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Technician Commitment

The award-winning Technician Commitment group endeavours to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for all our technical staff working in education and research. The group consists of members from each school within Cardiff Metropolitan University and is made up of the following members –

Mark Dabee Saltmarsh – Chair, Charlie Bull – Deputy Chair, Sean Duggan, Melanie Van Der Veen, Oskar Werys, Alice Jones, Jac Palmer, Hannah Lovell and Joanna King.

The group has been working to promote and support technical roles since 2018 and has completed two action plans with the latest plan available to see here –

Key: V= Visibility; R = Recognition; CD = Career Development; S = Sustainability

This action plan outlines our priorities for the next 24 months. The technician commitment scheme working group and task groups established will identify lead staff and further definitions of measures of success as work progresses. 

Activity to be explored

  • Internal marketing presence including banners, web site, videos. Improve external communications with the wider University.
  • Setup Technician Commitment network in Wales
  • Technician shadowing exchanges with signatory universities in Wales
  • Skeleton job description
  • Continue to develop Conference first instance join network, second create our own.
  • Propose that University Executive review the University policy regarding reimbursement of professional membership for all professions where membership is identified as being necessary for that role, specifically to include technical staff’
  • Consolidate Membership and setup regular lines of communication and meeting points with VCEG, people services, EDI.
  • Improve engagement with sustainability initiatives – Identify whether there are any accreditations or initiatives we can join.
  • Involve TCS in CMU decarbonisation working groups and activities seek accreditation/ recognition from schemes such as Labs2Zero
  • Continue to develop the Technician Career pathway alongside the developing academic pathway. To remove perceived and structural obstacles to progression and establish routes and opportunities for career development and promotion. 

For further information or questions please contact