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Country Specific Entry Requirements

The Admissions team provide information and advice to prospective applicants, teachers, career​s and education advisers specific to many regions and individual countries around the world.

Please select your region and click the country of your choice from the list below to view information about entry requirements.


  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - 5 passes at GCE O level
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: 5 passes at GCE O level with grade C average overall. For Health science related courses, students must achieve minimum grade c in Maths/Science
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree:Students with good grades in their Cambridge Overseas School Certificate AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course OR holders of a (University) Diploma from a recognised institution in BotswanaOR holders of a Bachelor Degree (Part 1) from a recognised institution in Botswana.
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Botswana (studied for at least 5 years)
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Applications with a Baccalaureate score of 10-11 (passable) can be considered for International foundation course 
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: General Certificate of Education A-levels OR Baccalaureate score of 10-11 (passable) can be considered for foundation course
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: General Certificate of Education A-levels OR Baccalaureat with an overall score of 12 or above (assez bien/fair) or above
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree (Licence) with an overall score of 12 or above
    Diplome d'ingenieur (passable or above) or Maitrise with GPA 2.0 and above out of 4.0
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Diplôme d'État d'Études Secondaires du Cycle Long | Examen d'État | Both considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C) for every subject passed with 50% and above.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Diplôme d'État d'Études Secondaires du Cycle Long | Examen d'État | Both considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C) for every subject passed with 50% and above
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate West African Senior School Certificate - is considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C) for every subject passed, where grades of C6 or below have been obtained 
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: West African Senior School Certificate - is considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C) for every subject passed, where grades of A1 - C6 have been obtained including Mathematics and English
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: West African Senior School Certificate - is considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C) for every subject passed, where grades of A1 - B3 have been obtained including Mathematics and English
  • Postgraduate: Students with at least a 2.2  Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Gambia OR  Student with a Masters degree from a recognised institution
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - West African Senior School Certificate - is considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C) for every subject passed, where grades of C6 or below have been obtained
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: General Certificate of Education Advanced Level - is considered comparable to A level. West African Senior School Certificate Examination, or | Senior Secondary School Certificate | Both considered comparable to GCSE (grade A*-C) for subjects passed with grades A1-C6 or A-D, including Mathematics and English
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Students with good grades in the West African School Certificate or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course. | OR Students with good grades(A1-B3) in the West African Higher School Certificate. | OR Students who have a Diploma (Undergraduate University Programme) | OR Students who have a Higher National Diploma. | OR Students who have a Certificate (Undergraduate University Programme)
  • Postgraduate: Students with at least a 2.2 Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Ghana. OR Students with a Masters degree (1 Year and 2 Years in duration) or Postgraduate Diploma from a recognised institution in Ghana.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Successful completion of KCSE with a minimum of 5 passes and an overall grade C average
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successful completion of KCSE with a minimum of 5 passes and an overall grade C average. | For Health science subjects students must achieve a minimum of C grade in Maths/science.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Students with good grades in their Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course, OR Holders of a (University) Diploma from a recognised institution in Kenya, OR Holders of a Higher or Ordinary Technician Diploma
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Kenya
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - West African Senior School Certificate - is considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C) for every subject passed, where grades of C6 or below have been obtained
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successful completion of SSCE (WAEC/NECO) with a minimum of 5 passes and an overall average of C6. | For Health Science subjects students must achieve a minimum grade C6 in Maths/Science.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: 5 or more West African Senior School (WAEC) subjects at B3 or above including Mathematics and one Science | OR with C6 or above in Senior Secondary School Certificate / West African Senior School Certificate AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course | OR who have an Advanced National Technical Certificate (ANTC) / Advanced National Commercial Certificate (ANCC) | OR an Ordinary/ National Diploma (OND / ND), Post-Secondary Certificate, Medical-Related Diploma or Higher National Diploma
  • Postgraduate: Students with at least a 2.2 Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Nigeria.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - National Senior Certificate - pass
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successful completion of National Senior certificate with a minimum of 4 passes | OR successful completion of Year 11 with good grades. For Health science related courses, students must achieve a minimum grade C in Maths /Science
