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Strategy 2030

Cardiff Metropolitan University is an ambitious and progressive institution, a leading modern university with a distinctive profile for teaching, learning, research and innovation.

Our students and staff work alongside our partners to lead the way in making a positive difference to Wales and the wider world, contributing to a fairer and greener economy that benefits all.

Following the appointment of a new President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rachael Langford, in January 2024, the University has refreshed its Strategy 2030. The vision and missions set out in this refreshed Strategy put an even stronger focus on enhancing the student experience, maximising inclusivity, increasing research impact, fostering innovation, and deepening community engagement.

Our Strategic Ambitions

  • Our ambition is to be renowned as a leading modern university that is distinctive and progressive.
  • We will build and maintain a strong reputation for excellent student experience and outcomes, innovative professional partnerships, and significant local, national and global reach and impact.
  • Our high-quality teaching and learning experiences will be informed by excellent applied research and innovation, transforming lives and communities in Wales and the wider world.
  • Cultural change will be a significant part of the transformation programme. We will embed a culture of dignity and respect at work and study, and be as transparent as possible in our decision making.

Our Strategic Pillars

Learning, Teaching and Student Success

We will deliver an outstanding student experience, widening access and inclusion by extending learning opportunities beyond our traditional undergraduate and postgraduate offers through short courses, degree apprenticeships and micro-credentials, including through the medium of Welsh and via transnational education. We will design our learning and teaching experiences, including learning spaces, to develop a sense of belonging that supports learners to reach their academic potential and maximise their graduate outcomes.

Research and Innovation

We will enhance our research and innovation profile through a strengthened research environment and improved quality, intensity, reach and impact in our research and innovation outputs. We will work within Wales and the UK to support initiatives that benefit social, economic, physical and mental wellbeing, contributing to a fairer and greener economy that benefits all.


We will shape our high-quality, strategic, off-campus transnational educational partnerships to extend our impact, reach and reputation, and to support the development of skills and capacity overseas and contribute to the wellbeing of individuals, economies and societies globally. We will proactively support our international on-campus students to increase success, improving retention, engagement and progression, and promote the benefits of engaging as graduate members of active global alumni networks.

Civic Mission

We will extend our civic mission activity to enrich economic, social, environmental and cultural wellbeing. Through partnerships and collaboration, we will support communities, businesses and industries to prosper by expanding access to our facilities, talents and resources.

Cross-cutting Missions

The Strategy 2030 Refresh also outlines four cross-cutting missions, enabling a joined-up approach to multi-dimensional challenges that will ensure that diverse perspectives and capabilities are brought together to achieve our shared strategic ambitions. They are:

  • Putting our commitment to excellent student experience and outcomes at the heart of everything we do;
  • Placing our commitment to equality and environmental sustainability at the forefront of decision making;
  • Defining and delivering Wales’ Sporting University, with an outstanding experience for student athletes and demonstrable contributions to a healthy, active Wales;
  • Becoming a ‘thinking organisation’ through the use of data, research insights and innovation to support highly effective governance and self-reflection for continuous improvement.