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Current Students

​​​​​Book an appointment, attend an event, and access online resources.

It's never too soon to start thinking about your next steps after completing your course, whether that's into further study or the world of work.

We can help you explore your options, develop your employability skills and prepare for job applications.

If you have additional barriers to employment, such as a disability, a diagnosed mental health condition or have caring responsibilities, you can also benefit from more tailored careers support.

Book an Appointment

We offer an informal, impartial and confidential 20 minute 1:1 appointment, which can be held in person or online through Teams​.

Whether you're just getting started thinking about your future or have some clear ideas we can help.

You can book an appointment with a member of the team using MetHub.

Choose the topic you're interested in to get started:

Book an appointment on MetHub

​Shape Your Future: develop key employability skills

Most job descriptions include a specific list of skills, attributes and strengths that are needed to take on the role. You have the opportunity to develop these skills during your studies, so you can be work-ready before you even graduate.

Whether you're in the early stages of thinking about your career, have some ideas but can't get started, or need help applying for your dream job, we are here to help.

Our Shape Your Future platform is a one-stop-shop for access to activities and resources that will help you develop key employability skills that demonstrate to employers that you're ready for the world of work.

​Complete an e-Module

Our careers e-Module is designed to help you develop your employability skills and start planning for the future.

Gain skills and knowledge that are transferable to professional and graduate careers.

Access our careers e-Module on Moodle

Attend an Event

You can attend events throughout the year, both in and out of term time.

Our events are opportunities to:

  • engage with alumni and employers
  • learn about graduate jobs, internship and placement opportunities
  • discover your future career with skills sessions, talks, and workshops

Register for an event on MetHub

Search for a job, internship or placement

Looking for work can be challenging, but the good news is that employers are often eager to recruit aspiring graduates into their volunteering, part-time, internship and graduate opportunities.

As soon as you receive your student username and password, you can search for an opportunity on MetHub.

Browse our current vacancies on MetHub

Access Online Resources

Browse careers resources online, including:

Practical guides

Interview skills: Shortlist.Me

Perfect your interview skills by practicing your technique on our video interviewing practice platform.

Login to Shortlist.Me