Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences>Research and Innovation>Culture Policy and Professional Practice

Culture Policy and Professional Practice

​The defining purpose of this research theme is to better understand and apply social science theories and knowledge to practice. The principal Research Groups associated with it include; ‘Philosophy and ethics’, ‘Qualitative research methods and social theory’, ‘Sports coaching’, ‘Sport management and development’, ‘Physical health education for life long learning’ and ‘Mental health in demanding occupations’. The latter two groups also operate under the auspices of the ‘Centre for Health, Activity and Wellbeing Research’ [CHAWR]) similarly located at the Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences. The primary purpose of work under this thematic is to generate knowledge related to improving individual well being, collective practice and communal context.


Research and Innovation Groups


Key Contacts

Dr Alun Hardman - Philosophy & Ethics in Sport

Dr David Aldous - Physical Health Education for Lifelong Learning

Dr David Brown - Qualitative Research Methods & Social Theory

Dr Gethin Thomas - Sports Coaching

Dr Alex McInch - Sport Management & Development

Prof Stephen Mellalieu - Wellbeing in Demanding Environments