drains on our Campuses.

  • Campus walkabouts/external audits are undertaken to terms to ensure the Campus' retains a good appearance, and we continue to enhance the soft and hard landscaping.

  • We have engaged with Cardiff Council on several developments and have instructed several ecological surveys. Several separate initiatives have been undertaken relating to bird boxes, beehives, and the encouragement of insects, and wildlife. 

  • We continue to follow through with our knotweed eradication plan which is greatly enhancing the border areas to Llandaff​ Campus. Only environmentally friendly eco compounds liquids are used to control weeds.

  • We are developing an external improvement plan to enhance the external environment.

  • By adopting a comprehensive approach encompassing environmental management, climate adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and resource efficiency, the Environment and Estates department can significantly enhance the sustainability of the estate.​