Dr Karianne Backx



Name: Dr Karianne Backx
Position: Honorary Reader in Exercise Physiology and Health ​
Tel: 02920417077
Email: kbackx@cardiffmet.ac.uk

Karianne is a Principal Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Physiology in the Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences. Karianne joined the school in 2002 and set up the MSc in Physical Activity and Health in 2004. She has extensive experience in a variety of academic roles, research, enterprise and learning and teaching.

Research Interests and Publications

Karianne has a specific interest in exercise and physical activity for people with chronic health conditions. Her work is often interdisciplinary and applied in nature. More recently she has focused on the cardiovascular implications of inactivity in both healthy and diseased populations. Currently she is leading the establishment of the Cardiff Centre for Exercise and Health at the University.

Full Peer Reviewed Papers
Meah, V.L., Cockcroft, J.R., Backx, K., Shave, R., Stohr, E. (2016). Cardiac output and related haemodynamics during pregnancy: A series of meta-analyses. Heart, Accepted for publication.

Dawes, H., Collett, J., DeBono, K., Quinn, L., Jones, K., Kelson, M., Simpson, S.A., Playle, R., Backx, K., Wasley, D., Nemeth, A., Rosser, A, Izardi, H., Busse, M. (2015). Exercise training and rehabilitation in people with Huntington’s disease. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29(2), 196-206.

Hawkins, J., Smith, A., Backx, K., Clayton, D. (2014). Exercise Intensities of Gardening Tasks within Older Adult Allotment Gardeners in Wales. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, In press http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/japa.2013-0171

McFarlane, H., Neil, R., Backx, K. (2015). Stress, health and wellbeing in call centre employees. Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015.

Escalante, Y., Backx, K., Saavedra, J.M. (2014). Relationship between break-time physical activity, age, and sex in a rural Primary Schools, Wales, UK. Journal of Human Kinetics, 40: 227-234.

Escalante, Y., García-Hermoso, A., Backx, K., Saavedra, J.M. (2014). Playground designs to increase physical activity levels during school recess: A systematic review. Health Education and Behavior, 41: 138-144.

Busse, M., Quinn, L., DeBono, K., Jones, K., Collett, J., Playle, R., Kelly, M.J., Simpson, S.A., Backx, K., Wasley, D.,  Dawes, H., Rosser, A. and the members of the COMMET-HD management group. (2013). A Randomized Feasibility Study of a 12-week Community-based Exercise Program in people with Huntington's Disease. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 37(4), 149-158.

DeBono K, Wasley D, Riley J, Enright S, Collett J, Dawes H, Quinn L, Rosser A, Busse M and the COMMET-HD management group. (2013). Perspectives of participating in a 12 week exercise programme for people with early - mid stage Huntington’s Disease. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy,37 (4), 149-158.

Escalante, Y., Backx, K., Saavedra, J.M., García-Hermoso, A., Domínguez, A.M. (2012). Play area and physical activity in recess in Primary schools. KinesiologyInternational Journal of Fundamental and Applied Kinesiology, 42, 123-129.

Wasley, D., Taylor, A., Backx, K., Williamon, A. (2012). Influence of fitness and physical activity on cardiovascular reactivity to musical performance. Work, 41(1), 27-32.

Peter, R., Backx, K., Dunseath, G., Pettit, R.J., Evans, W.D., Deborah, D., Luzio, S.D., Owens, D.R. (2011). Effects of lifestyle advice in persons with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Diabetes & Primary Care, 13(5), 276-283.

Escalante, Y., Backx, K., Saavedra, J.M., García-Hermoso, A., Domínguez, A.M. (2011). Relationship between daily physical activity, recess physical activity, age and sex in scholar of Primary School, Spain. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 85, 481-489.

Hawkins, J., Thirlaway, K., Backx, K., Clayton, D. (2011). Allotment Gardening and Other Leisure Activities for Stress Reduction and Healthy Aging. HortTechnology. 21(5), 577-582.

Backx, K., McCann, A., Wasley, D., Dunseath, G., Luzio, S., Owens, D. (2011). The Effect of a Supported Exercise Programme in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes- a Pilot Study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 579-586.

Yakeu, G., Butcher, L., Isa, S., Webb, R., Roberts, A., Thomas, A.W., Backx, K., James, P.E., Morris, K. (2010). Low-intensity exercise triggers monocyte polarisation into the M2 anti-inflammatory phenotype. Atherosclerosis, 212, 668-673.

