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About Us

Cardiff Metropolitan University through our Equality and Diversity provision aims to create a positive working and learning environment for our staff and students. We want to foster an environment that is diverse and inclusive and where individuals are free from discrimination.

Equality and Diversity Team

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion lead at Cardiff Metropolitan University is the University Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors. The Equality team is made up of our Equality & Diversity Officer and Equality & Diversity Project Coordinator who engage with both staff, students and the wider community.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The aim of the committee is to drive equality, diversity and inclusion across the University. The committee brings together key stakeholders from across the University to monitor progress in meeting the Equality Act 2010 general duty and the accompanying specific duties, ensuring the delivery of strategic targets and objectives. The committee oversees the delivery of the University's Strategic Equality Plan 2020-24.

The committee reports directly into the University Management Board.


Alongside the University's Organisational Development team our Equality team is responsible for the development and implementation of equality and diversity training. Our Equality team works closely with representatives from across the University to identify, develop and deliver relevant and accessible training for all staff and students.