Cardiff Met Clearing 2023

Clearing 2024
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Clearing 2024

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Cardiff Met student Matti Atkinson at the Graduate Fashion Show 2023

Starting my Fashion Buying career at Ralph Lauren with the Fashion Buying & Brand Management Degree at Cardiff Met

by Matti Atkinson, BA (Hons) Fashion Buying & Brand Management

Find out how studying Fashion Buying & Brand Management at Cardiff Met made Matti’s Fashion career dreams a reality.
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A methodical Nirav Challa working on his laptop

Landing an internship at Microsoft and studying Computer Science at Cardiff Met

by Nirav Challa, BSc (Hons) Computer Science

Nirav tells us about his exciting internship at Microsoft and his experience of studying Computer Science at Cardiff Met.
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Ffion Thompson at her new business Little Dinos Role Play Centre

Life after Uni: How Early Years Education at Cardiff Met helped me set up my own play centre

by Ffion Thompson, BA (Hons​) Early Years Education & Professional Practice with EYPS

Read about how graduate Ffion pursued her dream to launch her own role-play centre business thanks to the skills learned on the Early Years degree.
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Cardiff Met student Charlotte Manser in her own business making functional pottery

Life After Uni: How I turned my passion for Ceramics into a 6-figure business

by Charlotte Manser, BA (Hons) Ceramics

Charlotte’s passion for sustainability and love of the natural world inspired her to launch her own business after graduating. Her advice? Make the most of every opportunity – they're not to be missed!
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Jana Pacyna enjoying her life at the Welsh Athletics center

From Sport Management at Cardiff Met to working as a Coach Education Administrator at Welsh Athletics

by Jana Pacyna, BSc (Hons) Sport Management

Jana tells us about her journey from Sport Management at Cardiff Met to working at Welsh Athletics.
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Mike Sullivan holding a petri dish inside a isolated room

From two tours of Afghanistan with the army to studying Food Science at Cardiff Met

by Mike ​Sullivan, BSc (Hons) Food Science & Nutrition

Food Science student Mike returned to education after two tours of Afghanistan, learn more about his journey.
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