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Applicants with a Senior Certificate (with matriculation) and 3 B grades and 2 C grades at Higher Level with a grade C or higher in English can be considered for direct entry to our degree programmes. Or completed a Higher Certificate / Higher​ Certificate in Technology/ National (Technical) Certificate N5 will be considered for direct entry to our degree programmes. The Diploma in Technology (DipTech) ​will be considered for advanced entry on a case-by-case basis
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in South Africa
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Successful completion of the East African Certificate of Education (EACE)/ Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) with an average grade C or above
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successful completion of the East African Certificate of Education (EACE)/ Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) with an average grade C or above. For health science related courses, students must achieve a minimum of grade C in Maths/Science
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Applicants with East African Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE)/Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE), Applicants who have followed the A-Level or IB Diploma curriculum can apply for direct undergraduate entry – the normal UCAS tariff will be applied, Applicants who hold a 2/3 year Polytechnic Diploma/ Advanced Diploma, which is equivalent to either HNC/HND standard will be considered on case by case basis for 2nd or 3rd year entry
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Tanzania with equivalent to 2:2 Second Lower class
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - EACE, COSC, UCE
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successful completion of the East Africa Certificate of Education (EACE)/ Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC)/Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with average grade C or 6
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Applicants with an East African Advanced Certificate of Education/Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education will be considered on the same basis as UK A-Level applicants, OR Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC), OR those who have followed the A-Level / IB Diploma curriculum will be considered for undergraduate entry – the normal UCAS tariff will be applied
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Uganda with equivalent to 2:2 Second Lower class.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - average grade 5 or above in the Zambia School Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Applicants who have an average grade 5 or above in the Zambia School Certificate
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Applicants who have an average grade 5 or above in the Zambia School Certificate
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Zambia with equivalent to 2:2 Second Lower class. Masters degree will be considered for masters programme entry.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Applicants who have O Levels with C grade minimum, including English and Mathematics
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, or Cambridge Higher School Certificate
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, or Cambridge Higher School Certificate - both considered comparable to A level | Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level - is comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C) for every subject passed with A-C grades
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Zimbabwe equivalent to 2:2 Second Lower class OR a Masters degree will be considered for masters programme entry.

Middle East and North Africa

  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Thanaweya A'ama (General Secondary School Certificate Examination) OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Foundation (with pathways): Thanaweya A'ama (General Secondary School Certificate Examination) with 60% average OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grades A-C) including English and Maths plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: A-Levels or International Baccalaureate OR American High School Diploma with GPA 3.0 (grade B average) plus one of the following: SAT 1 combined score of 1100 or above and a 6 score in the essay, ACT (American College Test) score of 20 or above OR Thanaweya A'ama (General Secondary School Certificate Examination) plus a recognised Foundation Year programme.
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree with a score of 65% (Good) or GPA 2.6/4 and above from a recognised Institution in Egypt. OR Masters from a recognised institution in Egypt.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: High School Diploma (year 12) with grade 14/20 or above. Iranian Pre-university Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe) with grade 12/20 or above.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Iranian Pre-university Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe) with grade 14/20 or above, A-Levels or International Baccalaureate with required UCAS points, Associate Degree (Kardani/Fogh Diplom) with a GPA of 3.00 or above may be eligible for second year entry.
  • Postgraduate: Four-year Bachelors degree (Licence or Karshenasi) with GPA 12/20 or above for courses requiring 2:2 equivalent. Four-year Bachelors degree (Licence or Karshenasi) with GPA 14/20 or above for courses requiring 2:1 equivalent.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Sixth Form Baccalaureat (Adadiyah) OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: A Technician Diploma from a recognised institution in Iraq, A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate, OR Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution in Iraq
  • Postgraduate: A bachelor's degree with good grades from leading universities in Iraq and the Kurdistan region OR Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in the UK OR Masters degree
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Tawjihi (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Foundation (with pathways): Tawjihi (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) OR Baccaleureat Technique/ General score 10 including English and Maths plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Tawjihi + Foundation OR 2 year Diploma from a recognised institution, OR A-Levels or International Baccalaureate. OR American High School Diploma with GPA 3.0 (grade B average) plus one of the following: SAT 1 combined score of 1100 or above and a 6 score in the essay, ACT (American College Test) score of 20 or above, Advanced Placement Tests (Aps) with grade 3 or above in at least two relevant subjects. Tawjihi (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) plus recognised Foundation Year programme. 
