As part of it's commitment to raising the awareness of sustainability and engaging staff to make a difference, the University has implemented an online e-module which is compulsory for new starters and can also be accessed as part of the staff development process. Staff are also offered with students the opportunity to be trained as Environmental Auditors of the University EMS. Read the case study (PDF).
Call for student auditors - do you want to volunteer and receive training as an ISO14001 Internal Environmental Auditor - email to secure your place.
Cardiff School of Education and Social Policy: Global Sustainability Week - 9th to13th January 2023
Staff Development Courses
Staff and Student Workshops
Book on to the free Green Workshops for staff and students - see the News and Events page on how to book.
In partnership with Green City, this year we have offered new ideas for staff and students to learn and consider doing something different, e.g. Wasteless Home, Wasteless Garden and Wasteless Kitchen.
Student Induction
Students in Halls of Residence also complete an on-line Induction with reference to waste separation, noise and sustainable travel options.
All students attend Freshers Fayre, with information stands on Waste Management and Sustainable Travel and Cardiff Digs / Volunteering opportunities.
The collaboration with Cardiff School of Management (Business in Action module) has resulted in the implementation of a student designed questionnaire for all 1st year students progressing into their second year, called Halls to Home, in partnership with Cardiff Digs. Read the case study (PDF).
Hall to Home (PDF screenshots)
Students participate in School Induction programmes.
Internal Auditing of the Environmental Management System is recognised as part of the HEAR Award.
Particpate in the Cardiff Met Award - Sustainable Thinking Pathway