Butcher, L.R., Thomas, A., Backx, K., Roberts, A., Webb, R., Morris, K. (2008). Low-Intensity Exercise Exerts Beneficial Effects on Plasma Lipids via PPAR[gamma]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(7), 1263-1270.

Backx, K. (2008). The use of a case study approach to teaching and group work to promote autonomous learning, transferable skills and attendance. Practice and Evidence of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 3, 68-83.

Backx, K., Howatson, G., Van Someren, K.A. (2007). Fluid ingestion strategies of competitive cyclists during 40 km time trial competition. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 6, 572-573.

Peter, R., Luzio, S.D., Dunseath, G., Miles, A., Hare, B., Backx, K., Pauvaday, V., Owens, D.R. (2005). Effects of exercise on the absorption of Insulin Glargine in patients with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 28, 560-565.

Backx, K., Van Someren, K.A., Palmer, G.S. (2003). One hour cycling performance is not affected by ingested fluid volume. The International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism,13, 333-342.

McNaughton, L.R., Thompson, D., Philips, G., Backx, K., Crickmore, L. (2002). A comparison of the Lactate Pro, Accusport, Analox GM7 and Kodak Ektachem Lactate analysers in normal, hot and humid conditions. International Journal of Sports Medicine,23, 130-135.

Volianitis, S., McConnell, A., Koutedakis, Y., McNaughton, L., Backx, K., Jones, D. (2001). Inspiratory muscle training improves rowing performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), 803-809.

Backx, K., Mc Naughton, L., Crickmore, L., Palmer, G., Carlisle, A. (2000). The effects of differing environmental conditions on the performance and recovery from high-intensity, intermittent cycle ergometry. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 14, 316-321.

Backx, K., Mc Naughton, L., Crickmore, L., Palmer, G., Carlisle, A. (2000). Effects of differing heat and humidity on the performance and recovery from multiple high intensity, intermittent exercise bouts. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 21, 400-405.


McNaughton, L., Backx, K., Palmer, G., Strange, N. (1999).  Effects of chronic bicarbonate ingestion on the performance of high intensity work. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology,80, 333-336.

Borghouts, L.B., Backx, K., Mensink, M.F., Keizer, H.A. (1999). The effect of training on insulin sensitivity evaluated by insulin tolerance test. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 80, 461-466.

Grant funding

Cardiff Centre for Exercise and Health
Co-Investigators: Prof. R. Shave
Project Lead: Yes
Total Project Funding: £61,360
Source of Funding: Research & Enterprise Investment Fund


Growing a Healthy Older Population in Wales (GHOP) project
Co-Investigators: Dr D. Clayton, Dr J. Hawkins (PI), Dr J. Mercer, Dr K. Thirlaway, & Dr P. Milbourne
Project Lead: No
Total Project Funding: £150,000
Source of Funding: NISCHR Social Care Research Award


The role of exercise in patients with cancer cachexia: a study of preferences, motivation and outcomes of importance in patients with advanced cancer.
Co-Investigators: Dr A. Byrne (PI), Dr D. Wasley, Dr R. van Deursen, Dr A. Nelson, Dr N. Gale, Dr S. Enright, Mr G. Griffiths
Project Lead: No
Total Project Funding: £29,955
Source of Funding: Tenovus Innovation Grant


Can community supported exercise benefit subjective wellbeing, physical activity levels and abilities in people with Huntington’s disease?
Co-Investigators: Dr M. Busse (PI), Prof. A. Rosser, Dr H. Dawes, Dr L. Quinn, Dr D. Wasley, Dr S. Simpson, Dr R. van Deursen
Project Lead: No
Total Project Funding: £151,653
Source of Funding: Research Funding Scheme (RFS) Health Research Award (WG)


Investigating the health related links between diet, nutrition and physical activity in children and young people from Black and Ethnic Minority communities
Co-Investigators: Dr D. Wasley
Project Lead: Yes
Total Project Funding: £9,966
Source of Funding: Cymorth Research Grant


Identification of and overcoming barriers to physical activity within Black and Ethnic Minority communities in South Cardiff for children aged 12-16 years
Co-Investigators: Dr D. Wasley
Project Lead: Yes
Total Project Funding: £15,000
Source of Funding: Cymorth Research Grant