  • Postgraduate: 4-year degree 60% or a GPA of 2.5 or above on the scale of 4 from a recognised institution in Jordan. Masters degree.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - General Secondary Education Certificate (Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama) with at least 50% in total OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: General Secondary Education Certificate (Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama) with at least 60% in total OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English PLUS 32 UCAS points
  • Undergraduate – Year 1 / 3 year degree: Shahadat Al Thanwaya'Amma or High School Diploma PLUS Foundation course OR Diploma / Certificate from PAEET Institute, OR A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate OR Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution in Kuwait. Please note that Diploma / Certificate from PAEET College may be considered for a transfer onto Year Two of an undergraduate degree
    Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in the UK. Masters degree.
  • Postgraduate: A Bachelor degree with good grades from a university in Kuwait. Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in the UK. Masters degree. 
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - International Foundation: Baccalauréat General / Baccalaueat Technique with grade of 12 | OR | Shahadat Al Thanwaya'Amma | OR | 5 GCSEs A-C grade
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Baccalauréat General / Baccalaueat Technique with grade of 12 or above | OR | Shahadat Al Thanwaya'Amma | OR | 5 GCSEs A-C grade PLUS 32 UCAS points
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Al Thanwaya'Amma or High School Diploma PLUS Foundation course | OR French Baccalaureate (Baccalauréat Général) / Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur / Diplôme with average grade of 13 or above, Diploma of Technical Licence / Licence Technique / Universitaire de Technologie with average grade of 13 or above
  • Postgraduate: A 4-year Bachelors degree with an average grade of 12 or above. A 3 or 4-year Bachelor degree/Licence from American University of Beirut or Beirut Arab University with a grade of 70% or above.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Tawjihi OR Thanwaya'Amma or Baccaleureat score 10
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Baccalauréat General / Baccalaueat Technique with grade 12 OR 5 GCSE A-C plus 32 UCAS points
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Diplòme du Baccalaureat (Shahada-al-bachaloriat) OR Diplôme du Baccalauréat Technique with a grade of 14 or above
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree/Licence with a score of 12-13 (assez bien) and above
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Thanaweya A'ama (General Secondary School Certificate Examination/GED) OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Foundation (with pathways): Thanaweya A'ama (General Secondary School Certificate Examination/GED) 60% OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grades A-C) including English and Maths plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Thanaweya A'ama (General Secondary School Certificate Examination/GED) plus recognised Foundation Year programme OR Diploma or Advanced Diploma level course will be considered for advanced entry to Year 2/Year 3 of an Undergraduate course. PLEASE NOTE! Students with Advanced Diploma and work experience may be considered for Advanced Standing Entry
  • Postgraduate: Students with a good Bachelors Degree from SQU. students with a good Bachelors Degree from a university in the UK. students with a good Bachelors Degree from a recognised university in the Middle East.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: General Secondary Education Certificate (Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama) with 60%+ – or any specialised Secondary Education Certificate OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Diploma in Technology (from a College of Technology), OR A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate, OR Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution in Qatar Please note that one or more years of study at a Qatari University may be considered for a transfer onto Year One or Two or Three of an undergraduate degree – please contact us for further details
  • Postgraduate: A Bachelor degree with good grades from a university in Qatar.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Tawjihiyah (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Tawjihiyah (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: 2-year Diploma from a recognised institution OR A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate OR Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution in Saudi Arabia
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Saudi Arabia or the UK. 4-year degree 60% or a GPA of 2.5 or above (on a scale of 4). 3-year Honours degree with a 1st Class or 2nd Class.


