Cardiff School of Management is committed to ensuring that all research undertaken within the School complies with the University's ethical policy. Our School Research Ethics policy guides and supports staff and students towards ensuring that the School complies with the correct ethical practices as outlined under the University Ethics system.
The Framework applies to all CSM programmes and students whether studying at home or internationally.
Cardiff Metropolitan University has the responsibility to ensure that all research carried out by its staff and students conforms to the highest ethical standards.
In this context, research is defined as an activity to gather information for dissemination, either through publication, dissertation, thesis or report.
For the purpose of these guidelines it includes all enterprise activities involving human participants
Responsibility for this lies with the University Ethics Committee (UEC) which has a remit to ensure that the institution acts in an ethical manner at all times, adhering to the principles laid down in the University's Ethics Framework.
Routine scrutiny of applications for ethics approval has been delegated to School based ethics committees which report directly to UEC.
Our Research Ethics Framework is shown here:
CSM Research Ethics Framework.pdf
All staff and students undertaking research will be required to follow the ethics protocol of the School. This process starts with all staff and students receiving training from the School Ethics Co-ordinator (for staff) and the Module Leader/Supervisor (for students) in how to complete the ethics process.
Following training, all staff / students engaged in a research project will need to complete the appropriate research ethics form outlining the nature of their work and, any ethical issues that will arise from undertaking this work.
All staff and students undertaking research will be required to follow the ethics protocol of the School.
This process starts with all staff and students receiving training from the School Ethics Co-ordinator (for staff) and the Module Leader/Supervisor (for students) in how to complete the ethics process.
Following training, all staff / students engaged in a research project will need to complete the appropriate research ethics form outlining the nature of their work and, any ethical issues that will arise from undertaking this work.
Research ethics exemplar packs are available below:
Ethics Exemplar Pack Undergraduate Taught Postgraduate PGR Staff Research .pdf
Useful Documents with links:
For further information, please contact
Dr Nasir Aminu, Research Ethics Co-ordinator.