Identification and overcoming barriers to physical activity within Black and Ethnic Minority Communities in South Cardiff for children aged 0-11 years
Co-Investigators: Dr D. Wasley
Project Lead: Yes
Total Project Funding: £5,000
Source of Funding: Cymorth Research Grant

Teaching and Supervision

Karianne currently delivers on modules at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level in the area of Sport and Exercise Physiology and Health. She is module leader for Advanced Physical Activity and Health (L6), Physical Activity in Health and Disease (L7), and Health and Nutrition (L7). Previously she has fulfilled the roles of both Programme Director (MSc Physical Activity and Health) and Discipline Director (Physiology and Health).


Postgraduate Research Supervision
Lee Butcher PhD (2nd supervisor) Complete2009
"The molecular mechanisms involved in lipid metabolism during low intensity exercise"

Adrian McCann PhD (1st supervisor) Complete2011
"Physical activity in the management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus"

Jemma Hawkins PhD (3rd supervisor) Complete 2012
"Gardening activity for stress reduction and healthy ageing in the Welsh population"

Maria Kearney PhD (2nd supervisor) Complete 2014
"The role of exercise in the management and treatment of heart failure"

Helen McFarlane (2nd supervisor) Due to complete 2016
"The DVLA Wellbeing Project"

Helen Giles (External advisor- University of South Wales)) Due to complete 2016
"Abdominal fat estimation in children using bioelectrical impedance, magnetic resonance imaging and anthropometry"

Victoria Meah PhD (2nd supervisor) Due to complete 2017
"Longitudinal cardio-respiratory adaptations to pregnancy"

Tony Dawkins PhD (1st supervisor) Due to complete 2020


External Links

Due to interdisciplinary nature of her work Karianne collaborates with colleagues in psychology as well as colleagues in the School of Health Sciences. A large proportion of my work involves close collaboration with a number of people/institutions external to Cardiff Metropolitan University.

For example my work examining the role of exercise in Type 2 diabetes has been conducted in collaboration with Dr Steve Luzio from Swansea University and links with the University Hospital Wales. The work in Huntington’s Disease was facilitated through working with Professor Busse at Cardiff University and Professor Dawes at Oxford Brookes University.

Current projects are: 

Physical Activity and Exercise Testing in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis
Partners: Dr. J. Duckers and R. Mills-Bennett , Cystic Fibrosis Unit Llandough (UHW)

DVLA Wellbeing Project
Partners: Prof. A. Smith, Cardiff University

The role of exercise in patients with cancer cachexia: a study of preferences, motivation and outcomes of importance in patients with advanced cancer
Partners: Dr. A. Byrne, Cardiff University

DVLA Sit-stand Project
Partners: Prof. J. Buckley, Chester University

HIT or MISS: Is high-intensity interval training (HIT) more effective than moderate-intensity steady-state (MISS) exercise as a rehabilitative tool in large NHS clinical settings?
Partners: Prof. M. Haykowski, University of Texas; Prof. R. Tudor Edwards, Bangor University; Dr. G. McGregor, University hospital Coventry; Dr. D. Markland, Bangor University; Dr. K. Birch, Leeds University; Prof. L. Ingle, University Hull; C. Tsakirides, Leeds Metropolitan University

External examining and other work with external bodies, institutions, etc.
Karianne has conducted 4 PhD examinations and has acted as an external examiner on a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses across the UK.


Qualifications and Awards

Ph.D. Kingston University 1998-2002
M.Phil. The University of Birmingham 1997-1998
M.Sc. Maastricht University 1994-1997
B.Sc. Stellenbosch University (Human Physiology and Human Movement Science) 1991-1993
L2 Certificate in gym instruction 2012
L3 Exercise Referral instructor 2012
L4 BACPR Cardiac rehabilitation instructor 2012
L4 Cancer rehabilitation instructor 2013
Welsh Crucible 2013
Fellow of Higher Education Academy
Cardiff Metropolitan University Teaching Fellow (2005)
Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist - Physiology (BASES)
Chartered Scientist (The Science Council; BASES)


Sporting/Coaching Profile

Karianne enjoys keeping active and used to be an enthusiastic rower. She participated in the 2002 Commonwealth rowing regatta (silver medallist lightweight 4x, bronze medallist 2x), and was UK National champion 1999 (lightweight 4x).