  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Intermediate with GPA 3.0 or equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Intermediate with GPA 3.0 plus
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Intermediate with GPA 4.0 considered for Year 1 entry
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree (4 year) with GPA 2.5/4.0 from a recognised Institution in Bangladesh, or Bachelor degree from North South University with GPA 2.2/4.0 will be considered.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Successful completion of Year 2 of Chinese Senior High School 2.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successful completion of Senior Middle School 2. For Health science-related courses, students must achieve a minimum of 60% in Maths/science
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Successful completion of Year 3 of Chinese Senior High School with 70% or above / Chinese University Entrance Examination (Gaokao) with 60% or above / Successful completion of Year 1 at Chinese University or College Graduation Diploma / students who have completed a recognised Foundation Course.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in China with at least 70% (2:2) OR students with a Masters degree from a recognised institution in China or UK OR students with a three-year college diploma 70% and 3-5 related working experience OR students' successful completion of a related recognised Pre-Master programme in China or UK.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - HKDSE grade in core or elective subjects with equivalent to UCAS tariff 32-48. HKDSE Level 4 overall with a minimum of 3 in each band English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: HKDSE grade in core or elective subjects with equivalent to UCAS tariff 32-48. English Language Requirements: HKDSE Level 4 overall with a minimum of 3 in each band English 
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: UK Foundation Degree OR HKDSE grade in core or elective subjects with equivalent to 96 to 112 UCAS tariff depending on the programme. 
  • Postgraduate: At least a 2:2 degree from a recognised institution in Hong Kong.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successful completion of All India or State Board HSC with minimum of 50% overall average. For Health science subjects, students must achieve a minimum of 55% in Maths/Science.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Students with good grades in their Polytechnic / College of Technology Diploma (3- to 4-years in duration) OR Students with good grades in their Indian Certificate of Education - awarded on completion of Standard X AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course OR Students with 60% or above in their Higher Secondary School Certificates - Indian School Certificate (ISC) / Intermediate Certificate / Higher School Certificate / Higher Secondary Certificate / All India Senior School Certificate / Pre-University Course - awarded on completion of Standard XII.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree in Arts / Science / Commerce / Engineering / Law / Education (4-year integrated program) or other professional subjects from a recognised institution in India OR students with a Master’s degree or a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from a recognised institution in India or the UK.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Students need to have an upper secondary school leaving certificate (Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho).
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Students with good grades in their Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho) AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course. Because of the wide range of Associate degrees and other Training / Vocational certificates available, each application will be viewed on an individual basis.
  • Postgraduate: Students who have a good Bachelor degree (Gakushi) from a recognised institution in Japan OR students with a good Postgraduate Diploma / Master’s degree (Shushi) from a recognised institution in Japan.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: High School Diploma / High School Graduation Equivalency Examination with a minimum of 60%.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: UK Foundation Degree OR Junior College Diploma / Associate Degree, GPA 2.5 or 70% or Grade C OR Minimum 2 A levels at least 96 points OR  At least 26 points in the International Baccalaureate (IB), depending on the program OR Students hold a High School Diploma supported by a strong portfolio or performance in sport and good IELTS may be considered for direct entry to a bachelor’s degree on a case-by-case basis 
  • Postgraduate: A relevant bachelor’s degree qualification at a recognized university with GPA 2.5 / 70% / Grade C for 2:2 OR GPA 3.0 / 80% / Grade B for 2:1. 
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Intermediate with 50% pass OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Intermediate with 50% pass.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Intermediate with 60% pass.
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree (4 years) with a score of 60% or GPA 2.6/4.0 from a recognised institution in Nepal.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Intermediate with 60% pass OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) Intermediate with 60% pass (Pre-Engineering or Pre-Medical stream in HSSC with 55% is also acceptable) OR equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English 
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) Intermediate in Pre-Engineering or Pre-Medical stream with 60% pass plus IELTS of 6.0, Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) Intermediate Science/Humanities/Commerce stream plus recognised Foundation Course
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree (4 year) with a score of 60% for courses requiring a 2:2 equivalent degree, from a recognised institution in Pakistan. Bachelor degree (4 year) with a score of 65% for courses requiring a 2:1 equivalent degree, from a recognised institution in Pakistan. 
