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Go Green Week


​The Go Green Week is a celebration of sustainability a​t Cardiff Metropolitan University! 

Go Green Week aims to encourage everyone to make small changes to help raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and to promote positive change amongst students and staff. Each year we celebrate Go Green Week by organising sustainability activities on Campus. It's an opportunity to demonstrate new ideas and initiatives for all to get involved with. 

Previous years have held, Clothes Swap, YMCA clothes bank promotion, Unwanted Gift Swap, Yoga, Book Swap, Green Workshops, Repair Cafe, Free Bike Servicing, Litter Picks, Bees on Campus Awareness, Sustainable Travel to Campus, Natural Botanical Dye Garden etc 

Here's the highlights of 2023/2024 academic year Go Green Week: ​

  • 25 information stalls both internal and external attended throughout the week, engaging with students on various sustainability related topics (e.g. Greenpeace, Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Waste Management, Cardiff Met Bees, Cardiff Met Wellbeing, SU Societies, Careers) 

  • 8 special events were organised (e.g Nature Walk, Yoga, Litter Pick, Repair Café, Natural Dye Workshop, Documentary Screening) and a total of 140 people attended the events. 

  • 8 bags of litter were collected during the Litter Pick in Llandaff by the event was supported by Keep Wales Tidy with the litter pick equipment that was given to us and Love Where You Live Cardiff 

  • 20 boxes of clothes and books were given away for free, with over 200 items being given a second chance at life instead of ending up in landfill, helping people with cost of living crisis.  

  • Similarly, Repair Café during Go Green Week has serviced 24 bikes and fixed 8 electrical items, 3 of general type and 3 textile items (With support from Cardiff Cycle Workshop, ARC, BW Builders and Becca Clarke. 

  • Cardiff Met Sustainability has gathered 154 new Instagram followers, 44 people have answered the annual Fairtrade Survey and 30 people have signed up to our monthly Newsletter. 

  • Gavin Jones has kindly donated 15 bird + bee boxes, over 100 small packs of wildflowers seeds, compostable pots and soil, butterfly garden kits and herbs. The items were given away with Rob Lewis, our lecturer and campus beekeeper promoting biodiversity and helping take care of pollinators. 

  • We sold the last 30 jars of honey from the bees on campus, the money will go towards taking care of the bees and organising more Bee Workshops that will encourage people to feel more connected with the environment.  

  • 5 Sustainability Ambassadors students volunteered their time to help with running the Go Green Week, the hours will go on their academic record or on their CV.  

  • One lucky student was the happy winner of our Sustainability Giveaway. The giveaway included one of university's most famous Chilly's Bottle and loads of sustainable goodies. 

Do you want to get involved, have you an sustainability idea that you'd like to see promoted ? Get in touch email sustainability@cardiffmet.ac.uk