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Students with good grades in their Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (Advanced level). OR Students with good grades in their Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (Ordinary level), AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course. OR Students who hold a Diploma in Social Work / Higher National Diploma (HND) / Advanced Diploma in Social Work.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Sri Lanka or UK. Bachelor Special degree 2.7/4 CGPA or above. Professional degree.

South East Asia

  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Foundation (with pathways): The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grades A-C) including English and Maths plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level 
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Cambridge GCE A levels/matriculation exams/ BDTVEC Higher National Diploma considered OR Cambridge GCE O level AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course.
  • Postgraduate: Holders of a Bachelor (Honours) degree / Bachelor (Ordinary) degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Diploma of Upper Secondary Education with overall 50% (Pass) OR 5 GCE O Levels (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: The equivalent of 5 GCE O Levels (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Associate Degree with overall Pass OR Two years of a Bachelor's Degree with minimum 50% marks, Higher Diploma with overall Pass.
  • Postgraduate: Bachelors Degree from a recognised university with minimum 60% marks plus work experience will be considered. Masters Degree with overall Pass (50%).
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Pass Senior High School Diploma with at least Grade 6.0 plus National Exam.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Pass Senior High School Diploma with at least Grade 6.0 plus National Exam.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Senior High School Diploma (SMA/MA or SMK/MK) with Grade 7.0 plus National Exam, D1 or D2 Diploma with GPA 3.0 or above, D3 Diplomas with GPA 2.7 can be considered for Year 3 entry, A levels or IB equal to UCAS tariff requirement for individual course
  • Postgraduate: Sarjana (S1) Bachelors Degree from accredited A university with a GPA of 2.7. Sarjana (S1) Bachelors Degree from accredited B university with a GPA of 3.0. Sarjana (D4) Diploma with a GPA of 2.7 will be considered. For PHD: S2 Magister (Masters Degree), S3 Doktor (Doctoral Degree)
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English OR Pass year 12 (SPM school leaver).
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grades A-C) including English and Maths plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level OR Pass year 12 (SPM school leaver) 
  • Undergraduate – Year 1 / 3 year degree: Singapore/Cambridge GCE A Levels will be considered against the standard UCAS tariff for each individual course, STPM or Matrikulasi Principal passes equivalent of UCAS tariff requirement UEC Unified Examination Certificate (Senior Middle Level) with 5 subjects at Grade B excluding Malay and Chinese languages
  • Postgraduate: Holders of a second class (2:2) Bachelor degree from a public University will be considered for postgraduate Masters. Applicants with a Masters degree will be considered for entry to PhD studies. 
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Basic Education Standard X Examination/Matriculation Examination with overall 50% (Pass) OR 5 GCE O Levels (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Foundation (with pathways): The equivalent of 5 GCE O Levels (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Associate Degree with overall Pass, Technical Institute Diploma will be considered for advanced entry onto the appropriate Undergraduate Degree programme on an individual basis.
  • Postgraduate: Bachelors Degree from a recognised university with minimum 60% marks. Postgraduate Diploma with overall Pass (60%). Masters Degree with overall Pass (60%).
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Pass Year 12 (MAW 6) with 50%+ OR the equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English 
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grades A-C) including English and Maths plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level 
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Successfully complete MAW 6 with 50%+ AND complete a recognised Foundation Course, Singapore/Cambridge GCE A Levels will be considered against the standard UCAS tariff for each individual course, 24 points or more in the International Baccalaureate Diploma, Completion of Year 1 of a degree from a recognised university in Thailand, Higher National Diplomas will be considered for advanced entry into Bachelors degree programmes on an individual basis.
  • Postgraduate: A second class (2:2) Bachelor special degree with 2.5 GPA or above. A Bachelor General degree with high grades may be considered. 
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Students need to have a senior high school leaving certificate or equivalent.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Students need to have a senior high school leaving certificate or equivalent.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Students with good grades in their Senior High School Leaving Certificate AND who have completed a recognised Foundation Course. OR Holders of a good Junior College Diploma (M) from a recognised institution may be considered direct entry onto various levels of an undergraduate course on an individual basis.
  • Postgraduate: Holders of a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Taiwan.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Successfully complete Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma (Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Phổ Thông Trung Học) with GPA 6.0+ OR Grade 11 with GPA 8.0+ or above OR the equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successfully complete Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma (Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Phổ Thông Trung Học) with GPA 6.0+ OR the equivalent of 5 GCE O Levels (Grade A-C) to include Maths and English plus 32 UCAS tariff points from at least 1 A level.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma with Grades of 6.0 plus a recognised one-year Foundation programme, Successful completion of Year 1 of a relevant four-year honour's degree at a recognised institution in Vietnam will be considered, Students completing Grade 12 with GPA 8.0 or above and IELTS 6.0 will be considered for Year 1 entry, A College Diploma/Associate Degree (Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc) will be considered for advanced entry to Year 2 of a relevant Bachelors degree programme.
  • Postgraduate: A relevant Bachelors Degree (Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc) qualification with a GPA of at least 6.0 will be considered for Masters programmes. A Masters degree (Thac Si).


  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Diploma van secundair onderwijs/Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts/Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur below 60%.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Qualifications will depend on which area the student has studied in - Flanders (Dutch speaking) or Wallonia (French speaking).
    Flanders: Brevet de Aanvullende Secundaire Beroepsschool (secondary vocational education programme) is considered comparable to BTEC National Diploma standard. Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs is considered comparable to A level.
    Wallonia: Certificate d'Enseignement Secondaire Superieur is considered comparable to A level. Diplome d'aptitude a Acceder a l'enseignement Superieur is considered comparable to A level. Minimum overall average of 60% required.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Qualifications will depend on which area the student has studied in - Flanders (Dutch speaking) or Wallonia (French speaking).
    Flanders: Brevet de Aanvullende Secundaire Beroepsschool (secondary vocational education programme) is considered comparable to BTEC National Diploma standard. Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs is considered comparable to A level.
    Wallonia: Certificate d'Enseignement Secondaire Superieur is considered comparable to A level. Diplome d'aptitude a Acceder a l'enseignement Superieur is considered comparable to A level. Minimum overall average of 60% required.
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Diploma za Sredno Obrazovaine (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) with 3 or above.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Diploma za Sredno Obrazovaine (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) - is considered comparable to AS level;  we will accept the Diploma for entry onto several of our programmes with a minimum overall grade of 4.5.  For programmes requiring specific subject knowledge, additional Level 3 qualifications will be required. Diploma za Sredno Spetsialno Obrazovanie / Svidetelstvo za Profesionalna Kvalifikasia (Diploma of Completed Secondary Specialised Education) - is considered comparable to AS level standard
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Diploma za Sredno Obrazovaine (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) - is considered comparable to AS level;  we will accept the Diploma for entry onto several of our programmes with a minimum overall grade of 4.5.  For programmes requiring specific subject knowledge, additional Level 3 qualifications will be required. Diploma za Sredno Spetsialno Obrazovanie / Svidetelstvo za Profesionalna Kvalifikasia (Diploma of Completed Secondary Specialised Education) - is considered comparable to AS level standard
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Svjedodzba o Maturi (Matura Certificate) is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grades 2,2,2,2 from 4 subjects are required.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Svjedodzba o Maturi is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grades 2,2,2,2 from 4 subjects are required.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Svjedodzba o Maturi is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grades 3,3,3,3 from 4 subjects are required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio) pass.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio) minimum overall grade 15.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio) is considered comparable to AS level; we will accept the Apolytirio on several of our programs with a minimum overall grade between 16 - 18.5. For programs requiring specific subjects, additional Level 3 qualifications will be required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Maturitni Zkouska / Maturita
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Maturitni Zkouska / Maturita - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 3 is required. | Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce (School Leaving Certificate with Maturita from technical/vocational schools) - is considered comparable to BTEC National standard.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Maturitni Zkouska / Maturita - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 3 is required. Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce (School Leaving Certificate with Maturita from technical / vocational schools) - is considered comparable to BTEC National standard
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen (Matriculation Examination).
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen (Matriculation Examination) - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum overall score of 3,3,3,3 in four best subjects is required.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen (Matriculation Examination) - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum overall score of 4,4,4,4 in four best subjects is required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Diplome du Baccalaureat General
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Diplome du Baccalaureat General - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 11 is required. | Option Internationale du Baccalaureat - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 12 is required. | Brevet de Technicien (BT) - is considered comparable to BTEC National Diploma / Certificate / Award standard
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Diplome du Baccalaureat General - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 11 is required. | Option Internationale du Baccalaureat - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 12 is required. | Brevet de Technicien (BT) - is considered comparable to BTEC National Diploma / Certificate / Award standard
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife / Abitur pass.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife / Abitur - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 2.6 is required. Every subject passed may be considered at least comparable to GCSE grades A*-C; including English, provided it has been taken as a Hauptfach / Leistungskurs, and a mark of 10 / gut has been obtained.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife / Abitur - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 2.6 is required. Every subject passed may be considered at least comparable to GCSE grades A*-C; including English, provided it has been taken as a Hauptfach / Leistungskurs, and a mark of 10 / gut has been obtained.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Apolytirio of Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Apolytirio of Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) - is considered comparable to AS level; we will accept the Apolytirio on several of our programmes with a minimum overall grade between 16 - 18. For programmes requiring specific subjects, additional level 3 qualifications will be required.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Apolytirio of Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) - is considered comparable to AS level; we will accept the Apolytirio on several of our programmes with a minimum overall grade between 16 - 18. For programmes requiring specific subjects, additional level 3 qualifications will be required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Erettsegi Bizonyitvany (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate).
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Erettsegi Bizonyitvany (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) - also known as Matura - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum pass in 5 subjects to include 3,3,3 to include two Advanced subjects.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Erettsegi Bizonyitvany (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) - also known as Matura - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum pass in 5 subjects to include 3,3,3 to include two Advanced subjects.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Esame di Stato.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Esame di Stato - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum score of 70% is required.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Esame di Stato - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum score of 70% is required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Attestation of General Secondary Education).
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Attestation of General Secondary Education) - is considered comparable to AS level. We will accept this qualification for several of our programmes with a minimum average of grade 7 (C) in at least 12 subjects. For programmes requiring a specific subject, additional level 3 qualifications will be required.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Attestation of General Secondary Education) - is considered comparable to AS level. We will accept this qualification for several of our programmes with a minimum average of grade 7 (C) in at least 12 subjects. For programmes requiring a specific subject, additional level 3 qualifications will be required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Brandos Atestatas (Certificate of Maturity) (from a Gymnasium or Secondary School).
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Brandos Atestatas (Certificate of Maturity) (from a Gymnasium or Secondary School) - is considered comparable to AS level. We will accept this qualification for several of our programmes with a minimum grade 7.5 to include minimum 65% in 3 state exams. For programmes requiring a specific subject, additional level 3 qualifications will be required.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Brandos Atestatas (Certificate of Maturity) (from a Gymnasium or Secondary School) - is considered comparable to AS level. We will accept this qualification for several of our programmes with a minimum grade 7.5 to include minimum 65% in 3 state exams. For programmes requiring a specific subject, additional level 3 qualifications will be required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Matriculation Certificate Examination.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Advanced Matriculation - is considered comparable to A level.  Minimum grades DD at Advanced level required.
    Matriculation Certificate Examination (from the University of Malta) - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grades DD at Advanced level required. 
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Advanced Matriculation - is considered comparable to A level.  Minimum grades DD at Advanced level required. Matriculation Certificate Examination (from the University of Malta) - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grades DD at Advanced level required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (Certificate of Maturity) / Matura
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (Certificate of Maturity) / Matura is considered comparable to A level. Minimum score of 65% required, to include at least two Advanced subjects at 55%.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (Certificate of Maturity) / Matura is considered comparable to A level. Minimum score of 65% required, to include at least two Advanced subjects at 55%.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundarios - pass.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundarios - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 14 is required.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundarios - is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 14 is required.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Diploma de Bacalaureat
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Diploma de Bacalaureat is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 7 is required. | Diploma de Bacalaureat (Technological/Vocational Profile) is considered comparable to BTEC National Diploma standard.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Diploma de Bacalaureat is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 7 is required. | Diploma de Bacalaureat (Technological/Vocational Profile) is considered comparable to BTEC National Diploma standard.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Titulo de Bachillerato
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Titulo de Bachillerato is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 6.2 is required. | Tecnico Especialista (Formacion Profesional - segundo grado) is considered comparable to BTEC National Diploma / Certificate / Award standard.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Titulo de Bachillerato is considered comparable to A level. Minimum grade 6.2 is required. | Tecnico Especialista (Formacion Profesional - segundo grado) is considered comparable to BTEC National Diploma / Certificate / Award standard.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate - Successful completion of the Devlet Lise Diplomasi. For Health science-related courses, students must achieve a minimum grade C in Maths / Science.
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Successful completion of the Devlet Lise Diplomasi. For Health science-related courses, students must achieve a minimum grade C in Maths / Science.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Students with a GPA of 4+ in their Devlet Lise Diplomasi may be considered for Undergraduate entry to some courses (contact the University for more information) OR a recognised Foundation Programme from a UK University OR A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate OR Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution in Turkey.
  • Postgraduate: Lisans Diplomasi with a GPA of 2.5+ (some courses may accept a lower GPA from certain universities). Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution in the UK or Turkey. Mature students with work experience and a relevant undergraduate qualification.

North and South America

  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: The equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: A recognised Foundation qualification will be considered for direct entry to Bachelor degree courses.
  • Postgraduate: Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in Brazil | Or Bacharel or Licenciado will be considered for Masters degree courses.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Canadian High School or Secondary School Diplomas with an overall score of less than 60% in 5 subjects at grade 12.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Canadian High School or Secondary School Diplomas with an overall score of 60% or above in 5 subjects at grade 12. | Holders of the Diplome d'Etudes Collegiales (from Quebec) or the Attestation d'Etudes Collegiales with an overall score of 60% or above should be considered for entry onto first degree programmes.
  • Postgraduate: 65% or above / C or above average in Bachelors degree from recognised institution in Canada.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Licencia de Enseñanza Media (Academica o Tecnica) OR the equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Licencia de Enseñanza Media (Academica o Tecnica) plus a recognised foundation programme. | OR a recognised Foundation Programme.
  • Postgraduate: Grado de Licenciado/Professional title awarded after a minimum of four years of study.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: A Secondary School Diploma (lower or upper) OR Bachillerato with a good pass mark OR the equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: A Secondary School Diploma (lower or upper), Bachillerato with a good pass mark, the equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Postgraduate: A Bachelor's degree (Licenciatura or Titulo Profesional) awarded after a minimum of four years of study.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: Certificate of Preparatoria or Bachillerato OR the equivalent of 5 GCSEs (Grade C and above) to include Maths and English.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: Bachillerato General with a pass mark of 8+, OR International Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum of 24 points, OR A-levels obtained in Mexico/elsewhere, OR a recognised Foundation Programme.
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree (Licenciado/Titulo Profesional) from a recognised institution in Mexico. Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in the UK.
  • Below Degree Level: International Foundation Certificate
  • Undergraduate – Year 0 / 4 year degree: High School Graduation Diploma with a grade C and no AP, AO class, Honors or community college credit to support specific A Level Requirement.
  • Undergraduate Year 1 entry - 3 yr degree: High School Diploma at B grade /3.0 CGPA / 80% average.  For courses with specific A level subject requirement - will also need: - IB Certificate/ AP Exam score of 3+ /AP Class (Grade 11 or 12)  3.5/85%+ /Honors Class (Grade 11 or 12)  3.5/85%+ OR Community College Credit – C+ OR   High School Diploma C/2.4/70%+ AND one of the following:- SAT (1050+) /ACT 20+ / AP Exam grade 3+ / 2 x Honors level or AP level class (Grade 11 or 12) with a minimum of B+ / Community College/Dual Enrolment – C+
  • Postgraduate: Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution in USA with minimum GPA 2.8 or above. Students with a good GPA and relevant work experience over 1 year.